Security Groups are used to define access for Administrative and Business Users. The User can only access attributes that are included in Security Groups for which they have been set up.
A Security Group is a list of specific HR attribute values that can be accessed by a User.
The System Administrator is the only user who can access Manage Security Groups.
Click the Menu Icon.
Under Misc. Setup, click More.
Menu access |
Click Manage Security Groups.
Manage Security Groups |
Click on an attribute for which you would like the Security Group to have access.
Manage Security Groups |
Click Add to add an entry for a new Security Group.
Manage Security Groups |
Enter a Description for the Security Group. Click the lookup icon for Attribute ID.
Define Security Group |
Select an Attribute value to be included in the Security Group.
Look Up Attribute ID |
Click the Add icon to add another Attribute value for the Security Group.
Define Security Group |
Repeat the lookup process, selecting a different Attribute value.
After all values have been added, click Save.
Define Security Group |
The new Security Group now shows for the Attribute.
Manage Security Groups |
You can add the same Security Group to other Attributes, if desired. You can add as many Security Groups as you would like to any attribute(s).
The Security Group access for a User is set up in Manage Users/Contacts. Refer to that topic for details of how Security Groups are specified.