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What are Smart Forms?

Smart Forms are used as the basis for many activities within Smart Onboarding.  They are very powerful and flexible, allowing the user to build simple and complex activities.  In addition to being used for onboarding activities, Smart Forms can be used to specify supplemental attribute information.

Onboarding Forms

Using Smart Forms, you can modify the existing activities or add new activities to the onboarding process.  There are many features available within Smart Forms, such as including bind variables within text, the ability to upload documents or attachments, and collaboration with other users.

Supplemental Attribute Data

You can use a Smart Form to add supplemental data for many attributes. Supplemental attribute data can be seen when the associated attribute is prompted, and can be used when specifying criteria for presenting activities to users. For details of how to add, edit, or delete supplemental attribute data, click here.

How do you add a Smart Form?

Click on the Menu icon and then click on "Create Revision" under "Revisions".


Create a content revision or modify a content revision that is in progress.

To create a new content revision, click on "Add a New Value".

Select "Content" as the Type, and enter the Revision Date, Description, and Business Process ID.

Click on "Reserve".

Manage Revision

Click on "Configure".

Manage Revision Page

Click on "Add" for the content type Smart Forms.

Content Revision Page

Define Smart Form Fields

Enter the Smart Form information.  Refer to the chart below for information on the fields.

Define Smart Form Page

Overall Specifications

Form Title
  • Name or title that describes the Form
  • may include alphanumeric and special characters such as single/double quotes, left/right parenthesis brackets, forward/backward slash, left/right square brackets, hyphen, underscore, exclamation, colon/semicolon, left/right flower brackets, full stop, comma, #, $, %, *, ?, @, &, ~, ^ etc.
Lookup Description
  • To find the Smart Form easily, name it accordingly
Output File Name
  • Save the Smart Form to a file
Participation Pool
  • The Role Type that will see the Smart Form

  • Required: the user needs to complete the form before continuing
  • Optional: the user has the option to complete the form. The system will allow the user to proceed with the process and complete Submit to HR even without completing the optional activity.

Allow Bypass

  • By selecting this the user will have the bypass enabled for the form
  • The user must submit the bypass activity and acknowledge the form to continue with the process

Override Save Button Label

  • The label on the button that the user must click in order to save or continue
  • The default label is 'e-sign,' so if you leave this field blank, it will say 'e-sign'
  • Examples of replacement labels:
    • Acknowledge
    • Agree

Enable I Agree

  • By selecting this the user acknowledges the information provided on the form

Allow Save as Draft

  • By selecting this the user is allowed to save the Smart Form as a draft 
  • Visible only when the activity is not complete and doesn't show up when editing a completed activity
  • It doesn't require "I Agree" checkbox to be selected and will not trigger required field validations (if any)
Acknowledge Text

  • This field is displayed when the user selects the check box of 'Enable I Agree' label
Enable Print
  • Yes: the page will contain an icon that will allow the user to print the form
  • No: the user will not be able to print the form
Print Source
  • This field only shows up if you click on 'Yes' for Enable Print
  • Current Form: it will print in the form that the file is originally in
  • PDF Template:
    • selecting this will spawn another field below it
    • Clicking on the lookup will pull up all of the PDF Templates that are in your system
    • Clicking on the icon on the right side will:
      • pull up the 'Revise PDF Template' page if you leave it blank (the box between the lookup and this icon)
      • pull up the 'Define PDF Template Form' page for that particular PDF Template that you selected
    • For more information about PDF Templates, click here

Form Fields and Attachments

Create/View Form Fields
  • Form fields are used to create fields that can be entered by the user
  • Once created, form fields are saved in your database and can be used in different Smart Forms.

