Why does a System Administrator need to modify an existing User/Contact?

The System Administrator needs to modify Users when their personal information, roles, or security/access has changed. 

How does a System Administrator access the User's information?

The System Administrator uses the Manage Users/Contacts page to access the User's information.  Click the user name link to make changes to the selected user's information.

Manage Users/Contacts Page



Refer to the Add New User/Contact section for a description of the fields on the Invite/Edit User page.

What makes up the Invite/Edit User page?

The Invite/Edit User page is made up of 4 sections: Personal Information, Roles, Row Level Security and Authorized Lookup Security.  This information is also discussed in the Add New User/Contact documentation. 



 Personal Information

The System Administartor is required to enter all of the following personal information for the new user.


First Name (Required)

  • Enter user's preferred first name

Last Name (Required)

  • Enter the user's preferred last name
Email ID (Required)
  • Enter a valid email address
  • Used in order to send the appropriate onboarding email
  • User will need to verify this email address as a part of the two step authentication
Phone (Required)
  • Enter a valid phone number
  • User will need to verify this phone number as a part of the two step authentication
System Access
  • Checked: Allows the new User access to the system
  • Unchecked: The new User will not be able to operate inside the system, but will act as a contact


 Onboarding Roles

What information can a System Administrator change?

This depends on the status of the invitation.

If the user's invitation status is not Invitation Completed, you can change any of the user's information:  personal information, roles, and/or security.




If the user's invitation status is Invitation Completed, you can change all of the user's information except their email and phone information.  The user can change those using the My Profile feature.