What processing is done in E-Verify?
There are many different paths which might result when a New Hire's I-9 information is interfaced with the USCIS E-Verify system. Please refer to the Smart E-Verify User's Guide for a complete description of the various paths. In this document, three examples are shown:
- A New Hire whose information is valid on the initial submission, and who is eligible for employment.
- A New Hire whose Social Security information is not valid on the initial submission, resulting in a TNC and referral to the Social Security Administration for resolution of the problem.
- A New Hire whose employee's information matches I-9 information that is already in the system resulting in duplicate case.
New Hire with Employment Authorized
In this example, the New Hire's information is found to be valid when it is reviewed by the SSA and DHS, and the New Hire's employment is authorized.
After accessing through My Tasks, the New Hire's I-9 information is displayed on the E-Verify page.
Enter case creator's details and click the Create Case button.
E-Verify page |
The process interacts with the USCIS E-Verify system, and in this example, returns a status of Employment Authorized.
The employee case is closed automatically by DHS.
Employee Authorized |
New Hire with Tentative Nonconfirmation
In this example, the New Hire's information provided on Form I-9 doesn't match the records that SSA and DHS have for that New Hire.
After accessing through My Tasks, the New Hire's I-9 information is displayed on the E-Verify page.
Enter case creator's details and click the Create Case button.
E-Verify page |
Since the E-Verify found a discrepency in the New Hire's I-9 data, you may encounter Unconfirmed Data page before case submission. This gives the employer a chance to correct the I-9 information, if it was entered incorrect initially. Review the information and ensure the case details are correct.
Unconfirmed Data - Confirm New Hire's I-9 data |
If the data is correct, click Confirm Fields to continue verification.
Click Confirm Fields to continue verification |
If data is incorrect, edit the case details using Restart options.
Click Restart Section1/Section2 to edit the case details |
Select a restart activity and click Submit.
Restart Activities |
In this example, we do not change the information and continue verification by clicking Confirm Fields.
The USCIS E-Verify system returns a Tentative Nonconfirmation Notice (TNC), indicating that the New Hire's information was not valid. If it is a dual TNC, the New Hire's case is referred to both SSA and DHS simultaneously.
Click Download Further Action Notice. The notice is to be printed and reviewed with the New Hire. This is mandatory and you cannot continue verification until the notice is downloaded.
Tentative Nonconfirmation |
The Further Action Notice for the New Hire is shown in a new window. This is a consolidated notice referring to both SSA and DHS Nonconfirmation.
TNC Notice |
After discussing the TNC with the New Hire, choose an option how the New Hire wants to proceed further with the E-Verify case.
If the New Hire decides not to take action on this case, the New Hire may lose his/her authorization to work in the United States.
1. New Hire takes action to resolve E-Verify case
In this example, the New Hire decides to take action to resolve the case. Choose first option and click Continue.
New Hire's decision on TNC |
Click Refer Case to contest TNC.
Refer Case |
Download and provide the case referral notice to the New Hire. The New Hire will be given 8 working days to visit / contact SSA and DHS on this case.
Download Referral |
The New Hire's Referral Notice is displayed in a new window.
Referral Notice |
After the visit to SSA field office and contacting DHS, the New Hire's case status is updated in the USCIS E-Verify system. When updated, this status update is brought back into our system by the Case Polling Process.
In this example, the New Hire's information is found to be invalid and the case status is updated to DHS Final Nonconfirmation. After the Case Polling Process has run, this is reflected in our system.
DHS Final Nonconfirmation |
In this example, the employee is no longer employed. Check No, then click Next.
Employee not currently employed |
Since the employee was terminated due to the Final Confirmation result, check the corresponding radio button.
Click Submit Close Case Reason.
The case is closed. Click the flag icon to mark the E-Verify activity as complete.
Case closed |
2. New Hire doesn't take action to resolve the case
If the New Hire chooses not to take action on resolving this case, the New Hire may lose his/her authorization to work in the United States and will be terminated by the employer.
Below example shows New Hire's TNC returned by the USCIS E-Verify system, indicating that the New Hire's information was not valid. If it is a dual TNC, the New Hire's case is referred to both SSA and DHS simultaneously.
Click Download Further Action Notice.
Tentative Nonconfirmation |
The Further Action Notice for the New Hire is shown in a new window. This is a consolidated notice referring to both SSA and DHS Nonconfirmation.
The notice is to be printed and reviewed with the New Hire.
TNC Notice |
After discussing the TNC with the New Hire, choose an option how the New Hire wants to proceed further with the E-Verify case.
If the New Hire chooses not to take action, choose the corresponding option on the TNC page and click Continue.
New Hire's decision on TNC |
The New Hire will receive DHS Final Nonconfirmation and the employer will be asked to close the New Hire's case. Click Close Case.
Close New Hire's case |
Select an appropriate option and click Submit Case Close Reason.
Submit Case Close Reason |
The case is closed. Click the flag icon to mark the E-Verify activity as complete.
Finalize E-Verify activity |
3. New Hire's information was not entered correct
If the New Hire's information was not entered correct, the employer may choose to close the case.
Below example shows New Hire's TNC returned by the USCIS E-Verify system, indicating that the New Hire's information was not valid. If it is a dual TNC, the New Hire's case is referred to both SSA and DHS simultaneously.
Click Download Further Action Notice.
Tentative Nonconfirmation |
The Further Action Notice for the New Hire is shown in a new window. This is a consolidated notice referring to both SSA and DHS Nonconfirmation.
The notice is to be printed and reviewed with the New Hire.
TNC Further Action Notice |
The employer may choose to close the case if the New Hire's information is found to be invalid.
Employer choose to close the case |
Select the option and click Submit Case Close Reason.
Submit Case Close Reason |
The case is closed. Click the flag icon to mark the E-Verify activity as complete.
Finalize E-Verify activity |
Duplicate New Hire Case
Duplicate cases are identified well before the case submission i.e before assigning a case number. The employer would get a choice to decide whether to continue verification and create a new case for the New Hire or change the case information. This would mainly reduce the number of duplicate cases hitting the USCIS E-Verify System.
After accessing through My Tasks, the New Hire's I-9 information is displayed on the E-Verify page.
Enter case creator's details and click the Create Case button.
Create case |
if the New Hire's I-9 information matches information from another case entered by the employer, the process will return a duplicate case status.
As you can see in the example below, the E-Verify case number is empty. That means the case is not submitted to the USCIS E-Verify System.
Employee Duplicate Case |
Choose a case submit reason and continue verification.
Choose a reason and click 'Submit'. |
Confirm fields if you want to continue verification or choose Restart Section 1/Section 2 option to edit case details.
The verification process might take you to different paths depending on the New Hire's case details
How can you download the New Hire's I-9 documents?
The New Hire's I-9 related documents can be downloaded to print or preserve the records. This produces a zip file containing the pdfs of Form I-9 and I-9 Audit.
This can be done using Download Packet from within the I-9 summary through I-9 Console.
You can access I-9 Console through quick links bar or through left nav menu links.
I-9 Specialist Home page |
On the I-9 console page, click on I-9 ID for a selected process.
I-9 Console |
Click I-9 Summary.
Click on the Download Packet button on the I-9 Summary page.
I-9 Summary Page |
A zip folder shows in the downloads area of the page. Click on the zip file name.