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This section contains information about the documents that the New Hire presented to support his eligibility for employment. All the information is blank when you first go to this activity. The employer must enter information for one document from List A OR one document from List B AND one document from List C.

What are the acceptable documents for Form I-9?

The New Hires may provide a document from List A which establishes both identity and employment eligibility or a document from List B (establishing identity) and a document from List C (establishing employment eligibility). They must present their employment eligibility document(s) to the employer within three business days of the date employment begins. In case, if they are unable to present the required documents within three business days, they must present the receipt for the application of the document and produce the actual document within 90 days. 

List A 

List A

  • U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card
  • Alien Registration Receipt Card (Form I-551)
  • Foreign Passport with Temporary I-551 MRIV
  • Foreign Passport with Temporary I-551 Stamp
  • Permanent Resident Card (Form I-551)
  • Employment Authorization Document that Contains a Photograph (EAD) (Form I-766)
  • FSM Passport with Form I-94
  • Foreign Passport with Form I-94 and an Endorsement of the Alien’s Nonimmigrant Status
  • RMI Passport with Form I-94

Note: Based on the New Hire's Eligibility type the documents shown in List A dropdown vary.

List B

List B

For individuals with 18 years of age or older -

  • Driver’s License issued by a State or Territory
  • Government ID
  • Voter’s Registration Card
  • U.S. Military Card or Draft Record
  • Military Dependent’s ID Card
  • ID Card issued by Federal, State, or Local Government Agencies or Entities
  • Native American Tribal Document
  • School ID Card with a Photograph
  • U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Card
  • Canadian Driver’s License

For individuals under age 18 -

  • School Record or Report

  • Clinic, Doctor, or Hospital Record

  • Day-Care or Nursery School Record

List C

List C

  • Employment Authorization Document issued by DHS
  • Native American Tribal Document
  • A Social Security Card (Unrestricted)
  • U.S. Birth Certificate
  • Consular Report of Birth Abroad ( Form FS-240)
  • Certification of Birth Abroad issued by the U.S.Department of State (Form FS-545)
  • Certification of Report of Birth issued by the U.S.Department of State (Form DS-1350)
  • U.S. Citizen Identification Card (Form I-197)
  • Identification Card for Use of Resident Citizen in the United States (Form I-179)

How do you complete Section 2 of Form I-9?

There are many different possible paths through I-9 processing.  Please refer to the Smart E-Verify User's Guide for a complete discussion of Smart E-Verify.  

Let's take three common use cases as example.

  • US Citizen, List A document (U.S. Passport / U.S. Passport Card)
  • Lawful Permanent Resident, List A document (Foreign Passport with temporary I-551 stamp or MRIV)
  • Alien authorized to work, List B and C documents 

Case 1: US Citizen, List A document 

"A citizen of the United States" option is chosen in Section 1.

In Complete I-9 (Section 2) the New Hire's I-9 Section 1 information is presented as read only as shown below. Section 2 information is initially blank or N/A.

I-9 Initial Information

Select the document title by clicking on the dropdown list under List A.

LIst A document options

The following are the fields that can be entered for List A or List B & C documents.  Note that different information is shown and required for different eligibility types.  This example is for US citizen.



Document TitleDocument / Receipt presented by the New Hire as proof of identity and work authorization
Document Number

The content and format change depending on the specific type of document

Document Expiration Date
  • Document / Receipt validity date 
  • Check No Expiration Date if document never expires
Issuing Authority

Entity that issued the document

Additional Information

Information that cannot be entered in dropdown lists provided can be added here

Below is an example after List A type data has been entered.

List A document information entered

Case 2: Lawful Permanent Resident, List A document

"A lawful permanent Resident" option is chosen in Section 1.

In Complete I-9 (Section 2) the New Hire's I-9 Section 1 information is presented as read only as shown below. Section 2 information is initially blank or N/A.

I-9 initial information

Select the document tiltle by clicking on the dropdown list under List A.

List A document options

In this case, "Foreign Passport with Temp I-551 Stamp" is selected as the document under List A. Enter Issuing Authority, Document Number, and Expiration Date (optional).

List A1

The second row opens up in List A to capture "Temporary I-551 stamp" details. Since temporary I-551 stamp is an endorsement on the passport done at the port of entry upon arrival into the US, the document number is not applicable to the stamp. Hence the document number in the List A2 is defaulted to N/A. For temporary I-551 stamp, enter issuing authority and expiration date (optional).

