The following explains the sections on the Complete Job Details page and highlights key points to consider while completing them:
The data captured during the New Hire onboarding process is displayed in this section. However, certain fields highlighted below were not captured during the process and therefore are not populated on this page. If these fields are required to be sent to ADP, you can manually enter the necessary values. Please consider the following points while completing this section:
The fields highlighted below do not populate from the New Hire’s process. Enter values in these fields if they need to be sent to ADP. Please consider the following points while completing this section:
FLSA Code = E & FLSA Overtime = "No" |
FLSA Code = N & FLSA Overtime = "Yes" |
The values highlighted below are to be entered if you want them to be sent to ADP. Please consider the following points while completing this section:
This section will be in read-only mode and provides a summary of the tax data collected during the New Hire onboarding process. To change these values on this page, the tax information under Payroll and Taxes must be updated.
In this example, the Federal withholding is indicated as exempt. As a result, the fields for Dependent Amount, Other Income, Deductions and Extra Withholdings will display a value of “0”.
The tax data captured during the New Hire’s onboarding process is populated here. The fields highlighted below are to be entered if they need to be sent to ADP. Please consider the following points while completing this section:
When exempt is indicated on the Federal withholding
the Deductions, Dependent Amount, Other Income and Federal Additional Tax Amount fields will not be present under Federal Tax sub-section. The “Do not calculate Federal Income Tax” check box will be defaulted as selected.
When exempt is indicated on Federal Tax Withholding |
If exempt is not indicated on Federal withholding, then the fields are present with values populated from the New Hire's Federal Withholding form.
When exempt is not indicated on Federal Tax Withholding |
When exempt is indicated on work state withholding
there will be no values in state marital status, exemptions and additional amount fields and the tax details should be updated manually in ADP under employee's Pay Profile. For more details, please click here.
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If working or living in one of these states/providences: AZ, CT, GA, MO, NY, MS, NC, PR
the percent withholding from gross taxable wages should be updated manually in ADP under employee's Pay Profile. Such transactions will have instructions provided on top of this section. For more details, please click here.
State's Additional Tax Amount field is restricted to accept only three digits and less
The additional withholding amount per pay period captured from the New Hire's state withholding form, is populated under the State Tax section on this page in the State's Additional Tax Amount field. However, if the value entered on the state withholding form exceeds three digits, it will not be populated in this field due to the restriction. In such cases, if the value needs to be sent to ADP, you will need to manually enter it.
Additional withholding amount entered on the State Withholding Form |
State Additional Tax Amount in Complete Job Details |
When SUI/SDI tax code relevant to the work state is not indicated on this page:
then the default SUI/SDI value set for the Company will be updated in ADP.
To select SUI/SDI Tax Code, click on the prompt and select a value relevant to the work state.
The prompt will show all the SUI/SDI Tax Codes that are synced from ADP.
From the list, select any SUI/SDI Tax Code relevant to the work state. This will populate the code along with the description on the Complete Job details page.
Note: If you need to change the description of any SUI/SDI tax Code, do it in ADP setup and then sync SUI/SDI data from ADP Related Configuration through Organization Management. The changed description will reflect in the SUI/SDI Tax Code prompt for the transactions for which the Complete Job Details is pending or editable. Note: These changes will not visible in the transactions where the data has already been sent to ADP.
If the code relevant to the work state doesn't exist, you may leave the SUI/SDI code as blank on the Complete Job Details page. In ADP, the SUI/SDI Tax Code will be updated with the default value set for the Company. For more datils on setting the default value in ADP, please click here.
Note: If any SUI/SDI Tax Code is made inactive in ADP that value will not be synced to Smart Onboarding when “Sync SUI/SDI Status” button is clicked on the ADP Related Configuration page and thus will not show in the SUI/SDI Tax Code prompt. For more details on syncing SUI/SDI data, please click here.
If any SUI/SDI Tax Code is made inactive in ADP and SUI/SDI data is synced in Smart Onboarding after completing the Complete Job Details activity with that particular code, then you may edit the Complete Job Details activity and modify the SUI/SDI Tax code with an active value if the data is not sent to ADP. Note: For the transactions where the data has already been sent to ADP this will have no impact. Even if the code is made inactive later in ADP, it will continue to appear on the Complete Job details page for these transactions.
With invalid SUI/SDI Tax Code the following error message will be displayed on the "Send Candidate Data to HR" page when the integration is triggered between Smart Onboarding and ADP.
The Direct Deposit details from the New Hire's Paycheck Preferences are displayed here and can be modified if necessary. The Deposit Type selected by the New Hire on the Direct Deposit form will determine the value populated in this section. If the New Hire selects "Balance" as the Deposit Type, it will be displayed as "Full Net" in this section. If "Amount" is selected, it will appear as "Partial Net", and if "Percent" is chosen, it will be shown as "Percentage Net".
Please consider the following points while completing this section:
Multiple accounts can be included in the Direct Deposit, but duplicate values in the Deduction Code are not allowed. If multiple rows with duplicate Deduction Code exist, an error will be displayed when the activity is saved.
The disability details captured from New Hire’s Self-Identification Disability form are populated here.
Note: Sending the employee Veteran Status and Emergency Contacts through integration is currently not supported by ADP.