The HR activities include Verify Information, Complete Job Details (ADP) and Send Candidate Data to ADP.

Verify Information 

Review the onboarding information submitted by the New Hire. If it is not correct, you will need to restart an earlier activity for the New Hire, or restart the New Hire's process.

If the submitted information is correct, click on the checkbox to acknowledge.

Complete Job Details 

The Complete Job Details page allows users to review or edit the New Hire’s information before sending the data to ADP. By default, the data captured during the onboarding process is populated in their respective fields on this page. However, users have the flexibility to modify this populated data if necessary. Additionally, if any fields are empty and require values to be sent to ADP, you can enter the appropriate data in those fields on this page. This ensures that all the required information is captured and sent to ADP.

The Complete Job Details page will have the data displayed in sections as shown below.

Note: When setting up ADP-related configurations through Organization Management, System Administrators can configure the sections that appear on the Complete Job Details page. For more details, please click here.

A sample Complete Job Details page with sections/fields supported by ADP for data integration are shown below:

Expand each section and fill out the data as given below.


The data captured during the New Hire onboarding process is displayed in this section. However, certain fields highlighted below were not captured during the process and therefore are not populated on this page. If these fields are required to be sent to ADP, you can manually enter the necessary values. Please consider the following points while completing this section:


The fields highlighted below do not populate from the New Hire’s process. Enter values in these fields if they need to be sent to ADP. Please consider the following points while completing this section:

FLSA Code = E & FLSA Overtime = "No"

FLSA Code = N & FLSA Overtime = "Yes"


The values highlighted below are to be entered if you want them to be sent to ADP. Please consider the following points while completing this section:

Employee Tax Summary

This section will display in read-only mode and summarizes the tax data captured in New Hire’s onboarding process.

In this example, the Federal withholding is indicated as exempt. As a result, the fields for Dependent Amount, Other Income, Deductions and Extra Withholdings will display a value of “0”.

Tax Entry

The tax data captured during the New Hire’s onboarding process is populated here. The fields highlighted below are to be entered if they need to be sent to ADP. Please consider the following points while completing this section:

When exempt is indicated on the Federal withholding

the Deductions, Dependent Amount, Other Income and Federal Additional Tax Amount fields will not be present under Federal Tax sub-section. The “Do not calculate Federal Income Tax” check box will be defaulted as selected.

When exempt is indicated on Federal Tax Withholding

If exempt is not indicated on Federal withholding, then the fields are present with values populated from the New Hire's Federal Tax Withholding form.

When exempt is not indicated on Federal Tax Withholding

When exempt is indicated on work state withholding

there will be no values in state marital status, exemptions and additional amount fields and the tax details should be updated manually in ADP under employee's Pay Profile. For more details, please click here.

If working or living in one of these states/providences: AZ, CT, GA, MO, NY, MS, NC, PR

the percent withholding from gross taxable wages should be updated manually in ADP under employee's Pay Profile. Such transactions will have instructions provided on top of this section. For more details, please click here.

State's Additional Tax Amount field is restricted to accept only three digits and less

The additional withholding amount per pay period captured from the New Hire's state withholding form, is populated under the State Tax section on this page in the State's Additional Tax Amount field. However, if the value entered on the state withholding form exceeds three digits, it will not be populated in this field due to the restriction. In such cases, if the value needs to be sent to ADP, you will need to manually enter it.

Additional withholding amount entered on the State Withholding Form

State Additional Tax Amount in Complete Job Details

When SUI/SDI tax code relevant to the work state is not indicated on this page:

then the default SUI/SDI value set for the Company will be updated in ADP. 

To select SUI/SDI Tax Code, click on the prompt and select a value relevant to the work state. 

The prompt will show all the SUI/SDI Tax Codes that are synced from ADP.

From the list, select any SUI/SDI Tax Code relevant to the work state. This will populate the code and description on the Complete Job details page.

If the code relevant to the work state doesn't exist, you may leave the SUI/SDI code as blank on the Complete Job Details page. In ADP, the SUI/SDI Tax Code will be updated with the default value set for the Company. For more datils on setting the default value in ADP, please click here.

Note: If any SUI/SDI Tax Code is made inactive in ADP that value will not be synced to Smart Onboarding when “Sync SUI/SDI Status” button is clicked on the ADP Related Configuration page and thus will not show in the SUI/SDI Tax Code prompt. For more details on syncing SUI/SDI data, please click here.