Enable Attachments

  • Allows for attachments to be included on the Smart Form
  • Clicking on the lookup will allow you to select an attachment
  • The Description will match the Attachment's description

  • "Add" generates another row that allows you to add another attachment
  • Note: if you have Enable Attachments selected, then the system requires you to attach one for as many attachment rows that you've added
  • If you added extra rows, delete the ones that are not in use
  • For more information about Attachments and how to get them into your system, click here
Enable Upload Documents
  • Allows the user to upload a document when it's in the onboarding process

Text Editor




  • Makes the whole page into the text editor
  • Turns everything into html, allowing you to edit or expand the form's text and formatting possibilities

Cut, Copy, Paste,
Paste from Word

  • Respectively, left to right:
    • Cuts
    • Copies
    • Pastes
    • Pastes from Word

Undo, Redo

  • Respectively, left to right:
    • Undo the action last taken
    • Redo the last Undo's action

Insert Horizontal Line 

Link, Unlink 

Insert Special Character 

  • Inserts a horizontal line

  • Link on a word will allow you to directly refer to a URL (which you can command to pop up, open in another window, the same window, and others through the Target tab), anchor in the text, or an email
  • Unlink any of the previously linked words

  • A 'Select Special Character' box appears like this, so that you can put one in your text:

Paragraph Format

Font Name

Font Size

  • How the font will be formatted, in regards to it as a paragraph or line

  • The different font-types

  • Changes the font size

Bold, Italic,

Strikethrough, Remove Format

  • Respectively, left to right:
    • Bolds the font
    • Italicizes the font
    • Strikes through (a line through the center) the words
    • Removes all of the formatting from this category (only removes bold, italics, strikethrough)

Insert/Remove Numbered List
Insert/Remove Bulleted List

Decrease Indent

Increase Indent

  • Will begin the numbered list/will remove the numbered list
  • Will begin the bulleted list/will remove the bulleted list

  • Will remove the numbered/bulleted list if it is the first number/bullet, or will negate the effects of the 'increase indent'
  • Will indent the already placed number/bullet, but only after the first number/bullet

Insert Binds

  • Inserts a bind, a user specific reference

Highlight Binds

  • Highlights the binds that were inserted, for editing reference (won't show up when used)

Highlight Hidden Sections

  • Highlights the hidden sections of the text

Static Image

  • Inserts an image from your system
  • Open image properties and customize how it should display.
    • Image Info: width and height of the image, border thickness, vertical and horizontal spacing and left/right alignment. 
    • Link: Provide redirect URL when clicked on the image and specify how the new page should open: in a new window, top most window, same window or parent window.

Insert Form Field

(for more specifics on this, see Insert Form Field's Fields)

  • Inserts a form field in the system
  • Customize how it will be formatted/interacted with using Input Type
  • Choose whether or not it is a mandatory form field
  • Choose what label to use on it

Responsive Table

  • Spawns options for a table, adjust, then click OK, and the table is created

  • Some points about tables:


  • 1) Do not create a table with only rows. Columns are required when you use tables.

    2) If you don’t need at least 1 column in the table then you don’t have to insert the table. You can directly paste the content in the rich text editor.

    3) If you need a table with 2 or more columns with different widths (not the default) and multiple rows of same property, then do not insert all the rows while inserting the table. Insert one row and adjust the column widths and then right click on one if the cell and use option ‘Insert Row Above/Below’. This will insert the rows with the same properties that you have configured already.

    4) If you need multiple rows and columns in a table with different widths for few/all the cells, then do not insert them as one table. Insert them as separate tables.


Inserts the content from the given url

Toggle Guided Borders

Removes the borders around the text
Text Box
  • Enter information in the Text Box
  • This is where all of the Text Editing applies
  • You can expand or shrink the box by dragging the bottom-right triangle symbol


For examples of both types of Smart Forms, you can modify a Smart Form. That can give you a better idea of how they work.

Note that the Supplemental Attribute Data default Smart Forms have exceptions to creating Supplemental Attribute Data. It does not indicate that they have form fields, but to add Supplemental Attribute Data that is customized, you must insert form fields.

After you finish entering information, click on "Save".

Smart Form Page

The Smart Form appears in Revision Summary as shown below. Click on "Return to Manage Revision" and apply the revision.

How do you create a Form Field?

Click on "Create/View Form Fields". This will open a new tab.

Smart Form Page

Click on "Add a New Value".

Define Form Fields

Enter a Field Description and select "Field Type"

Define Form Field 

For example, Character. After you have defined the field, click on "Save". 

Define Form Field 

When defining the fields for radio buttons, drop down lists or check boxes you may have to specify the field values.

