A rehire is someone who was formerly employed & terminated and hired again by the organization. When a candidate enters the data in Section 1 activity, a search match is invoked on Section 1 Save/Electronic Signature to verify if there is any original (previously completed) Form I-9 related to the employee within 3 years. Depending on the search result the candidate's transaction is determined as New Hire or Rehire case. However, the employee must still remain employment authorized (Work Authorization End date should be greater than or equal to current date) to be treated as a rehire. If the work authorization documents presented with the previously completed Form I-9 are expired, then the employer must also reverify the employee's employment authorization. 

How a candidate's transaction is determined as a rehire?

The system has a  logic defined to determine whether the candidate transaction is a hire/rehire. A search is invoked on Section 1 save/electronic signature to match the candidate's legal entity (Company/Business unit), SSN, date of birth and eligibility with previously completed Form I-9. If a match is found, the system checks if the rehire is within 3 years from the previous hire date (max) and the termination date exists for the candidate from the previous process of hire. Also checks, if the work authorization documents presented with the previously completed Form I-9 are not expired. If Work Authorization End (WAE) date exists, then it should not be less than the current date.

If these conditions match, the candidate's process will be a rehire with only Section 3 in Complete I-9 activity. The I-9 data is considered from previously matched Form I-9 and no DHS Verification (E-Verify) is required.

The step by step process of a normal rehire scenario is explained below. 

Consider an invitation with process completed status. The candidate's Invitation Status will be displayed as "Invitation Completed" in the Invitation Console.

Navigate to I-9 Console and search for the candidate's transaction. 

Candidate's I-9 is terminated via Info and Actions in I-9 Console.

Under Actions tab, click Set/View Termination Date.

Set the termination date and submit.

The candidate is terminated from the employment on the set date.

The candidate's termination date can be verified in I-9 Console:

For setting the I-9 termination date, you can also use Employee I-9 Life Cycle actions in Elasticsearch. Please click here for more details.

Rehire Transaction

An invitation is created and launched with the Legal Entity (Company/Business Unit) same as that of the primary hire invitation.

Shown below is the Company & Business Unit entered while creating the invitation.

Once the invitation is launched and sent to the candidate, the candidate first completes Self Registration & proceeds to onboarding activities. For the transaction to be a rehire, the Date of Birth and SSN values in EBI activity and eligibility in I-9 Section1 should be same as that of the hire transaction.

When the process reaches to Section 1 activity, on save/electronic signature, a search match logic is invoked which checks if there is any previously completed Form I-9 data with the same legal entity(Company/Business Unit), Date of Birth, SSN and eligibility.

If a match is found, the logic will then check if the start date of the new transaction is within 3 years from the previous hire date (max) and the employee's former hire termination information exists. In case, if Work Authorization End date exists, then it is verified to make sure the date is not expired (less than the current date). If these conditions match, system considers the transaction as a rehire and populates I-9 ID of the hire flow on the new Form I-9 Section 1. In Complete I-9 activity, instead of Section 2, the process will open Section 3 to capture the employee's rehire date. For more details, please refer to the following sections.

Form I-9 data of the candidate captured in EBI and Form I-9 Section 1 are given below:

Electronic Biographic Information (EBI)

In this scenario, the rehire condition is satisfied and the previous hire transaction's Section 1 I-9 ID is associated with the Form I-9 of the rehire transaction when Section 1 is saved/electronically signed. 

Hire Transaction:

Section 1 with I-9 ID & eligibility

Rehire Transaction:

Section 1 with I-9 ID & eligibility

What happens when a rehire invitation/transaction is created without terminating I-9 ID of the previous hire invitation?

If the I-9 ID of a hire invitation is not terminated and a new invitation/transaction is created with the same details as the previous invitation (such as legal entity, Date of Birth, SSN and eligibility), then the new transaction will be considered as a regular hire flow. A new I-9 ID will be generated for the new invitation when the Section 1 activity is saved/electronically signed. If you want the new invitation to be a rehire, terminate the I-9 ID of the previous hire invitation and restart the process/activity of the new invitation, so that the invitation will go through Section 1 activity again and identifies it as a rehire. (Note: If the Work Authorization End (WAE) date exists in the primary hire flow, then make sure the WAE date is greater than or equal to current date.)