If any SUI/SDI Tax Code is made inactive in ADP and SUI/SDI data is synced in Smart Onboarding after completing the Complete Job Details activity with that particular code, then you may edit the Complete Job Details activity and modify the SUI/SDI Tax code with an active value if the data is not already sent to ADP. With invalid SUI/SDI Tax Code the following error message will be displayed on the "Send Candidate Data to HR" page when the integration is triggered between Smart Onboarding and ADP.

Direct Deposit

The Direct Deposit details from New Hire’s Paycheck Preferences are populated here. The Direct Deposit can have more than one account. However, it does not allow to have duplicate values in the Deduction Code.

If multiple rows exist with duplicate Deduction Code, then the error will be displayed when the activity is saved.

Statutory Compliance

The disability details captured from New Hire’s Self-Identification Disability form are populated here.

Note: Sending the employee Veteran Status and Emergency Contacts through integration is currently not supported by ADP.

Send Candidate Data to ADP 

This is the final activity before sending the candidate's data to ADP. Acknowledge the review of documents by clicking on the checkbox at the bottom of the page and click on "Send Candidate Data to ADP" button.

The "Send Candidate Data to ADP" button triggers the integration between Smart Onboarding and ADP and creates the employee in ADP after successful data push.

Note: Make sure the “AllowHRISByPass” property under Product Preferences is turned ON for the Organization for the integration to work on Send Candidate to HR. If this property is turned OFF, the integration will not be triggered and the activity will be completed by just with "Save" button. For more details on Product Preferences, please click here.

Click on the "Download Signed Forms" option if you want to collect and preserve employee's information.

After successful data push, the associate ID that is generated in ADP will be displayed at the bottom of the Complete Job Details page as shown below:

Note: If "Skip System Update" is selected in Complete Job Details, then the "Send Candidate Data to HR" button will not be available and the New Hire integration does not happen.

The "Save" button will be present at the bottom to save the activity. 

Where to locate integrated employee data in ADP?

Login to ADP Workforce and search with applicant name as shown below.

To view other details, click on the profile icon next to applicant’s name and access the links available in the menu

For more details on accessing the profile data updated for the applicant please refer to following sections:

Personal Profile

To access personal profile, search with employee’s name and click on “Personal” tab. The sections highlighted below will show the data updated in ADP:

Below is where you may access Complete Job Details section page fields in ADP.

Complete Job Details sectionFieldSection/Field in ADP
PersonalFirst NamePerson Profile → Name → Legal Name

Middle NamePerson Profile → Name → Legal Name

Last NamePerson Profile → Name → Legal Name

GenderPerson Profile → Demographics → Gender for Insurance Coverage

Date of Birth

Person Profile → Demographics → Birth date

Tax ID TypePerson Profile → Tax ID (SSN)

National IDPerson Profile → Tax ID (SSN)

National ID CountryPerson Profile → Tax ID (SSN)

*Applied For SSN

*Currently Applied for SSN is not supported

Start Date

Person Profile → Hire Date

Company Code

Employment Profile → Position → Company Code

Reason for Hire

Employment Profile → Position → Hire Reason


Person Profile → Name → Salutation

Generation Suffix

Person Profile → Name → Generation Suffix

Professional Suffix

Person Profile → Name → Professional Suffix

Preferred Name

Person Profile → Name → Preferred or Chosen Name

Legal Address

Legal Address

Person Profile → Addresses → Primary Address

Secondary Address

Secondary Address

Person Profile → Addresses → Secondary Address

Contact Information

Home Phone

Person Profile → Contact → Home Phone

Personal Cell

Person Profile → Contact → Personal Mobile

Email ID

Person Profile → Contact → Personal Email

Home Fax

Person Profile → Contact → Personal Fax

Personal Pager

Person Profile → Contact → Personal Pager


Marital Status

Race ID Method

Person Profile → Demographics → Marital Status

Person Profile → Demographics → Ethnicity/Race ID Method

EEO Ethnic Code

Person Profile → Demographics → Race


Person Profile → Demographics → Ethnicity

Tobacco User

Person Profile → Demographics → Tobacco User


Person Profile → Demographics → Medicare


Person Profile → Demographics → Medicaid

Employment Profile

To access Employment Profile, search with applicant’s name and click on “Employment” tab. The sections highlighted below will show applicant’s employment data updated in ADP:

Below is where you may access Complete Job Details section page fields in ADP:

Complete Job Details section


Section/Field in ADP


Worker Category

Employment Profile → Position → Worker Category

Job Title

Employment Profile → Position → Job Title

Business Unit

Employment Profile → Corporate Groups → Business Unit


Employment Profile → Corporate Groups → Location


Employment Profile → Corporate Groups → Home Department

*Empl Class

*Currently Empl Class is not supported

Reports To

Employment Profile → Position → Reports to


Employment Profile → Corporate Groups → Benefits Eligibility Class

Work Email

Person Profile → Contacts → Work Email

Pay Grade

Employment Profile → Position → Pay Grade

Union Codes

Employment Profile → Corporate Groups → Union Code

Union Locals

Employment Profile → Corporate Groups → Union Local


Employment Profile → Position → FLSA

FLSA OvertimeEmployment → Regular Pay → Use FLSA Overtime

Home Cost Number

Employment Profile → Corporate Groups → Home Cost Number

Work Contact Information

Work Phone

Person Profile → Contact → Work Phone 

Work Cell

Person Profile → Contact → Work Mobile

Work Pager

Person Profile → Contact → Work Pager

Work Fax

Person Profile → Contact → Work Fax

Work Mail Stop

Person Profile → Contact → Work Mail Stop

Pay Profile

Search with applicant’s name and click on the profile icon next to name. This will open the menu as shown below. Under Pay option, click on the “Pay Profile” link.

The sections highlighted below on the Pay Profile page will show the applicant’s pay data updated in ADP.

Below is where you may access Complete Job Details section page fields in ADP:

Complete Job Details section


Section/Field in ADP


Pay Frequency

Employment Profile → Regular Pay → Pay Frequency

Rate Type

Employment Profile → Regular Pay → Salary or Hourly

Compensation Rate

Employment Profile → Regular Pay → Salary or Hourly

Standard Hours

Employment Profile → Regular Pay → Standard Hours

*Rate 1 Amount

*Currently Rate 1 Amount is not supported

Rate 2 Amount

Employment Profile → Regular Pay → Rate 2

Rate 3 Amount

Employment Profile → Regular Pay → Rate 3

Rate 4 Amount

Employment Profile → Regular Pay → Rate 4

Rate 5 Amount

Employment Profile → Regular Pay → Rate 5

Rate 6 Amount

Employment Profile → Regular Pay → Rate 6

Rate 7 Amount

Employment Profile → Regular Pay → Rate 7

Rate 8 Amount

Employment Profile → Regular Pay → Rate 8

Rate 9 Amount

Employment Profile → Regular Pay → Rate 9

Tax Withholdings

Search for the employee and navigate to Pay Profile. For more details, please click here.

On the Pay Profile page, the sections highlighted below will show the applicant’s tax withholding data updated in ADP.


Note: If Federal withholding is indicated as exempt then the Dependent Amount, Other Income, Deductions and Extra Withholdings values will update as “0”.


Note: If working state is indicated as exempt then the withholding values should be updated manually in ADP.


a) If SUI/SDI tax data is not provided on Complete Job Details, the default value set for the Company will be updated in ADP. To set the SUI/SDI value, follow the steps given below:

Navigate to Home → Setup → Payroll → Company Options.

Click on the Company Code link.

Under Company Options, scroll down to New Hire Defaults and set default values for State Worked in and SUI/SDI State.

b) If working or living in one of these states/providences: AZ, CT, GA, MO, NY, MS, NC, PR then the percent withholding from gross taxable wages must be updated manually in ADP under employee's Pay Profile. 

For more details on navigating to Pay profile, please click here.

Below is where you may access Complete Job Details section page fields in ADP.