Example: field values for drop downs/radio buttons

Example: field values for check boxes

These form fields are available in the form field lookup when inserting them in the Smart Form.

Position the cursor where you want the form field to be inserted and then click on "Insert Form Field". You can also include the static text if needed.

Define Smart Form Page

Select Input Type and click on "Look Up".

Search for the form field in the lookup and click on "OK".

The form field is inserted in the Smart Form as shown below. For more details on inserting form fields for different Input Types, please refer to the following section. Add the desired fields and save the Smart Form. Apply the Content Revision to have the Smart Form available for using in the process. 

Note: After the Content Revision is applied, the form field(s) which were added in the Smart Form are available as binds for further usage in revisions. For further details, please click here.

Insert Form Fields

Inserting the form fields for different Input Types (Edit Box, Long Edit Box, Drop Down List, Check Box, Radio Button) is explained in detail below. 

Input Type: Edit Box

Follow the table given below to enter the fields.

Input Type
  • In what type of format the form field will be in

Form Field
  • Click on Look Up.
  • Select the Form Field you want to use.

Default Label
  • Displays the form field's description as default
Display Label Colon
  • Will decide if the label will have a colon after it or not
Label Type
  • What the form field label will display
  • Default: what the form field's description is
  • Custom: generates a box below. Input anything you want it to display
  • None: no label
Default Value
  • Displays the value given here as default on runtime page
  • Check "Mandatory" if this form field's specifications are required as needed for the runtime page
Input Style
  • The customizable ability using html
  • For example, changing the font color or style

A popup window for entering the field data displays as shown:

When the Input Type is "Edit Box"

Click on "Look Up" to select the form field.

Select the form field that you want to insert.

Lookup Form Fields

The selected form field and the field description populates on the "Insert Form Field" popup page as shown below:

Enable the "Display Label Colon" checkbox if the label needs the colon after it.

The "Label Type" selected in the drop down will decide the label displaying on the page. If "Default" is selected, the description in the "Default Label" (Form Field description) will display on the page.

If "Custom" is selected, a box opens up below to enter the value. The label entered here will override the "Default Label" when displaying on the page. 

If "None" is selected, no label will be displayed for the form field.

Enter "Default Value" if a value needs to be displayed as default in runtime. In this example, a default value of "Western US" is assigned to the form field "Work Location".

Check the "Mandatory" checkbox if entering the form field is mandatory. In runtime, if the mandatory field is not entered, the system will display an error message.

Enter html in the "Input Style" for any styling customizations if needed and click on "OK".

The field will display on the Smart Form as shown:

Similarly, insert the fields as required and save the Smart Form.

Apply the Content Revision and include the Smart Form in the onboarding process using Process Revision. For details of adding Smart Form in the onboarding process, please click here.

In runtime, the Smart Form displays for the participant pool as selected in the Smart Form options. If a default value is entered for the form field, it displays in runtime as shown.

Form fields that are specified as mandatory have to be entered before submitting the form. Otherwise, the following error message displays on the page on save/submit.

If the form field is not mandatory, entering the value is optional. 

Input Type: Long Edit Box

Use this option to allow entering long texts in the form fields. For inserting the form fields, please click here to refer to the table that is specified for "Input Type: Edit Box". 

To save the form field specifications, click on "OK".

Example: Smart Form with field input type as "Long Edit Box":

Apply the Content Revision and then add the Smart Form in a Process Revision. For details of adding the Smart Form in the process, please click here.

In runtime, the above Smart Form displays as below for the participant pool selected in the Smart Form options.

If the form field is mandatory, then entering the value is necessary before saving/submitting the form.

An error message displays if the value is left blank for the mandatory fields. Fields that are not mandatory are optional to enter.

Error message

Input Type: Drop Down List

Place the cursor on the Smart Form where you want to insert the form fields and then click on "Insert Form Field".

Follow the table below to enter the fields.

Input Type
  • In what type of format the form field will be in

Form Field
  • Click on Look Up.
  • Select the form field you want to use.

