Notification templates are used to create the automatic emails which can be sent to Users and New Hires after an action is taken. System Administrators, Process Administrators, and Content Administrators can modify the templates by changing the subject and/or content of the email's message. Note that Content Administrators can only create or modify the content. They need assistance from a System Administrator or Process Administrator to bring the modified content into use in the product.
You can create a new Notification Template, and add it to the onboarding process.
Click the Menu icon, then click on Create Revision.
Menu |
Click on Add a New Value.
Create Revision |
Enter the information on the Manage Revision page, with Type being Content, then click on Reserve.
Manage Revision |
Click Configure.
Manage Revision |
Click on Add to create a new Notification Template.
Content Revision Page |
Enter the information for fields 1 through 3.
Notification Template Page |
Item | Item Name | Description |
Description |
| |
Priority |
| |
Sender |
| |
Subject |
| |
Content |
Click on Add/Edit Subject.
Notification Template Page |
Enter the subject line, inserting binds if desired (see Binds for more information). In the example the First Name is inserted as a bind.
Click OK.
Add/Edit Subject Page |
Click on Add/Edit Content.
Notification Template Page |
Enter the email message contents, using the available options to customize the design, including binds (click Binds for more information) and then click OK.
Add/Edit Content Page |
Review the information, change anything that needs to be edited, then click on Save.
Notification Template Page |
Click Return to Manage Revision.
Content Revision Page |
Click Apply.
Manage Revision Page |
To modify an existing Notification Template, create a new Content Revision or select an "In progress" Content Revision.
On the Content Revision page, click Review/Update Notification Templates.
Select the template that you want to modify.
The above notification template is used to send an email to the HR Admin when the candidate submits his/her onboarding information for review.
The content of the above notification template can be seen in this sample email.
When you select the notification template to modify, the content opens as shown below. If you have selected a delivered notification template to modify, then the description automatically populates with suffix "[Revised]".
If you are modifying the template that is not delivered (created through revision), then you need to manually add "[Revised]" to the description to differentiate it from the main template.
This will avoid duplicate content names appearing in the Notification Templates lookup and make it easy to identify the modified template.
Note: After adding the suffix, if the description exceeds 120 characters then the extra characters get truncated.
Check the description of the modifying template in the following example. Since we are modifying the delivered template, the suffix "[Revised]" is automatically added by the system in the template description.
Make changes to the notification template as required. Click on "Add/Edit Subject" link if you want to modify the subject.
Edit notification subject as you want and click OK.
Click on "Add/Edit Content" to change email content.
Modify content and click OK.
After making the changes, save the template.
Click on "Return to Manage Revision".
Click "Apply".
The sample email notification after the update is given below:
The table below lists some of the delivered Notification Templates that can be modified.
Notification Template | Description | How Used |
INV_ACCT_CREATE_EMAIL_USERID | Account creation email with User ID | Email sent to a user with authentication User ID |
INV_ACCT_CREATE_EMAIL_USERPSWD | Account creation email with password | Email sent to a user with Password |
SM_CO_USR_LAUNCH_RICH_TMPL | User Self Registration | Email that is sent to a System Administrator or any other Administrative or Business User after being invited (rich text). |
SM_CO_USR_SELFREG_TEMPLATE | User Self Registration | Same as the previous, but without rich text. This is not in use when delivered. |
SM_CO_NTF_SELFREG_SUCCESS_TA | Notification about successfully self registering | Email sent to a System Administrator after self registering. |
SM_CO_USR_RESEND_RICH_TMPL | User Resend Self Registration | Email sent to a User when the invitation is re-sent (rich text). |
SM_CO_USR_RESEND_SELFREG_TMPL | User Resend Self Registration | Same as the previous, but without rich text. This is not in use when delivered. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_SELF_REG_SUCCESS | Notification about successfully self registering | Email sent to a User or New Hire after self registering. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_NEW_ROLE | New role assigned | Email sent to a User when a new role is assigned to the User. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_ROLE_UNASGN | Role Unassigned | Email sent to a User when a new role is unassigned to the User. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ROLE | Role changed | Email sent to a User when their role is changed. |
SM_CO_INV_LAUNCH_RICH_TMPL | Self Registration details | Email sent to a New Hire when an invitation is launched (rich text). |
SM_CO_INV_SELFREG_TMPL | Self Registration details | Same as the previous, but without rich text. This is not in use when delivered. |
SM_CO_INV_RESEND_RICH_TMPL | Resend: Self Registration details | Email sent to a New Hire when an invitation is re-sent. |
SM_CO_INV_RESEND_SELFREG_TMP | Resend: Self Registration details | Same as the previous, but without rich text. This is not in use when delivered. |
SM_CO_INV_FORCE_COMPLETE | Force Complete | Email sent to New Hire when their onboarding process is forced to completion. |
SM_CO_INV_RESTART_ACTIVITY | On restart of an activity | Email sent to a New Hire when their onboarding activity is restarted. |