Given below is another example for LPR status, List A document. When Foreign Passport with Temporary I-551 MRIV document is entered in List A. the second row opens under the List to enter I-551 MRIV details. For I-551 MRIV, the issuing authority is defaulted to "U.S. Department of State" and the other fields "Document Number" and "Expiration Date" are optional displayed in add mode. 

Case 3: Alien authorized to work, List B and C documents

The New Hire's I-9 Section 1 information is presented.  Section 2 information is initially blank or N/A.

Note that different information is shown and required for different eligibility types and document choices.

The different document choices for List B type is shown below.

List B documents

List C type document choices are shown below.

List C documents

Below is an example of Section 2 page after entering List B & List C data.

I-9 Initial Information

How do you complete Section 2 for minors and special placement individuals?

Completing Form I-9 Section 2 for minors (under age 18) and individuals with special placements (disability) is slightly different when they are unable to provide identity document for Form I-9..

Like others, minors and disabled individuals can present any of the document(s) from the list of acceptable documents that show their identity and employment authorization. They can present document from List A or from List B and List C based on the availability. If they are unable to present any of the above acceptable identity documents for Form I-9, then fill out the form choosing "Special Placement" / "Individual under Age 18" document titles that are specifically provided under List B. These options are available under List B only when the legal entity is not part of the E-Verify System. In this case, they must still present one of the documents from List C that establish their employment authorization. 

Below example shows the difference in List B document titles displayed for minors when the legal entity is enrolled in E-Verify and not enrolled in E-Verify.

Legal Entity enrolled in E-Verify - "Individual under Age 18" document title doesn't show in List BLegal Entity not enrolled in E-Verify - "Individual under Age 18" document title shows in List B

Below example shows the difference in List B document titles displayed for Special Placement individuals when the legal entity is enrolled in E-Verify and not enrolled in E-Verify.

Legal Entity enrolled in E-Verify - "Special Placement" document title doesn't show in List BLegal Entity not enrolled in E-Verify - "Special Placement" document title shows in List B

How do you attach copies of the New Hire's documents in Section 2?

If you like, you can upload and attach copies of the document(s) that the New Hire presented. This can be done at any point in the process - by the candidate during Enter I-9, by the I-9 Specialist during Complete I-9, or by the E-Verify Specialist during E-Verify.

Click the Attachments icon.

Attach Icon

Click the Upload button.


Click the Choose File button.

Choose File

Click on the file name, then click Open.

Attach Icon

Click Upload.


Select the Attachment Category from the drop-down list.

Select Attachment Category

Click OK.


How do you attest to the New Hire's information and save in Complete I-9?

After all data has been entered and verified, the I-9 Specialist must attest that it is correct, and save the information.

Edit date if you want to change employee's first day of employment. Click Save.

Save Section 2 Information

When you are ready to sign the document, check I Agree. Electronically Sign button replaces the Save button. Click Electronically Sign.

Electronically Sign

How do you assign Complete I-9 Section 2 to Remote user?

When New Hires submit the documents to prove their eligibility for employment, I-9 specialists review these documents and record the data in Section 2 Form. Instead of completing Section 2 themselves, the task can be assigned to a special remote user.

Click Assign Remote I-9 at the bottom of the Complete I-9 page.

For more information on Remote I-9 flow, you can visit Remote User page.

How to rollback to previous I-9 state from Section 2?

With the help of restart action, the process can be rolled back to previous I-9 Section 1 state in edit mode. The I-9 Admins can initiate this process by clicking the Restart Section 1 button given at the bottom of I-9 Section 2 form. 

Restart Section 1

Can you edit document information after completing Section 2?

It is possible to edit Section 2 document information until DHS case number is generated in E-Verify.

Let's consider a flow with Section 2 activity completed and DHS case creation pending. Click on Complete I-9 link in the left nav to access the completed Section 2 activity.


Scroll down the page to the attestation part.

Click Edit.

Edit Section 2

Section 2 opens in edit mode.

Section 2 in edit mode

Click Cancel Edit to cancel editing Section 2 data.

Cancel edit

The page again changes back to the read only mode.

You can edit Section 2 data until DHS case number is generated.

DHS Case Number

The Edit buttion is disabled in Section 2 activity after DHS case number is generated.

Edit is disabled in Section 2 after DHS case number is generated

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