Default Label
  • Displays the form field's description 
Display Label Colon
  • will decide if the label will have a colon after it or not
Label Type
  • What the form field label will display
  • Default: will display the form field description
  • Custom: generates a box below. Input anything you want it to display
  • None: no label
Default Value
  • Select a value to be displayed as default on the page
  • Check "Mandatory" if selecting a value in runtime page is required 
Input Style
  • The customizable ability using html
  • For example, changing the font color or style

Select the form field and then specify the Label Type.

For the values to appear in the drop down list, add the values when defining the form field.

If "Default Value" is selected, the value will appear as default in the drop down in the runtime page. If the default value is left blank, then nothing shows as default in runtime page.

Mark this field as "Mandatory" if selecting a value in runtime page is required. Also, if styling is needed, specify in Input Style and then click on "OK".

After inserting the drop down field, the Smart Form looks like below:

In the below example, few drop down fields are added on the form. After adding the fields, click on "Save".

Apply the Content Revision and then add the Smart Form in a Process Revision. For details of adding the Smart Form in the process, please click here.

In runtime, the above Smart Form displays as below for the participant pool selected in the Smart Form options.

Since the default value "Male" is specified when inserting the form field "Gender", the value is showing by default in the runtime page.

The values given to the form field appear in the drop down list as shown below:

For the fields that are mandatory, select a value in the drop down before saving/submitting the form.

Otherwise, an error message displays as below. Fields that are not mandatory are optional to enter.

Input Type: Check Box

Add label for the check boxes if needed and then place the cursor on the Smart Form where you want to insert the form fields.

Follow the table below to enter the fields.

Input Type
  • In what type of format the form field will be in

Form Field
  • Click on Look Up.
  • Select the form field you want to use.

Default Label
  • Displays the form field's description 
Display Label Colon
  • will decide if the label will have a colon after it or not
Label Type
  • What the form field label will say
  • Default: will display the form field's description
  • Custom: generates a box below. Input anything you want it to say
  • None: no label
On Value
  • Value to be assigned to the field when it is checked
  • Field is mandatory
Default Value
  • When "Yes", the value will be checked as default on the runtime page
  • When "No", the value will not be checked on the runtime page
  • When the check box is not interacted in the runtime, the default value will be saved as the field value.

( Not applicable for check boxes)

Input Style
  • The customizable ability using html
  • For example, changing the font color or style

When the Check Box is selected as Input Type, a field named "On Value" opens up on the popup page. The "On Value" field shows all the values that are associated with the form field.

Only the selected value will be assigned to the field when it is checked. 

Defining the form field with values

If "Yes" is selected in the "Default Value", the value will show as checked on page load in runtime. If "No" is selected, the value will not show as checked on the page load in runtime. In case if the check box is not interacted in the runtime page, then the default value selected here will be saved as the field value.

If the default value is not selected, and the check box is not interacted in the runtime page, then null value will be passed to the field on save.

After specifying the fields, click on "OK".

After inserting the check boxes, the Smart Form looks like below:

Given below is an example with different sets of check boxes added in a Smart Form. To save the Smart Form, click on "Save".

Apply the Content Revision and then add the Smart Form in a Process Revision. For details of adding the Smart Form in a process, please click here.

The above Smart Form displays as below for the participant pool selected in the Smart Form options. Since the default value for the highlighted field is selected as "Yes", the value is showing as checked on page load.

Input Type: Radio Button

Add label for the radio buttons if needed and then place the cursor on the Smart Form where you want to insert the form fields.

Follow the table below to enter the fields.

Input Type
  • In what type of format the form field will be in

Form Field
  • Click on Look Up.
  • Select the form field you want to use.

Default Label
  • Displays the form field's description 
Display Label Colon
  • will decide if the label will have a colon after it or not
Label Type
  • What the form field label will say
  • Default: will display the selected field value
  • Custom: generates a box below. Input anything you want it to say
  • None: no label
  • Lists all the values associated with the form field
  • Will pass this value as label when displaying on the page
Default Value
  • Value to be selected as default on the runtime page
  • Check "Mandatory" if selecting the radio button is required as needed for the runtime page
Input Style
  • The customizable ability using html
  • For example, changing the font color or style

When the radio button is selected as Input Type, a field named "Value" opens up on the popup page which lists all the values that are assigned to the form field.