SM_CO_INV_RESTART_PROCESS_ADM | Process restart notification to the HR Admin | Email sent to the HR Admin/Specialist when process is restarted for a New Hire. |
SM_CO_INV_RESTART_PROCESS | Process restart notification to the New Hire | Email sent to a New Hire when process is restarted for their process. |
SM_CO_INV_TERMINATE_PROCESS | Terminate Process | Email sent to New Hire when their onboarding process is terminated. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_ACC_UNLOCK | Notification about account unlock | Email sent to a User or New Hire when their account has been unlocked by an administrator. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_ACC_LOCK | Notification about account lockout | Email sent to a User or New Hire when their account has been locked due to too many unsuccessful login attempts. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_EPIN_RST | Notification about ePIN reset. | Email sent to a User or New Hire when an administrator has requested that they change their e-Pin. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_ACCOUNT_CHANGE | Notify Account Change | Email sent to a User or New Hire when they have changed their account information. |
SM_CO_NOTIFY_CHLNG_QNS_CHNG | Notification about change in challenge questions | Email sent to a User or New Hire when they have changed their challenge questions. |
PRESCREEN_SUBMITTED_NOTIFY_HR | PreScreen Submitted - Notification to HR | Email sent to an HR administrator when a New Hire has submitted their pre-screen information. |
SM_OB_AWAITING_HR_COMPLETE | Onboarding Awaiting HR Complete | Email sent to a New Hire when HR has completed their review of pre-screening information. |
SM_OB_SUBMIT_FOR_REVIEW | Confirm on Submit for Review | Email sent to a New Hire when they have submitted their onboarding information for review. |
SUBMIT_TO_HR_NOTIFY | Submit to HR Notify | Email sent to an HR administrator when a New Hire has submitted their onboarding information for review. |
SM_I9_EV_NOTIFY_EMPLOYER | Notifying to Employer | Email sent to employer to Update SSN given by the New Hire and proceed with releasing Form I9 for E-Verification |
SM_OB_CAND_PACKET_REMINDER | Candidate Packet Reminder to Invitation Creator | Email sent to invitation creator regarding candidates who have not submitted their packet |
SM_OB_SUBMIT_TO_HR_REMINDER | Reminder about Submit to HR not done | Email sent to New Hires whose Submit to HR is not done and start date within 3 days |
SM_I9_REMOTEI9_ASSIGNMENT_TMPL | Notify assigned Section 2 activity | Email sent to a Remote I-9 User when Section 2 is assigned to them. |
SM_I9_REMOTEI9_UNDO_TMPL | Notify undo of assigned Section 2 activity | Email sent to a Remote I-9 User when an assigned Section 2 activity is cancelled. |
SM_I9_REMOTEI9_COMPLETION_TMPL | Notify completion of Section 2 activity | Email sent to the I-9 & E-Verify Admins on the completion of Section 2 activity by a Remote User. |
SM_I9_REMOTEI9_PUSHBACK_TMPL | Notify send back of Section 2 activity | Email sent to a Remote I-9 User when the Section 2 activity is sent back to them. |
SM_I9_RI9_S3_ASSIGNMENT_TMPL | Notify assigned Section 3 activity | Email sent to a Remote I-9 User when the Section 3 activity is assigned to them. |
SM_I9_RI9_S3_UNDO_TMPL | Notify undo of assigned Section 3 activity | Email sent to a Remote I-9 User when an assigned Section 3 activity is cancelled. |
SM_I9_RI9_S3_COMPLETION_TMPL | Notify completion of Section 3 activity | Email sent to the I-9 & E-Verify Admins on the completion of Section 3 activity by a Remote User. |
SM_I9_RI9_S3_PUSHBACK_TMPL | Notify send back of Section 3 activity | Email sent to a Remote I-9 User when the Section 3 activity is sent back to them. |
SM_CO_REL_INV_LAUNCH_RICH_TMPL | Related invitation launch | Email sent to a Proxy User with Self Registration details after an invitation is being launched (rich text). |
SM_CO_REL_INV_RESEND_RICH_TMPL | Resend related invitation | Email sent to a Proxy User when the invitation is re-sent (rich text). |
To change which email is to be sent after each of these actions is completed, you need to create an Attribute Revision.
Please refer this page to create/modify Attribute Revision.
Click on Authentication Events.
Note some of the Notification Event categories. These are explained in the chart below.
Given below are the standard Notification Events related to New Hire's invitation. These are emails that are sent once an action/event is completed.
Notification Event Name | Description |
On Invitation Relaunch | When an HR Specialist or Recruiter completes the Resend Login action before the New Hire makes a User ID and password |
On Invitation Resend | When an HR Specialist or Recruiter completes the Resend Login action after the New Hire makes a User ID and password |
On Invitation Launch | When an HR Specialist or Recruiter Launches the New Hire's invitation |
On User Relaunch | When a System Administrator completes the Resend Registration action before the Business User creates a User ID and password (to do this, a Business User must have their Invitation Launched) |
On User Resend Invite | When a System Administrator completes the Resend Registration action after the Business User creates a User ID and password (to do this, a Business User must have their Invitation Launched) |
On User Launch | When a System Administrator launches the Business User's invitation |
Restart of invitee's first activity | When the HR Admin restarts invitee's process and Electronic Disclosure restarts |
Process Restart | Notification to both Admin and Invitee when the invitee's process restarted |
On Related Invitation Launch | When invitation is launched for inviting a proxy user |
On Related Invitation Resend | When invitation is relaunched for inviting a proxy user |
To change which email is sent for one of these notification events, click on the lookup of the notification event's email that you want to change.
