Centralized DHS Setup

Centralized DHS Setup

Centralized DHS Setup allow employers use only one central company to E-Verify all the candidates that are being hired across all companies. This central company hold Web Services account and MoU with E-Verify certifying the use of this company as a master for E-Verification across other companies. To use the Centralized DHS Setup, the "Centralized E-Verify" option in the Product Preferences should be enabled. This is discussed in detail below.

Who can access the Centralized DHS Setup?

The System Administrator is the only user who can access the Centralized DHS Setup.

How to change the product setup for Centralized DHS option?

Click on the menu icon and select "Product Preferences" under Product Setup.


If the product is Smart Onboarding click Onboarding option. If it is E-Verify Product click Smart I-9 E-Verify

Let us consider changing Product Preferences for Smart Onboarding product.

Product Preferences

The system is delivered with Centralized E-Verify property disabled (set as OFF).

Product Related Properties

Set "Centralized E-Verify" Property to "ON" and save.

Product Related Properties

To setup for I-9 product, select "Smart I-9 E-Verify".

Product Preferences

You will notice the Centralized E-Verify property default value as "OFF".

Product Related Properties

To enable Centralized E-Verify, set the property value to "ON" and save.

Product Related Properties

How to access Centralized DHS Setup?

Click on the menu icon and select "Centralized DHS Setup" under Integration.


If "Centralized E-Verify" property is not enabled in Product Preferences and you try to access the Centralized DHS Setup, the following error displays on the page.

If "Centralized E-Verify" property is enabled in Product Preferences, the Centralized DHS Setup page opens as below:

What are the fields on Centralized DHS Setup page?

The fields on the DHS Client Setup page are explained below:

Organization Name

Displays your organization's name

ModeSelect the setup environment: Test/Production
  • The User ID on the DHS site that is used for communicating with USCIS E-Verify.
  • Displays the User ID entered
  • The Password for the user on the DHS site that is used for communicating with USCIS E-Verify.
  • Displays the Password as encrypted and masked.
  • Re-type the Password.
  • Displays the re-typed Password as encrypted and masked.
Allow Batch DHS Case Creation
  • This option can be used for case creation and submission of E-Verify cases to DHS through batch process. For more details, please click here.
Default case submitter Details
  • This link is visible in the setup only when "Allow Batch DHS Case Creation" check box is checked
  • Opens a page where case submitter details are collected which can be used for initiating the E-Verify cases through batch process. For more details, please click here.
Verify Connectivity
  • Can be used to verify the DHS connectivity.

On the Setup page, select the environment by setting up the Mode to "Test" for testing or "Production" for production.

Centralized DHS Setup

Enter DHS web service User ID and Password details and save.

After saving, the page displays as below. If the DHS web service password is changed, then it can be updated in this setup in the highlighted fields.

To check the working of web service account, you can click on "Verify Connectivity" link. 

The following message displays if the connectivity is successful.

If you have Centralized DHS set up for your organization, then your option to setup DHS Client for individual companies will be disabled. When you access the DHS Client Setup page, the following message will be displayed.

How to set up default case submitter details?

The case submitter details are collected for batch initiating the E-Verify process instead of creating case manually for each newly hired employee.

The option is visible on Centralized DHS Setup page when you click "Allow Batch DHS Case Creation" check box. Click on "Default Case Submitter Details".

Batch DHS Case Creation

Enter case submitters details and click on "OK". This information is used for initiating the DHS cases via batch process.

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