Defining the form field with values

For each field value, you can create a radio button with/without "Default Value" specified. 

If the "Default Value" is given, then that radio button will be selected as default in runtime on the page load. It is recommended to have the same default value for all the radio buttons related to that form field.

In case, if different default values are selected, then the default value of the last radio button will be considered. If the default value is left blank for the last radio button, then nothing will be defaulted on the page.

In this example, a set of Male, Female, Other radio buttons are created with default selected as "Male".

If selecting any radio button is mandatory on the runtime page, then check "Mandatory" checkbox.

After inserting the radio buttons, the Smart Form looks like below:

Given below is an example with different sets of radio buttons added in a Smart Form. To save the Smart Form, click on "Save".

Apply the Content Revision and then add the Smart Form in a Process Revision. For details of adding the Smart Form in the process, please click here.

In runtime, the above Smart Form displays as below for the participant pool selected in the Smart Form options.

If the form field is mandatory, then selecting a value is necessary before saving/submitting the form.

An error message displays if the value is left blank for the mandatory fields. Fields that are not mandatory are optional to enter.

Error message

How do you print a Smart Form?

After completing the activity, the Smart Form can be printed by clicking on the "Download Signed Forms" gadget at the right bottom corner of the page.

The signed form opens in a new window as shown below. The print form will have the electronic signature of the user with time and date stamp.

How to insert binds in a Smart Form?

On the Smart Form page, place your cursor where you would like to add the bind, and click "Insert Binds". 

Select Bind Type based on the Input Type of the form field that you are choosing to insert as the bind variable.

If the form field is of "Edit Box" or "Long Edit Box" Input Type, then select the Bind Type as "Variable Value". If form field is a Radio Button, select the Bind Type as "Radio Button". For form field of Check Box type, select the Bind Type as "Check Box".

Bind Type
Variable ValueApplies the bind to a System Variable (User Name, Location, Department etc.)
Dynamic ImageApplies the bind to a customized image
Dynamic LinkApplies the bind to a personal customized link (creating User ID and Password page, onboarding sign in page, restart onboarding page, etc.)
Check BoxInserts a check box to the bind variable
Dynamic TableApplies the bind to a customized table

Select the Bind Variable (mandatory) by clicking on the Look Up button.

The Lookup variable page open as below. You can select the variable by expanding the tree structure or using "Search Binds" lookup.

When "Search Binds" lookup is clicked, the search fields display to search for the variable.

Select any operator and enter the text that needs to be searched in the search field. You can use Variable ID or Description fields for searching.

In this case, "Description" field is used for searching the variable "First Name Middle Name Last Name". Bind variable matching the search criteria are shown. Click the bind that you would like to include in the text.

Another option is to navigate through the tree structure to find the bind. Click on "Display as Tree" button to navigate back to the tree structure.

Expand and search for the variable that you want to insert as bind. Click on the bind to select.

Click on "OK"

The bind gets inserted on the Smart Form as shown below. To differentiate binds from normal text, you can click on "Highlight Binds". 

This will highlight the bind that was inserted.

Examples of adding different Bind Types are given below:

Bind Type = Radio Button

If form field is a Radio Button, select the Bind Type as "Radio Button". Bind Variable and Value fields are mandatory. The value selected in the "Value" drop down will appear as the Radio Button field label.

If Custom Label is entered, it will override the label from the "Value" field. The value entered in the Custom Label will appear as the Radio Button field label in the Smart Form as well as in the runtime page.

After adding it to the Smart Form, the bind variable looks like below:

Bind Type = Check Box

If form field is a Check Box, select Bind Type as "Check Box". Bind Variable field is mandatory. The value displayed in the Variable Description will appear as the Check Box label. 

If Custom Label is entered, it will override the label from the "Variable Description" field. The value entered in the Custom Label will appear as the Check Box field label in the Smart Form as well as in the runtime page.

After adding it to the Smart Form, the bind variable looks like below:

After adding the necessary binds on the Smart Form, click on "Save".

Apply the Content Revision and include the Smart Form in the onboarding process using Process Revision. For details of adding Smart Form in the onboarding process, please click here.