Before modifying, let us take a look at the notification template for invitation relaunch.
When you click on the lookup icon, it shows all the templates including all delivered and those that you have created. The modified notification templates will have the suffix "[Revised]" in their description.
Click on the Notification Template you want to send for this Notification Event.
As an example, let us use the new notification that has been created.
Now the new template is updated to the Event. Scroll down the page, and click Save.
Event Actions Page |
Click on Return to Manage Revision.
Process Revision Page |
Click Apply.
Manage Revision Page |
The Notification Template that you have added will be seen in the event of invitation relaunch.
Login as HR Specialist, click on the Elasticsearch icon and search for the invitation that is already been launched but self registration not completed. Click on "Resend Welcome Email".
Click "Yes" to confirm the action.
Click "Close" on the confirmation message.
The sample of the updated notification shows as below:
Similar to the above method, to change which email is being sent after an action in the onboarding process is completed, you need to create a process revision.
On the process Revision page, click on Configure Events & Notifications.
The Events & Notifications page is displayed as below.
Field | Behavior |
View All |
First Previous Next Last |
Add Event |
Delete Event |
Field | Behavior |
Event |
Action ID |
Field | Behavior |
Notify |
Role Type |
Notification Template |
Add |
Delete |
Select the appropriate notification template that is to be sent for the event and action configured in the process.
Note: The modified notification templates will have a suffix "[Revised]" in their description.
Click Save after you are done.
Click Return to Manage Revision.
Click Apply.
Manage Revision Page |
Click on View All to figure out which emails are being sent and when they are sent.
After assessing that you want to modify one of them, change the fields accordingly (check the different customization options above), and then click on Save.
As you can see in the following example, a modified notification template is configured for HR Specialist for the Action ID "Submit to HR" on action complete.
Click Return to Manage Revision.
Click Apply.
Manage Revision Page |
Click Add Event.
A blank event will appear and the number between previous and next increases by one.
Fill out the fields accordingly, choose an appropriate notification template (check the different customization options above), and then click on Save.
Click Return to Manage Revision.
Process Revision Page |
Click Apply.
Manage Revision Page |
Notification Templates can be configured specific to any attribute such as Company, Business Unit, Department, Location, or Job Code.
Note: If you want to use this feature in your organization, please reach out to us to set this up.
After the setup is done by us, you can follow the procedure given below:
As an example, here we have modified standard Notification Templates for launch/relaunch using Content Revision for Department and Job Code. You can either create a new Notification Template or modify an existing one as per the requirement.
If you need more details on creating/modifying Notification Templates, please click here.
Example 1:
Revised 'Self Registration details' notification for Department |
Example 2:
Revised 'Relaunched: Self Registration details' for Job Code |
Once, the Notification Templates are saved, they show up in Content Revision Summary as given below. Return to Manage Revision page and apply the revision.
Apply Revision |
Now, configure these notifications to the corresponding attributes in the Attribute Revision as shown below.
In Attribute Revision, select the Department attribute and click on Manage Revisions. Here 'Human Resource' Department is considered for configuring the notification.
In 'Revision Attributes' page, click on the lookup icon for 'Candidate Email NotificationID'.
Select the notification that you have created for Department.
The Notification Template ID populates on Revision Attributes page as shown below. Click on 'Save'.
Select the notification that you have created for Job Code.
In runtime, when the corresponding action/event takes place, you can see these notifications triggered for the invitations with attributes specified as above.
Runtime examples:
Let us create two separate invitations, with Department = Human Resource and Job Code = Chief Operating Officer.
Example 1:
Invitation with Department = Human Resource |
When the above invitation is launched, the revised 'Self Registration details' notification that is configured for Department = 'Human Resource' will be sent out to the candidate.
Launch Invitation via Invitation Console actions:
Invitation launch via Invitation Console actions |
Launch Invitation via Elasticsearch Invitations related actions:
Sample notification sent out to the candidate on invitation launch is given below:
Example 2:
Invitation with Job Code = Chief Operating Officer |
The revised 'Relaunched: Self Registration details' notification that is configured for Job Code = 'Chief Operating Officer' triggers when this invitation is relaunched.
Relaunch Invitation via Invitation Console actions:
Relaunch Invitation via Elasticsearch Invitations related actions:
Given below is the sample notification sent out to the candidate when the invitation is relaunched:
Note: If Notification Templates are configured for multiple attributes and are given in the invitation, then the first attribute notification will trigger.
For instance, if notifications are configured for both Department and Job Code and are selected in an invitation, then the Department notification will be sent to the candidate.