User Insight

User Insight

What is User Insight?

User Insight shows the following key metrics related to users in your organization:

  • Last 5 Logins
  • Roles
  • User Onboarding Status
  • Account Status

Who can access User Insight?

Users with System Administrator role can access the User Insight.

How do you access User Insight?

Click on the menu icon and scroll down to Reports/Dashboards on the left menu navigation. Select "User Insight" option.

How do you use User Insight?

User insight includes charts and graphs that illustrate various aspects, including the details of the last five user logins to the system, existing roles within the organization along with the corresponding users, the onboarding status of users, and the active/inactive status of user accounts.

Below is an example of a User Insight page.

User Insight Page


Hovering over any segment in any graph shows the associated sub-category name along with the total number of items in that sub-category.  
User Insight Page

Clicking on the segment presents a popup with the details related to that segment.

A provision for downloading the data to an excel is also provided on the popup page. This "Export to Excel" button is available only if the logged-in user's role (System Administrator) has been configured with data export capability. 

Clicking on the "Export to Excel" button will download the results as an excel to the local computer.

The downloaded excel file will look like below:

Clicking on a Contact ID presents the Invite/Edit User page for the associated Contact ID.

Hover and click on any of the segments of any of the graphs to view the corresponding section details.


The Roles chart shows counts of the number of users with each role in the system.  If a user has multiple roles, they are included in the counts for all of their roles.

Roles Chart

Clicking on any user role will display all the users associated with that role.

This presents a popup with the users/contacts having the selected role. Additionally, the page will include a "Export to Excel" button if the logged-in user's role (System Administrator) has been configured with data export capability. This will allow the user to download the data as an excel to the local computer. For more details on the data download functionality, please refer to the preceding section. 

Clicking on any "Contact ID" link will present the user detail page for the associated user/contact.

Invite/Edit User Page

Similarly, hover and click on any other segment of the graph to view the detailed information of that section.

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