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What is the Reverify Console?

The Reverify Console allows I-9 Specialists to search for and access I-9s associated with Supplement B activities, including those initiated, completed, or terminated for Reverification, Name Change, and related correction processes.

Who has access to the Reverify Console?

Users with the I-9 Specialist role has access to the Reverify Console.

How do you access the Reverify Console?

The Reverify Console can be accessed in two ways.

Click the menu icon in the top left corner of the page, then select "Reverify Console" from the Consoles section in the navigation menu.

Alternatively, you can access it through the "Reverify Console" link in the Quick Links bar located below the homepage image.

Quick Links

What makes up the Reverify Console page?

The Reverify Console page features the Search Filter, Quick Filter, an "Export to Excel" button, and the search results displaying Form I-9 details. The "Export to Excel" button will only be visible if the logged-in user's role (I-9 Specialist) is configured for data export.

 Reverify Console without "Export to Excel"

Reverify Console with "Export to Excel"

Search Filter 

When there are many I-9 IDs in the system, it is efficient to use search filter options to quickly find a specific I-9 ID or set of transactions for a specific criteria. Next to the field, you can change the search option to specify how you want your text to be perceived.

I-9 ID
  • Filter by I-9 ID
  • Selecting "equal to" will search for the I-9 ID that is exactly what you type in

  • Selecting "between" will generate another search box and search for values middle of the two I-9 IDs that you enter
  • Selecting "greater than" will search for I-9 IDs that are greater than what you enter
  • Selecting "greater than or equal to" will search for I-9 IDs that are greater than or equal to what you enter
  • Selecting "less than" will search for I-9 IDs that are less than what you enter
  • Selecting "less than or equal to" will search for I-9 IDs that are less than or equal to what you enter
  • Filter by name
  • Selecting "begins with" will search for the beginning of names for the letter(s) that you enter
  • Selecting "contains" will search for names that include the letter(s) you enter anywhere within them.
    Selecting "equal to" will search for names that match exactly what you type in.

Filing Action
  • Filter by the Supplement B process: Name Change or Reverification
Completed Date
  • Filter by process completed date 
Initiated by
  • Filter by the user who initiated the Supplement B process (Employee/Admin)
Supplement B Correction
  • Filter by Supplement B Correction 'Yes' or 'No'

In this example, the search results are filtered by the completed date.

Quick Filter

Quick Filter is another way to quickly find I-9 information for a specific search criteria. 

Export to Excel 

If the logged-in user’s role (I-9 Specialist) is configured with export functionality, the "Export to Excel" button will appear below the search fields. Clicking this button enables the user to download the search results as an Excel file to their local computer.

Note: The "Export to Excel" button is specifically intended for downloading search results generated using the search fields. Filtering with the Quick Filter feature will not limit the results in the export.

If no results are found for the search criteria, the "Export to Excel" button will not appear in the console. 
The downloaded Excel file looks like below. The search filters applied is also displayed on the top row of the file.

If multiple filters are applied in the search, a sample downloaded file is given below:

Search Results 

The I-9 details will be displayed in the search results based on the search criteria selected in the Search Filter or Quick Filter. The data shown will also depend on the user's security settings, ensuring that users can only view data they are authorized to access. For instance, if a user's access is configured to view only data for a "Research" Company, they will only see I-9 data associated with that specific company in the console.

I-9 ID
  • New Hire's distinctive ID #
  • Sortable in ascending or descending order of I-9 IDs
  • Clicking on this will pull up the New Hire's I-9 information
  • New Hire's name
Filing Action
  • Name Change/Reverification
Created on
  • The date the process is created
Initiated by
  • The user who initiated the Reverification process (Admin/Employee)
WAE Date
  • The New Hire's Work Authorization Expiry date
Completed Date 
  • Reverification process completed date 
View Process
  • Clicking on this will pull up process details

Clicking on the I-9 ID link will display the I-9 information of that particular transaction in read only mode. 

If you want to process Reverification/Name Change for any of the transaction, click on the "View Process" link for the specific transaction and open the activity via the process viewer page.

For process terminated transactions, you will notice the supplement B activity disabled as shown below:

Navigating through search results 

The search results are displayed in pages with each page containing 10 rows by default. The rows displaying per page can be altered by selecting a different value in the "Rows per page" drop-down.

To navigate through the search result pages, you can:

  • Use the "Previous" and "Next" buttons.
  • Click on the page number tab or select a page from the drop-down menu and click the "Go" button

This feature makes it easy to navigate to any page in the search results and review Reverification or Name Change information for any New Hire.

In the example below, navigation to page "5" of the search results is achieved by clicking on the "5" tab. To view I-9 and process details, click on the corresponding links. These links will open the relevant details in a new window, while your search page remains open in the previous window.

How to identify transactions pending for Reverification or name correction?

Transactions with pending Reverification can be identified by their Filing Action, WAE Date and Completed Date. Transactions marked with a Filing Action as "Reverification", a populated WAE Date and an empty Completed Date indicate that a Reverification process has been initiated for the transaction but remains incomplete.

Likewise, pending Name Change processes can be identified by the Filing Action marked as "Name Correction" and an absence of a Completed Date.

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