The Department of Homeland Security has issued temporary guidelines for Form I-9 requirements during the COVID-19 emergency. As per these guidelines, few system level changes are enabled in the Form I-9 processing. As an I-9 Administrator or as an Authorized Representative, when you are completing Section 2, you will notice additional warning messages and data capturing screens to alert you to comply to these new temporary policies.

 A reminder has been sent about these changes to all I-9 Admins via an email.

What are the changes implemented in the system?

Form I-9 changes:

As an I-9 Administrator or an Authorized Representative, you will notice few system level changes while completing Section 2.  Please refer "COVID-19 Form I-9 Changes" page to understand how these changes are implemented in the system.

I-9 Temporary Policy:

A new policy has been added under I-9 Admin's task list which appears in the New Hire flow after completing Section 2. This task will not be the part of New Hire flow once normal operations are resumed.

You can access this policy via Elasticsearch My Tasks as shown below:

Read the guidelines given in the policy, check acknowledge box and click Save button.