Handlebars | Usage | Handlebar Tag Attributes |
button2 | Displays a button on the PS page | wrapper-class, parent , uid, psid, sm-pesudo-child-ref, width, submit-on-enter, notLevel0, class,sm-is-save-btn |
buttonAsLink2 | Displays a button and displays the button as link on the page | wrapper-class, parent , uid, psid, sm-pesudo-child-ref, notLevel0, class |
buttonWithIcon2 | Displays a button and displays a button as any custom icon | wrapper-class, parent , uid, psid, sm-pesudo-child-ref, width, submit-on-enter, notLevel0, class, sm-is-save-btn, icon |
buttonWithPSImage2 | Displays a button and display a button with same image present on the page | wrapper-class, parent , uid, psid, notLevel0 |
checkbox2 | Displays a checkbox without a label | wrapper-class, parent , uid, psid, notLevel0, onValue, offValue, eventExists |
checkboxWithLabel2 | Displays a checkbox with label | wrapper-class, parent , uid, psid,notLevel0, onValue, offValue, eventExists, labelClass |
date2 | Displays a date field without a label | parent , uid, psid, notLevel0, eventExists, |
dateWithLabel2 | Displays a date field with label | wrapper-class, parent , uid, psid, notLevel0, eventExists, lblCol, inptCol , |
dropdown2 | Displays a drop down field without a label | wrapper-class, parent ,uid, psid,notLevel0, eventExists, |
dropdownWithLabel2 | Displays a drop down field with label | wrapper-class, parent , uid, psid,notLevel0, eventExists, lblCol,inptCol |
editbox2 | Displays an edit box field without a label | wrapper-class, parent , uid, psid,notLevel0, eventExists, type, class |
editboxWithLabel2 | Displays an edit box with label | wrapper-class, parent , uid, psid,notLevel0, eventExists, lblCol,inptCol, type |
gridAddBtn | Displays a row add button on a grid | scroll_psid, parent |
gridDeleteBtn | Displays a row delete button on a grid | scroll_psid, parent |
gridTabs | Displays grid tabs if present | scroll_uid, scroll_psid, wrapper-class |
label2 | Displays a label without any input field | lblCol, uid, psid, notLevel0, parent, class |
link2 | Displays a hyperlink | wrapper-class, uid,psid, class,parent, notLevel0, target |
linkAsButton2 | Displays a hyperlink as a button | uid, psid, parent, notLevel0, sm-is-save-btn, onclick |
linkAsButtonWithIcon2 | Displays a hyperlink as button with a custom icon | uid, psid, parent, notLevel0, sm-is-save-btn, onclick, wrapper-class, icon |
longEditbox2 | Displays a long edit box field without a label | uid, psid, parent, notLevel0, wrapper-class, style, eventExists, isRTE, class, RTEType |
longEditboxWithLabel2 | Displays a long edit box field with label | uid, psid, parent, notLevel0, wrapper-class, style, eventExists, isRTE, class, RTEType, sm-format, inptCol, lblCol, rows |
pagetabs | Displays page tabs | By default maps the page field names of the page tabs. |
prompt2 | Displays prompt field with no label | uid, psid, parent, notLevel0, wrapper-class, eventExists, type, sm-format, inptCol |
promptWithLabel2 | Displays prompt field with label. | uid, psid, parent, notLevel0, wrapper-class, eventExists, type, sm-format, inptCol, lblCol |
pssearchtoolbar | Displays Return to Search, Previous in the List, Next in the List buttons on the page | By default uses the page field names of the navigation buttons. |
pstoolbar | Displays all the PeopleSoft delivered toolbar buttons | By default uses the page field names of the buttons. |
radio2 | Displays a radio button field without a label | uid, psid, parent, notLevel0, eventExists |
radioWithLabel2 | Displays a radio button field with a label | uid, psid, parent, notLevel0, eventExists, wrapper-class, labelClass |
scrollHeader | Displays the grid heading and navigation bar properties. | scroll_psid, scroll_uid |
text2 | Displays a text field without a label | uid, psid, parent, notLevel0, wrapper-class |
textAsLabel2 | Displays a text field with a label | uid, psid, parent, notLevel0, wrapper-class, lblCol, class |