My Company shows the following metrics related to your organization:

Below is an example of a My Company page.

My Company Page




Hovering over any segment in any graph shows the associated sub-category name and the total number of items in that sub-category.  
My Company Page



Clicking on a segment presents a popup with the details related to that segment.

My Company Page



Click on a Candidate ID.

My Company Page



Clicking on a Candidate ID presents the Candidate Summary page for the associated New Hire.

Candidate Summary Page



Clicking on Candidate ID again directs you to the invitation.

Candidate Report



The invitation is presented.  Information on the invitation can be changed if the invitation status allows.




Hovering and clicking are available on any of the segments of any of the graphs.

Content Metrics Chart

The Content Metrics chart shows counts for each type of content in the system.

Content Metrics Chart



Clicking on a content Type presents a popup with the details related to that type of content.  Clicking Notification Template presents all Notification Templates in the system.

Content Metrics Chart



Clicking on a Notification Template presents a popup with the details of that template, in view only mode.  Clicking Onboarding Awaiting HR Complete presents the following.

Content Metrics Chart


Attributes Chart

The Attributes chart shows counts for each attribute in the system.

Attributes Chart



Clicking on an attribute presents a popup with the details related to that attribute.  Clicking Business Unit presents all Business Units in the system.

Attributes Chart



Clicking on a Business Unit presents a popup with the details of that Business Unit, in view only mode.  Clicking Food Business Unit presents the following.

Attributes Chart