In the restart process, do not change any invitation details i.e legal entity, Date of Birth, SSN and eligibility and let the process go through Section 1 activity. When Section 1 activity is saved/electronically signed, the search match logic identifies the new invitation as a rehire and associates the previous hire invitation's I-9 ID with the new invitation/transaction. This step by step process to recreate this scenario is given below:

Hire Transaction

I-9 ID populated in Section 1 activity:

The invitation is completed with no termination date set for the I-9 ID. If I-9 is terminated, it would show up in the transaction's I-9 Master:

Invitation Status in the Invitation Console

Navigate I-9 Console → I-9 ID → I-9 Master:

I-9 ID showing as not terminated in I-9 Master

Now, another invitation is created with same details (legal entity, Date of Birth, SSN and eligibility) as that of the primary hire invitation.

On Section 1 save/electronic signature of the new invitation, you will notice a new I-9 ID is generated. This is because, the search match logic that identifies the transaction as a rehire on Section 1 save/electronic signature did not come true as the I-9 ID of the primary invitation is not terminated.

New I-9 ID generated in Section 1 for the new transaction

For the new transaction to be a rehire, terminate the I9 ID of the primary hire invitation and then restart the process/activity of the new invitation.

Terminate the primary invitation's I-9 ID from I-9 Console:

I-9 Console → Info and Actions → Actions

Set the termination date and submit:

The termination date can be verified in I-9 Master as shown below:

Now, the new invitation process is restarted from Invitation Console.

Invitation Console → Info and Actions → Actions

The restart process details are submitted as given below:

The New Hire's process will be restarted and he/she can start their onboarding process again from the initial activity.

New Hire's Home page showing the outstanding tasks from the beginning

On Section 1 save/electronic signature, the logic for rehire will become true and the I-9 ID of the previous hire invitation will populate in the new transaction.

In Complete I-9 activity, instead of Section 2, rehire Section 3 will open up for the I-9 Specialist to complete.

What sections are shown in Complete I-9 for the Rehire flow?

The Rehire flow shows all the three sections in Complete I-9. However, the Section 1 & Section 2 are in display only mode and has information displayed from the previous matched Form I-9.

Section 3 has rehire date to enter by the employer or authorized representative.

Form I-9 Section 1:

Section 2:

Section 3:

Who can complete I-9 Section 3?

The Section 3 can be completed by any user with I-9 Specialist role. Typically this role is assigned to the users who verify the documents that the New Hire presents. Instead of completing Section 3 themselves, they can also assign this task to a remote user.

How to complete Section 3?

For rehires, irrespective of their eligibility type, complete Section 3 as below:

Section 3(A)

Enter Name fields (Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial) if the rehire has name changes. The fields are optional. Initially the field values are set to N/A. 

Section 3(B)

Entering the rehire date (Date of Rehire) is mandatory.


When you save/sign Section 3 without entering the rehire date, the following error message displays on the page. Note: Make sure the rehire date is not less than the employee's previous termination date. 

Section 3(C)

Enter document information  (Document Title, Document Number and Expiration Date) if the employee's employment authorization needs reverification. Select "N/A" in the Document Title if there are no changes to the work authorization document that was previously provided on Form I-9.

The Document Title dropdown includes the list of all documents from List A, List B and List C. Select any one option from the list, enter the Document Number and the Document Expiration Date.

Note: The Document Expiration Date entered must be equal to or greater than the current date.

Depending on the document selected in the Document Title, the validations are triggered for the fields - Document Number and Expiration Date.

For List A Document Titles

If a List A document is selected in the Document Title, then entering the Document Number and the Document Expiration date is mandatory (except for List A receipts and Foreign Passport with Form I-94 endorsement/Receipt Replacement Foreign Passport with Form I-94 endorsement, Alien Registration Receipt Card - Form (I-551)).

Some examples of List A documents are given below: 

If you select any one of the above documents and save/sign Section 3 without entering the Document Number or the Expiration Date, then the following error messages display on the page.

