Attributes are important data elements in the Smart Onboarding system. Smart Onboarding allows users to define their own attributes if necessary in their business process.
Using Attribute Revisions, users can change (add/modify existing/delete) the attributes as per their requirement. The process Revisions will no longer support attribute changes. It can be done only by creating and configuring the Attribute Revisions.
Only System Administrators or Process Administrators can create or access Attribute Revisions.
Attribute Revisions can have only one active revision at any given time. That means there can be only one active Attribute Revision allowed in an Organization across all business processes. Unless the previous active Attribute Revision is applied or withdrawn, you cannot create a new Attribute Revision.
To create a Attribute Revision, select "Create Revision" under Revisions from the menu navigation on the left. Another option is to select "Add/Update Revision" on quick links bar.
Click "Add a New Value" on Create Revision page to create a new revision.
The first step is to reserve the revision. This saves the descriptive information and assigns a revision number. Click on "Reserve".
Next step is to configure the attributes. Click on "Configure". This will open the Attribute Revision page where the user can configure the attributes.
The Attribute Revision page opens as below. Add/modify the attributes as you like and apply the revision to see the desired changes.
The changes made in the Attribute Revision will not be available in the system until the revision is applied. To apply the Attribute Revision, click on "Apply" on the Manage Revision page.
Click on "Apply".
Given below is the Attribute Revision page with list of attributes to configure.
Select the attribute you wish to configure, and you will see all attributes of that type displayed in the drop down. These attributes are able to be structured as a tree if your organization chooses to do so. In order to add an attribute, it is important to note where you would like the attribute to be located on the tree structure.
When the Administrative User selects the attribute (in this case "Research"), they are presented with a row of icons that provide them functionality specific to that single attribute. The first two icons highlighted below allow you to add a new attribute as either a child, or a sibling of the currently selected attribute.
Selecting either 'Create Child' or 'Create Sibling' will open the Revision Attributes page where an Administrative User will be able to enter all relevant attribute information and save.
The new attribute will be added to the parent as shown below.
Return to Manage Revision page and apply the revision.
To delete or modify an attribute from the master attribute list, first select the attribute you wish to delete from the system. On the right hand side of the attribute, you will be able to see a list of icons that show the functions available to that attribute. Selecting the "Manage Attribute" icon will allow you to edit all the fields of the current attribute.
The Revision Attributes page allows an Administrative User to modify all existing fields for a specific attribute. In order to delete an attribute, select "Inactive" for the Effective Status and save the changes in order to remove an attribute from your master attributes list. It is important to note that if a parent node is set to invalid, all of the children nodes will also become invalid.
Note: If the criteria is being set for an attribute in the process revision, the system will not allow you to change that particular attribute in attribute revision until the process revision is applied.
Any changes/additions made in the Attribute Revision to alter data elements in the system can be viewed in the attribute summary. There are two ways to view Attribute Revision summary.
1. Click on "Summary" on the Manage Revision page.
2. Another option is to click on "View Summary" link in Revision Information section.
The Attribute Revision Summary page shows as below.
The additions/changes made to the data elements in the revision will show in grids. Expanding these grids will show the sub section with description of the action(s). Further expanding these descriptions will show the audit details. All the details that are audited in Revision Summary are specific to the revision.
Description of the action(s) and audit details |
The various possibilities of adding/changing the data elements in Attribute Revision and the changes reflecting in the Revision Summary is explained with examples below:
Adding/modifying the Attributes:
1. When a new attribute is added in the revision, the Revision Summary shows the "Attribute" grid with a value added for the "Created" action. Expanding the grid will show the description row for the "Created" action. Further expanding the description row will open the audit details.
In this example, "Software" is added as a child under Company attribute.
Expand the grid to view the details related to the action.
The description of the action shows in the sub section below the grid. Click on the arrow next to the description to open the audit details.
Audit details |
When the above created attribute is modified, then it is considered as the "Modified" action and the audit details includes the modified data.
Highlighted below is the attribute data modified in the revision.
Revision Summary |
Description of the action and audit details of the modified data |
If the details of the above attribute is modified again, the count for the "Modified" action will not change. However, the audit shows the modified data with modified date & time stamp.
Highlighted below is the modified attribute data.
Revision Summary |
Audit details of the modified data |
2. When the data of an already existing attribute is modified (may be of the same attribute type or different), the count for the "Modified" action increases by "1" in the grid and a description row for the modified data will be available below the grid. Further expanding the description row for the "Modified" action will show the audit details.
Highlighted below is the "Services" Company attribute data before and after modification.
Details before modifying the attribute |
Details after modifying the attribute |
Revision Summary |
Description of the action and audit details |
Authentication Events
When a event action is modified via "Authentication Events" in the revision, the "Event" grid shows with a value added for the "Modified" action. Expand the grid to view the description of the modified action. For audit details, further expand the description row.
In this example, the highlighted Notification Template is modified in event actions.
Notification Template before modifying |
Event actions after modifying the Notification Template |
Revision Summary |
Description of the action and audit details |
When the above event action is modified again, the count for "Modified" action will not increase but the modified data will be stamped in audit details with modified date & time.
Modified Notification Template |
Revision Summary |
Description of the action and audit details of the modified data |
Home Page Content:
1. When a category content is newly added in Home Page Content for a user role, the "Home Page Content" grid shows a value added for the "Created" action. Expand the grid to view the description of the created action. For audit details, further expand the description row.
In this example, a attachment is added in "Handbooks" category for HR Specialist role in the Home Page Content for a Company attribute.
Attachment added in Handbooks category |
Revision Summary |
Description of the action and audit details |
To the above content, if one more attachment is added in "Handbooks" category, the count for the "Created" action will increase by "1" in the grid. but the description row for the new data will not be available in the sub section. The audit details of the new attachment added in "Handbooks" category will be available in the same description row that was shown for the first "Created" action.
Revision Summary |
Audit details |
2. If two attachments are added in different category for different user role(s), then the count for both "Created" and "Modified" actions will be increased by "1" specific to each user role. The audit will show the first attachment details under the modified section whereas the second under created section.
Note: In this scenario, if one attachment is added, only the count for "Modified" action will increase by "1" for each user role.
Below, two attachments are added in "Training Guides" category for Recruiter role in the Home Page Content for the same Company attribute.
Revision Summary |
Description of the actions and audit details |
From the above added attachments, if the highlighted attachment is deleted, a value will be added for the "Deleted" action on the Home Page Content grid. Expanding the description row for the deleted attachment will show the audit details.
Before deleting the attachments |
After deleting the attachments |
Description of the action and audit details |