Complete Job details section


Section/Field in ADP

Tax Entry - Federal Tax

Federal Marital Status

Pay Profile → Tax Withholdings à Federal → Filing Status


Pay Profile → Tax Withholdings → Federal → Deductions


Pay Profile → Tax Withholdings → Federal → Dependents

Other Income

Pay Profile → Tax Withholdings → Federal → Other Income

Federal Additional Tax Amount

Pay Profile → Tax Withholdings → Federal → Additional Tax Amount

Multiple Jobs

Pay Profile → Tax Withholdings → Federal → Multiple Jobs

Do not calculate Federal Income Tax

Pay Profile → Tax Withholdings → Federal → Changes to Federal Tax Calculation → Do not calculate Federal Income Tax

State Tax

Worked In State

Pay Profile → Tax Withholdings → State

State Marital Status

Pay Profile → Tax Withholdings → State → Filing Status Withholding Allowances

State Exemptions

Pay Profile → Tax Withholdings → State → Tax Information - Number of Regular Withholding allowances

State Additional Tax Amount

Pay Profile → Tax Withholdings → State → Additional Tax Amount

SUI/SDI Tax Code

Pay Profile → Tax Withholdings → State → SUI/SDI

Lived In State

Pay Profile → Tax Withholdings → State

Direct Deposit

Search for the employee and navigate to Pay Profile. For more details, please click here. On the Pay Profile page, the sections highlighted below will show the applicant’s Direct Deposit information updated in ADP.

Below is where you may access Complete Job Details section page fields in ADP.

Complete Job Details section


Section/Field in ADP

Tax Entry

Federal Tax

Deduction Code

Pay Profile → Direct Deposit → Deduction Code

Deposit Type

Pay Profile → Direct Deposit → Deduction Code

Deposit Amount/Percent

Pay Profile → Direct Deposit → Amount/Percent


*Currently Priority is not supported

Routing Number

Pay Profile → Direct Deposit → Routing Number

Account Number

Pay Profile → Direct Deposit → Account Number


To access Disability details, search with applicant’s name and click on “Statutory” tab. The sections highlighted below will show applicant’s disability data updated in ADP:

Below is where you may access Complete Job Details section page fields in ADP.

Complete Job Details section


Section/Field in ADP

Statutory Compliance

Disability Indicator

Statutory Compliance → Disability

Disability Type

Statutory Compliance → Disability

Note: There is another way to access applicant’s data in ADP. The corresponding steps are given below:

Navigate to Process → Hire/Rehire.

Click on “Go to Hire” button under the corresponding tile.

Click on “Hire History” tab. This will display the list of all hired employees.

Use search field to search for the employee. When the search result display, click on the name to access employee's name.

The hire data of the employee displays as below. Expand each section to view the details.

When does an employee is considered as a rehire?

An employee is considered as a rehire if the employee already exists with the given SSN in ADP and is terminated. When the rehire employee data is sent to ADP, the Rehire Date, Rehire Reason and the Direct Deposit details will be updated in ADP and the employee status will again change to "Active". This is explained in detail below with an example:

To verify the employee details in ADP search with the employee name as shown below. 

The Hire Date and the Status can be verified under Profiles details. Before terminating, the employee status will be "Active". The SSN of the employee can be viewed under Tax ID by navigating to the Personal tab:


Before rehire details are sent to ADP, the Rehire Date and Rehire Reason will be empty for the employee. This can be verified by navigating to Employment Profile (Employment tab) under "Status" section as shown below. The values in these fields will be updated after the rehire employee data is sent to ADP.

To view the Direct Deposit details navigate to employee's Pay Profile. For more details on navigating to employee's Pay Profile, please click here

After system push, the Direct Deposit details of the hire will be deleted and rehire Direct Deposit information will be updated in ADP . 

For the employee to be eligible as a rehire, the employee must be terminated in ADP. When the employee is terminated, the "Active" status will be updated to "Terminated" as shown below.

In Smart Onboarding, on the Complete Job Details page load, the system checks for the presence of an employee with the given Social Security Number (SSN) in ADP and verifies if that employee has been terminated. If an employee with the same SSN already exists in ADP and is found to be terminated, a rehire message will be shown at the top of the page.

If an employee exists with the given Social Security Number (SSN) and is not terminated in ADP, then the employee is not considered as rehire. The following error message will display on the "Send Candidate Data to HR" page when the employee data is integrated with ADP.

When the rehire data is successfully sent to ADP, the Rehire Date, Rehire Reason and the new Direct Deposit details will be updated in ADP and the employee status will again change to "Active".

The details can be verified by searching with the employee name in ADP as shown below. 

The Rehire Date, Pervious Termination Date and the Rehire Reason can be verified under Employment Profile:

The Direct Deposit details of the rehire can be verified under employee's Pay Profile. For more details on navigating to employee's Pay Profile, please click here.