Error message when the Document Number is not entered

Error message when the Document Expiration Date is not entered

For List A receipts and Foreign Passport with Form I-94 endorsement/Receipt Replacement Foreign Passport with Form I-94 endorsement, only the Document Expiration date is mandatory. Entering the Document Number is optional or can be saved with "N/A" value. 

Example: Error message is triggered only for the Document Expiration Date

For List C Document Titles

If a List C document/document receipt is selected in the Document Title, then entering the Document Number and the Document Expiration date is optional (except for Employment auth. document (DHS))

Some examples of List C documents are given below:

Below example shows Section 3 saved with List C document and "N/A" in the Document Number and the Expiration Date.

For Employment auth. document (DHS), entering the Document Expiration Date is mandatory. The following example shows the error message displayed when the Expiration Date is not entered on Section 3 save/sign.

Save/Sign Section 3

After entering the data in the above mentioned sections, you can save the information or check "I Agree" and click "Electronically Sign" to complete Section 3.

In I-9 Master, the Rehire Date and the Work Authorization End Date will show the Date of Rehire and the Expiration Date of the employment authorization document entered in Section 3.

How do you assign Section 3 to a remote user?

Instead of completing Section 3 themselves, the I-9 Specialists can assign this task to a special remote user. Click Assign Remote I-9 at the bottom of the Complete I-9 page.

You can either invite a new external Authorized Representative or assign the Section 3 activity to the users that are already added as Authorized Representatives in the system.

For more information on assigning Section 3 to a remote user, please visit Remote User page.

Does Rehire transaction has E-Verify process?

There is no DHS Verification for the Rehire flow since the I-9 information is same as the previous matched Form I-9.

You can see the Initiate E-Verify button disabled on the E-Verify page.

To complete E-Verify activity, click Mark as Complete.

How can you edit Section 3 data after the activity is completed?

Until "Mark as Complete" button is clicked in the E-Verify activity, Section 3 fields are editable for the I-9 Specialists. Once E-Verify activity is completed, Section 3 edit is not allowed.

Consider a rehire transaction with E-Verify activity pending. When you navigate back to Complete I-9 activity (Section 3 page) you will notice Edit button enabled at the bottom of the page.

The Section 3 fields display in edit mode. Make the necessary changes and save/electronically sign. If you cancel edit, the page navigates to previous read only mode.

Section 3 in edit mode

After E-Verify activity is completed, editing the rehire Section 3 details will not be allowed. 

If you navigate back to Complete I-9 activity, the Edit button will not be shown in Section 3.

How to record new/changed work authorization documents?

If the rehired employee's work authorization / work authorization document is no more valid or expiring soon, the employee must present a valid work authorization document to continue the employment. Then the document is reverified and recorded into the system by any authorized representative from HR.

There are several ways to record employee's new/changed document details.

HR Specialist - Initiate I-9 Reverification from I-9 Console Actions and record new/changed document details in Section 3 

I-9 Specialist - Before completing Section 3, switch the process to Hire and record the document details in Section 2 (New Form I-9)

E-Verify Specialist - Roll back to previous I-9 states by restarting Section 2/Section 3.

How to roll back to previous I-9 states in the Rehire flow?

With the help of restart action on the E-Verify page, the process can be rolled back to Section 1/Section 2 or 3. 

Click Restart Section 1/Section 2 or 3.

Restart I-9 states

Select any option from the dropdown list of the Restart Group to rollback to the previous I-9 states.

How to switch process Rehire/Hire?

Two types of switch processes are allowed in the Rehire flow.

Switch to Hire

The I-9 Specialist can switch the candidate's transaction to Hire from Rehire on the I-9 Page before completing Section 3 activity. If the process is switched to Hire -

Let's take an example of a Rehire case. As you can see, the Section 1 & Section 2 details are not editable whereas only Section 3 activity is open to complete. 

Also, make a note of the I-9 ID on the Form I-9 as this is going to change when the process is switched to Hire. Click Switch to Hire button to initiate Hire process.

Complete I-9 Activity for a Rehire Flow

Click 'Yes' on the confirmation message.

A normal Hire process is invoked with Section 2 activity open to enter new document details. The Rehire Section 3 doesn't appear on Form I-9. 

