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What is Manage Users/Contacts?

Manage Users/Contacts is a user console where a System Administrator can invite and maintain users for their organization.  Users are the members of the organization who maintain the system and interact with New Hires. From Manage Users/Contacts page, System Administrators can do a variety of things like add new users, modify existing users' accounts or reset passwords.

Who can access the Manage Users/Contacts page?

Users with System Administrator role are authorized to access the Manage Users/Contacts page. 

How do you access the Manage Users/Contacts page?

There are two ways to access the Manage Users/Contacts page.

Click on the menu icon and select "Manage Users/Contacts" from the Users/Contacts section in the left navigation menu, or click on "Manage Users/Contacts" in the Quick Links bar.

What are the contents of the Manage User/Contacts page?

The Manage Users/Contacts page includes a Quick Filter for searching specific users and a list of all users in the organization. The actions available for each user depend on their invitation status.

Manage Users/Contacts Page

The tables below explain each of the functions available on the Manage Users/Contacts page.  

Quick Filter
  • Enter a search string to filter the users on the page
  • Users which have the search string value in any field are shown
Add New User/Contact
  • Click on this button to access 'Invite/Edit User' page to invite a new user
User/Contacts details
  • Lists out all the users available in the organization
Navigating through the User/Contact list
  • Available at the bottom of the page
  • One of the following options can be used for page navigation:
    • click on the specific page number
    • use the "Select a page" dropdown and click "Go"
    • use the "Previous" and "Next" buttons.

Quick Filter

Quick Filter is a way to quickly find a specific user or to get a list of users matching specific criteria. 

Entering the user name or contact ID will present the corresponding user details with that name.

Entering a user role will present all users/contacts with that specific role.

Add New User/Contact

Use this button to invite a new user. Clicking it will open the "Invite/Edit User" page, where you can enter the user's details. After entering the information, you can either send the invitation immediately or save the details to send the invitation later.

For more details on adding a new user/contact, please click here.

Invite/Edit User page:

User details

The users are listed in grids with the following information.




  • Clicking the link takes you to the Invite/Edit User page, where you can modify the details of the specific user
Contact ID
  • Unique ID generated for each user


  • Role or Roles the user has been assigned for each product

Email Address

  • User's email address
System User
  • If checked, the user can perform business activities in the system
  • If unchecked, the user is just a contact with no access to the system

Onboarding Status

  • Invitation Created - the user's invitation has been created, but not launched
  • Invitation Launched - the user's invitation has been launched (email sent to the user) but the user has not completed their onboarding
  • Invitation In Progress - The user has completed few activities but not finished their onboarding
  • Invitation Completed - the user has completed their onboarding
Account Locked
  • Checked means the user account has been locked and the user cannot login
  • Unchecked means the account is not locked
User ID
  • User ID created by the user during self registration


Different actions are available based on the user's invitation status. For more details on these actions, please click here.

Invitation Status
  • Actions available

Invitation Created

  • Invite - Launch the user's invitation
  • Assign New Role - Add, change, or remove a role for the user

Invitation Launched

  • Resend Registration - Resend invitation to the user
    • The Re-launched email is sent if the user has not completed their self registration. After re-launch the link from the previous invitation email is no longer valid.
    • The Resend email is sent if the user has completed their self registration.
  • Reset e-PIN - Sends a reset e-PIN email to the user. The user can follow the instructions in the email to set a new e-PIN. (This option shows up in actions only if e-PIN is enabled in Authentication Preferences.)
  • Assign New Role - Add, change, or remove a role for the user

Invitation In Progress
  • Reset Password - Sends a reset Password email to the user. The user can follow the instructions in the email to set a new password.
  • Reset e-PIN - Sends a reset e-PIN email to the user. The user can follow the instructions in the email to set a new e-PIN. (This option shows up in actions only if e-PIN is enabled in Authentication Preferences.)
  • Account Lock/Unlock - Locks or Unlocks the user's account. The user cannot log in if their account is locked.
  • Assign New Role - Add, change, or remove a role for the user

Invitation Completed

  • Reset Password - Sends a reset Password email to the user. The user can follow the instructions in the email to set a new password.
  • Reset e-PIN - Sends a reset e-PIN email to the user. The user can follow the instructions in the email to set a new e-PIN. (This option shows up in actions only if e-PIN is enabled in Authentication Preferences.)
  • Account Lock/Unlock - Locks or Unlocks the user's account. The user cannot log in if their account is locked.
  • Assign New Role - Add, change, or remove a role for the user

Navigating through users/contacts list 

The list of users/contacts in Manage Users/Contacts are displayed in pages with each page containing 10 rows by default. The rows displaying per page can be altered by selecting a different value in the "Rows per page" drop-down.

Rows per page drop-down

To navigate through the pages, you can 

  • use "Previous" and "Next" buttons
  • click on the page number (if visible) or select the page in the drop-down and click the "Go" button

  • No labels