In runtime, the Smart Form with binds resolved displays for the participant pool as selected in the Smart Form options.

Note: The form fields which were added in the Smart Forms of prior applied revisions are also available as binds in further revisions.

For more details on creating and inserting the form fields, please click here.

In this example, the "Reporting Manager" field is added in the Smart Form and the Content Revision is applied. This form field will be available in the bind lookup when accessed from other content type/Smart Form.

Let us check the availability of the above form field ("Reporting Manager") in a Smart Form binds lookup. Click on "Insert Binds" to open the bind variable lookup.

Select Bind Type based on the Input Type of the form field that you are choosing to insert as the bind variable.

In this case, "Variable Value" is selected in Bind Type as the form field is a Long Edit Box.

Click on "Look Up" for selecting the bind variable.

 In the lookup, you can see the bind ("Reporting Manager") along with the Smart Form title under Custom Attributes. Select the bind to insert on the Smart Form.

Note: In case, if the above Smart Form title/form field(s) are modified, the binds lookup will show the updated title and form fields after the current revision is applied.

After inserting the bind, the Smart Form looks like below. You can use "Highlight Binds" option in the menu to see the binds inserted in the Smart Form. Save and apply the Content Revision.

Note: When configuring the Smart Forms in process, make sure the Smart Form with form fields is added prior to the Smart Form with binds. Also, select the participant pool for the Smart Forms accordingly. For more information on adding the Smart Forms in the onboarding process, please click here

In this case, the Smart Form with form fields is configured for the New Hires and the Smart Form with binds is configured for the HR Specialists. Also, these Smart Forms are added in the process accordingly.

In runtime, the Smart Form with binds resolved displays for the participant pool as selected in the Smart Form options.

Completed activity of the New Hire Smart Form with form field values

Smart Form displaying for HR Specialist with binds resolved

Similarly, another example of using the form fields of "Check Box/Radio Button" Input Type as binds is given below:

Create form fields of "Check Box/Radio Button" Input Type and add them in a Smart Form. Apply the Content Revision. 

After the Content Revision is applied, these form fields are available in the bind lookup when accessed from other content type/Smart Form.

Example: Smart Form with form fields of Input Type = Check Box/Radio Button

Create another Smart Form to display the bind values captured by the form fields in prior Smart Form. Note: When configuring the Smart Forms in process, make sure the Smart Form with form fields is added prior to the Smart Form with binds. Also, select the participant pool for the Smart Forms accordingly.

Click on "Insert Binds" to insert the bind variables.

For inserting the radio buttons, select Input Type = Radio Button. Click on the "Look Up" to select the bind variable.

Under Custom Attributes, select the variable which was used as a radio button form field in the prior Smart Form. 

The bind populates on popup page as shown below. Click on the "Value" drop down. This will display all the values assigned to the variable.

Select the variable value from the drop down, enter the Custom Label if required and click "OK".

Repeat the same steps for inserting other values of the radio button.

For inserting the check boxes, select Input Type = Check Box. Click on "Look Up" to select the bind variable.

Under Custom Attributes, select the variable which was used as a check box form field in the prior Smart Form. 

The bind populates on popup page as shown below. Enter the Custom Label if required and click "OK".

Repeat the same steps for inserting the other check boxes. Save the Smart Form and apply the Content Revision.

In this case, the Smart Form with form fields is configured for the New Hires and the Smart Form with binds is configured for the HR Specialists. Also, these Smart Forms are added in the process accordingly.

In runtime, the Smart Form with binds resolved displays for the participant pool as selected in the Smart Form options.

Completed activity of the New Hire Smart Form with form field values

Smart Form displaying for HR Specialist with binds resolved

How do you modify a Smart Form?

There are two different methods to access/modify a Smart Form:

  • Add a new Value
  • Search if you have an existing content revision in progress 

Method 1:  Add a New Value:

For details on adding a new content revision, please follow the steps given below:

Enter the content revision data and click on "Reserve".

Click on "Configure".

When the content revision page opens click on "Review/Update" for the Smart Form.

Method 2: Search: Instead of adding a new value, click on "Search" to find an existing Smart Form.

Filter out the results to show content revisions that are in progress.

