Initiate I-9 Reverify option is available to I-9 Specialists if the process associated with the I-9 ID chosen is in completed status and if the documents entered in I-9 Section 2 are going to expire in the next 90 days or already expired.
Note: It is very important to note that this process can be initiated if all the processes associated with the I-9 are all in Process Completed status.
Who can initiate I-9 Reverify process through I-9 Console?
Only I-9 Specialists can initiate I-9 Reverify process through I-9 Console.
How do you access 'Initiate I-9 Reverify'?
The 'Initiate I-9 Reverify' can be accessed through I-9 Console as given below.
Navigate to I-9 Console via Quick links or through Menu link available in the left navigation.
Access I-9 Console |
Search I-9 Console for the Work Authorization End Date to identify the transactions that are about to expire or already expired. Click Info and Actions for the chosen I-9 ID.
Remember, the option to initiate I-9 Reverify will be available only if all the I-9 processes associated with the I-9 are in the completed state.
I-9 Console |
Navigate to Actions tab and click Initiate I-9 Reverify.
Initiate I-9 Reverify |
Click Yes to confirm 'Initiate I-9 Reverify' action.
When the process is initiated, you can see the above transaction the Reverify Console.
Reverify Console |
The Reverification Section (I-9 Section 3) opens for the I-9 Specialist to enter the data. Enter new document details and sign Section 3.
I-9 Section 3 |