Also, note that a new Form I-9 ID is generated for the current Hire process. 

Switch to Rehire

Switch to Rehire option can be used if the process need to be reverted back to Rehire from Hire. After the I-9 Specialist clicked the “Switch to Hire” button on a Rehire transaction, he/she can change her mind to “Switch back to the Rehire flow” (second switch) by clicking ‘Switch to Rehire’ button. 

When the process is switched back to rehire - 

Click on Switch to Rehire button.

Switch to Rehire

Click 'Yes' on the confirmation message.

The transaction brings up the Form I-9 of the previous Rehire flow. The Form ID/I-9 ID generated during the Switch to Hire process becomes invalid. In case, if any data is entered & saved in Section 2 during the Hire process, it gets deleted/refreshed. 


How to correct I-9 data for a rehire transaction? 

When mistakes are identified while verifying the documents, the I-9 Specialist/E-Verify Specialist can restart EBI/Section 1 (in case of I-9 AutoFill = OFF) activity allowing the candidate to make corrections to the I-9 data. The process might pick up different flows (hire or rehire) when the candidate enters wrong values in EBI/Section 1 and after EBI/Section 1 restart when the typos are corrected.

Few examples of correcting I-9 data are discussed below:

Hire to Rehire correction

Let's consider a scenario in which candidate (who is rehired within 3 years, for the same company) enters a wrong SSN or Date of Birth value in EBI/Section 1..

In the below example, candidate enters wrong Date of Birth in Section 1 (when I-9 AutoFill = OFF) and completes the activity.

When the search match is invoked on Section 1 save/complete, the system will not find match (Company + SSN + DOB) since the data is wrong and the transaction turns into a hire flow with a new I-9 ID assigned to it.

The candidate can edit this wrongly entered EBI/Section 1 data until the process is submitted to HR. But once they submit the process to HR, the I-9 data in  EBI/Section 1 cannot be edited.

In this case, the Business Users need to restart the process or activity to open EBI/Section 1 activity for the New Hires for correction. 

Hire Flow when typo values are entered in Section 1

One of the options that the I-9 Specialists can use to restart EBI/Section 1 activity for the candidate is "Restart Section 1" from runtime Complete I-9 (Section 2) page.

For more details on runtime activity restarts, please visit Complete I-9 and E-Verify pages.

Here, the Section 1 is restarted from Complete I-9 activity using "Restart Section 1" button.

Restart Section 1

In the Restart Activities page, select a Restart Group, enter comments and then submit. In this case, 'Restart I-9 Section 1' option is selected as the Restart Group.

Note: If I-9 AutoFill = ON, in which the New Hire's personal information in I-9 Section 1 is auto populated from EBI activity and I-9 data is not editable for the New Hire, use "Restart EBI" option. For more details on I-9 AutoFill option, please click here.

Restart Activity

This will open I-9 Section 1 activity for the candidate. In Section 1, when candidate enters the correct Date of Birth, it matches with the data (Company + SSN + DOB) of an existing I-9 ID when the search match is invoked on save/complete. The system makes the previously assigned I-9 ID of the Hire flow as inactive (in which the typo was entered) and the correct I-9 ID of the previous hire is activated and populated in Section 1. 

Old I-9 ID of the Rehire flow

Since this is a rehire case, the complete I-9 activity opens up Section 3 instead of Section 2 for the I-9 Specialist. By entering the Date of Rehire in Section 3, the I-9 Specialist can complete this process.

Form I-9 Section 3 is open for editing

Rehire to Rehire correction

In this example, SSN and DOB are entered wrong by the candidate in Section 1 (when I-9 AutoFill = OFF) activity.

When the search match is invoked on Save/Electronic Signature, co-incidentally the SSN and DOB is matched with another terminated (within 3 years) candidate and hence it is determined as a rehire case. The I-9 ID of the wrongly matched candidate populates in I-9 Section 1 activity as given below.

Rehire flow - I-9 ID of the wrong candidate

The candidate can edit this wrongly entered EBI/Section 1 data until the process is submitted to HR. Once they submits the process to HR, the I-9 data in EBI/Section 1 cannot be modified.

In this case, the Business Users need to restart the process or activity to open EBI/Section 1 activity for the candidate for correction. 