Find the revision that you want to modify (it must be a content revision and in progress).

Create Revision Page

Click on "View/Edit".

Manage Revision Page

When the content revision page opens click on "Review/Update" for the Smart Form.

Select the Smart Form that needs to be modified.

Make the desired changes, and then click Save.

Define Smart Form Page

Note: Here, you can select multiple Smart Forms and modify them if needed.

Click Return.

Smart Forms Page

Scrolling down, you can see the changes made for this particular Content Revision in the Current Revision Summary. This makes it easy to manage multiple changes in one revision, and also reassures that the changes actually happened.

The number of Smart Forms created for this Content Revision is shown as number. You can make multiple additions or modifications in one Content Revision.

Content Revision Page

Scrolling back to the top, click Return to Manage Revision.

Content Revision Page

Click Apply.

If your changes are not complete, you can still View/Edit and it will take you to the previous page. You can also leave this Manage Revision page and leave the Content Revision in progress to modify, apply or withdraw later.

Manage Revision Page

How do you include a Smart Form in the onboarding process?

After creating or changing a Smart Form, it can be introduced into the onboarding process through a Process Revision.  Create a Process Revision or modify a Process Revision that is In Progress.

On the Process Revision page, click on "Configure Business Process".

Process Revision Page

To add the Smart Form, select the step is accessible for the participant pool selected in the Smart Form options.

Click on "Add".

Configure Business Process 

Select one of the forms. Under Action Type, the Smart Forms are indicated as SMART_FORM.

Click on "OK".

Select Actions Page

Click on the Smart Form(s) that you just added.

Define Business Process Rules Page

Set the route criteria. Then click on "Save".

Scroll down and save the Business Process configuration. 

On the Process Revision page, click on "Return to Manage Revision".

Process Revision Page

Apply the process revision.

Manage Revision Page

The Smart Form will show up in runtime for the New Hire as shown below.

How do you enable bypass option in a Smart Form?

When "Allow Bypass" option is checked in the Smart Form, then the participant pool that will see the Smart Form in runtime, will have the ability to bypass this activity. So it is users choice that they can either complete the activity or opt for bypass.

This option can be enabled while defining a new Smart Form or modifying an existing one.

Enter Smart Form data, check the "Allow Bypass" option and save.

Check Allow Bypass option

Apply Content Revision and include the Smart Form into the onboarding process using Process Revision. For details on adding Smart Form to onboarding, check above steps.

When the Smart Form appears in the New Hire process, the New Hire will have the ability to bypass the activity. 

Click on the Bypass Activity gadget on the right corner of the page.

Bypass Activity

Enter your comments and click Submit.

The completed bypass activity is shown as below. After the activity is bypassed, the user can still complete the activity if they want to.

How to enable "Save as Draft" option in a Smart Form?

When "Allow Save as Draft" option is enabled in a Smart Form, the participant pool that will see the Smart Form in runtime, will have "Save as Draft" button.

The "Allow Save as Draft" option can be enabled while defining a new Smart Form or modifying an existing one. By default, this option is unchecked in Define Smart Form page.

Enter the Smart Form data, check "Allow Save as Draft" checkbox and save. 

Apply Content Revision and include the Smart Form in the onboarding process using Process Revision. For details on adding Smart Form to onboarding, please click here.

In runtime, the above Smart Form displays for the participant pool (In this case, "New Hire") as selected in the Smart Form options.

The "Save as Draft" is visible on the Smart Form only when the activity is not complete and doesn't show up when editing a completed activity (also applicable for process/activity restarts).

When saving as draft, it doesn't require the "I Agree" checkbox to be selected and will not trigger required field validations (if any). 

After saving as draft, the data entered on the Smart Form will be saved. 

Smart Form saved as draft

The user can access or work on/complete any other activities that are available to them. The user can choose to revisit the Smart Form again anytime and complete the activity before submitting the process to HR.

Completed parallel activities 

After completing the activity, in edit mode the "Save as Draft" doesn't show up on the Smart Form.

On the completed activity, click on "Edit" button to open the Smart Form in edit mode.

Completed activity

The "Save as Draft" button doesn't show up when the Smart Form is opened in edit mode.

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