An HR Specialist's HR Activities are broken into Verify Information, Complete Job Data, and Send Candidate Data to HR.
How do you complete the Verify Information activity?
Review the New Hire's information. If it is not correct, you will need to restart an earlier activity for the New Hire, or restart the New Hire's process. Refer to the Invitation Console section for how to do this.
If it is correct, check the acknowledgement checkbox and click on "Electronic Acknowledgement" button.
Verify Information Activity |
How do you complete the Complete Job Data activity?
Fill out the criteria by clicking on the field look ups. Enter the required fields.
Click Save. If you want to skip sending employee data to HRMS, then select "Skip System Update" option. The details entered in CJD activity is editable until the completion of Send Candidate Data to HR activity.
Complete Job Details |
How to create and use a CJD template?
Creating a CJD template is an optional step that will allow you to create similar CJD forms without having to enter all of the details again. After you have entered details in a CJD form, you can save those details as a template to be used at a later time. Using the gadgets provided at the right bottom corner of the page, you can either save a CJD form as a template or copy an existing template into a new form.
To create a template:
Enter all the fields and click on the upload template gadget as shown below.
Enter the template fields and click OK.
Field (All are required * ) | Behavior |
Template Type | Shared Template: Others can copy this template to their CJD forms Private Template: Only the current user can use this template |
Template Name | Give a name that makes sense to you and your organization |
Description | Give any description that helps you understand what this template does |
OK | This will save the template and take you back to the CJD page |
Cancel | Takes you back to the CJD page without saving the template |
While in a CJD form select the "Load a Transaction from an existing Template" icon in the bottom right corner of the page. Once the activity is completed, you cannot load template on the page.
Choose the template you want to copy and click OK.
Field | behavior |
Created By |
Template Name |
Template Type |
Search |
OK |
Cancel |
Note: If you have entered data already, it will not be overridden by the template values.
What details are included in HR Summary?
The HR Summary includes both employee and employer filled data. Before sending the candidate's data to HRMS, the HR Specialist reviews the information to make sure it is correct.
Employee Details |
Payroll and Tax |
Employment Profile |
How do you complete the Send Candidate Data to HR activity?
After reviewing the information, click the required box on at the bottom of the page.
Click Save & Send Candidate to HRMS.
Send Candidate Data to HR Activity |
How can you review or save the signed forms?
Click Download Signed Forms.
Note: This can be done in Invitation Console as well.
It will download as a .zip file. Open it and now you are able to review or save the signed forms.