Since this is a rehire scenario, the I-9 Specialist cannot restart EBI/Section 1 from I-9 Section 2 page because the process will not route to Section 2 activity. Instead of Section 2, the process opens up I-9 Section 3 in Complete I-9.

So the alternate way is to use "Restart Section 1/Section 2 or 3" in the E-Verify page. For more details on runtime activity restarts, please visit Complete I-9 and E-Verify pages.

To proceed to E-Verify, complete Section 3 activity by entering the Date of Rehire.

Form I-9 Section 3

In the E-Verify page, click on “Restart Section1/Section2 or 3” button.

Restart Section 1

Select a Restart Group, enter comments and then submit. In this case, we are using 'Restart I-9 Section 1' as the Restart group.

Note: If I-9 AutoFill = ON, in which the New Hire's personal information in I-9 Section 1 is auto populated from EBI activity and I-9 data is not editable for the New Hire, use "Restart EBI" option. For more details on I-9 AutoFill option, please click here.

Restart Activity

This opens the I-9 Section 1 activity for the candidate.  In Section 1, when candidate enters correct SSN and Date of Birth, it matches with the data (Company + SSN + DOB) of an existing I-9 ID when the search match is invoked on save/complete. The system makes the previously assigned incorrect I-9 ID of the rehire flow as inactive (in which the typo was entered) and the correct I-9 ID of the previous hire is activated and populated in I-9 Section 1.

Rehire flow - picks up I-9 ID of the correct candidate

Since this is a rehire flow, Section 2 will be in read only mode and Section 3 opens up in Complete I-9. By entering the Date of Rehire in Section 3, the I-9 Specialist can complete this process.

Form I-9 Section 3 in edit mode

Rehire to Hire correction

In this scenario candidate (who is getting hired) enters typo SSN or Date of Birth values in EBI/Section 1 and this matches with the I-9 data of another candidate who is terminated (within 3 years).

In the below example, SSN and Date of Birth are entered wrong by the candidate in I-9 Section 1 and completed. When the search match invokes, the SSN and DOB matches with another terminated (within 3 years) candidate and transaction turns out into a rehire flow populating the candidate's I-9 ID to the New Hire.

Rehire flow - picks up I-9 ID of a wrong candidate

The candidates can edit this wrongly entered EBI/Section 1 data until the process is submitted to HR. Once the process is submitted to HR, they cannot modify the I-9 data in EBI/Section 1

In this case, the Business Users need to restart the process or activity to open EBI/Section 1 activity for the New Hire for correction. 

Since this is a rehire scenario, the I-9 Specialist cannot restart EBI/Section 1 from I-9 Section 2 page because the process will not route to Section 2 activity. Instead of Section 2, the process opens up I-9 Section 3 in Complete I-9.

So the alternate way is to use "Restart Section 1/Section 2 or 3" in the E-Verify page. For more details on runtime activity restarts, please visit Complete I-9 and E-Verify pages.

To proceed to E-Verify, complete Section 3 activity by entering the Date of Rehire.

Form I-9 Section 3 in edit mode

In the E-Verify page, click on “Restart Section1/Section2 or 3” button.

Restart Section 1

Select a Restart Group, enter comments and then submit. In this case, we are using 'Restart I-9 Section 1' as the Restart group.

Note: If I-9 AutoFill = ON, in which the New Hire's personal information in I-9 Section 1 is auto populated from EBI activity and I-9 data is not editable for the New Hire, use "Restart EBI" option. For more details on I-9 AutoFill option, please click here.

Restart Activity

This opens the I-9 Section 1 activity for the candidate.  In Section 1, when candidate enters correct SSN and Date of Birth, and search match is invoked on section 1 save/completion, no match will be found from the existing I-9 data.

The system considers this as a hire flow and assigns a new I-9 ID to the transaction. After completing all the activities, the New Hires can submit the process to HR 

Hire flow - New I-9 ID is generated

Since this is a normal hire flow, in HR tasks the Section 2 activity opens for the I-9 Specialist as below. After completing Section 2, the process will proceed to E-Verify if applicable.

Hire flow - Section 2 in edit mode