Manage e-PIN

Manage e-PIN

Smart Onboarding users can change their e-PIN information using the Manage e-PIN option. 

Who can access the Manage e-PIN option?

Users with all roles in Smart Onboarding can access the Manage e-PIN option.

How do you access Manage e-PIN?

Choose the "Manage e-PIN" option from the left menu navigation under My Accounts. 

How to change your e-PIN?

When you click on the Manage e-PIN option, the Change e-PIN page is presented. To change the current e-PIN, click the "Edit" button.

Enter your Current e-PIN, New e-PIN, and re-enter the new e-PIN in the Confirm e-PIN field. Note: if you haven't setup e-PIN during self registration and setting up the e-PIN for the first time, the Current e-PIN field will not be shown on the page.

Once you've entered all the details, click the "Update" button.

You will receive an email confirming the e-PIN change.

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