Organization Homepage Configuration

Organization Homepage Configuration

What is the Organization Homepage Configuration?

The Organization Homepage Configuration setup allows a System Administrator or Process Administrator to customize the information (content and images) displayed on the initial login page or home page seen by users or New Hires after logging into Smart Onboarding (their Homepage). This setup also allows to customize the content based on the attributes such as Company, Business Unit, and Location.

When should the Organization Homepage Configuration be set up?

This setup should be done as soon as the System Administrator has completed the Organization Onboarding. If the basic delivered homepages need modification, you should make changes for the specific homepage in this setup.  Any adjustments made will affect the homepages of Users and New Hire.

Why is the Organization Homepage Configuration needed?

Organization Homepage Configuration is needed in order to tailor the information you wish to display to users or New Hires when they login into the system and access their Homepage.

The following are the Homepages you are able to configure for your organization:  You can change colors, images, videos etc. to match your organization's branding and culture.

For more details on changing the layout and content of the home pages, please click on the corresponding links: Modify Homepage Layout, Modify Homepage Content.

Homepage ID
Viewable by
when it affects?
ACTIVE_INITIAL_TU_HMPGInitial Login Home Page for all TUs when the ORG is ActiveSystem Administrators + Users
  • Before onboarding, the first time logging in (until completion of the User Onboarding process)
ACTIVE_REGULAR_TA_HMPGRegular Login Home Page for all TAs when the ORG is ActiveSystem Administrators Only
  • After initial login (completion of the Organization Onboarding process)
  • It is the consistent login homepage during  onboarding
ACTIVE_REGULAR_TU_HMPGRegular Login Home Page for all TUs when the ORG is ActiveAll Users except System Administrators
  • After initial login (completion of the User Onboarding process)
  • It is the consistent login homepage during onboarding
ACTIVE_REMOTEI9_HMPGRemote I-9 Home PageRemote I-9 Users
  • After initial login (completion of the User Onboarding process)
  • It is the consistent login homepage during onboarding
NEW_HIRE_REGULAR_HMPGNew Hire's Regular Home PageNew Hires Only
  • After initial login (completion of the first activity of the onboarding process)
  • it is the consistent login homepage during onboarding
NEW_HIRE_WELCOMENew Hire's Welcome 
(First Time Login)
New Hires Only
  • Before they perform any activity inside of their onboarding process
  • usually containing a welcome message that lead to onboarding
NOROLE_USER_HMPGHomepage for User with No RoleUsers with no role assigned
  • After initial login (completion of the User Onboarding process)
  • It is the consistent login homepage during onboarding

Who has access to the Organization Homepage Configuration?

Users with the System Administrator or Process Administrator roles can access the Organization Homepage Configuration.

How do you access the Organization Homepage Configuration?

If you are a System Administrator or a Process Administrator, you can access the Organization Homepage Configuration by clicking on the menu icon and selecting the "Organization Homepage Config" link under Organization Management.

Click the "Search" button to see all homepages available for configuration.

The Home Page IDs with their Description displays as below. Select the homepage you wish to configure.

The delivered Homepage layouts and the runtime pages are given below:

Home Page IDLayout Preview & Runtime Page

Initial Login Home Page for all TUs when ORG is Active


Regular Login Homepage for all TAs when ORG is Active


Regular Login Homepage for all TUs when ORG is Active


Remote I-9 Homepage


New Hire's Regular Home Page


New Hire Welcome (First Time Login)


Home Page for User with No Role

What makes up the Organization Homepage Configuration?

The Organization Homepage Configuration consists of the following highlighted sections.

Organization Homepage Configuration 

Item #Item NameDescription

Homepage IDThe Homepage ID lets the Administrator know which homepage is currently being modified.

DescriptionThe Description field allows you to enter a brief description about the selected homepage

Effective DateEffective Date allows the Administrator to determine when the changes should become visible to the user

Effective SequenceAllows the Administrator to make multiple changes in the same day. The system will choose the Active profile with the highest Effective Sequence number


Active: The current homepage can be displayed to the user

Inactive: The current homepage cannot be displayed to the user

In Progress: The current homepage is currently being worked on, and is not displayed to the user

Layout Preview

You can preview the layout of all content on the selected homepage

List LinksAllows the Administrator to switch between homepages without going back to search

What is the Homepage Layout Preview?

The Homepage Layout Preview allows you to view or modify the content or image added to the page. The preview includes the following sections:

Item #Item NameDescription
1Add Row

Allows the Administrator to add a row to the current homepage

2Delete Column

Allows the Administrator to remove a column on the selected row

3Edit ContentAllows the Administrator to edit existing content in the selected row
4Delete RowAllows the Administrator to delete a row from the current homepage
5Edit RowAllows the Administrator to edit the style of the selected row
6Add ColumnAllows the Administrator to add a column to the current homepage
7Up/DownAllows the Administrator to move the current row up or down on the page

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