This section contains information about the documents that the New Hire presented to support his eligibility for employment. All the information is blank when you first go to this activity. The employer must enter information for one document from List A OR one document from List B AND one document from List C.
What are the acceptable documents for Form I-9?
The New Hires may provide a document from List A which establishes both identity and employment eligibility or a document from List B (establishing identity) and a document from List C (establishing employment eligibility). They must present their employment eligibility document(s) to the employer within three business days of the date employment begins. In case, if they are unable to present the required documents within three business days, they must present the receipt for the application of the document and produce the actual document within 90 days.
List A
List A |
Note: Based on the New Hire's Eligibility type the documents shown in List A dropdown vary.
List B
List B |
For individuals with 18 years of age or older -
For individuals under age 18 -
List C
List C |
How do you complete Section 2 of Form I-9?
There are many different possible paths through I-9 processing. The I-9 Specialist must record the document details presented by the New Hire in List A or List B & List C of Section 2.
In List A, the documents presented in the dropdown vary depending on the New Hire's eligibility type selected in Section 1. Note: The documents list presented in List B & List C dropdowns remain unaltered irrespective of the New Hire's eligibility type.
The I-9 Specialist must select at least one document from List A OR one document from List B AND one document from List C.
Examples of List A documents for different eligibility types selected in Section 1 are given below:
List A Documents:
1. Eligibility Type = Citizen
Document Titles available in List A when New Hire's eligibility type = Citizen |
Depending on the Document Title selected, the values shown in the issuing authority lookup vary.
Issuing Authority lookup when "U.S, Passport" is selected in Document Title:
If you are entering the Issuing Authority value instead of choosing from the lookup, then make sure the value entered matches with the Issuing Authority description in the lookup.
Otherwise, the following error message displays on the page when Section 2 is saved/electronically signed.
The Issuing Authority value selected in the lookup will populate on the page as shown below.
The other fields/document rows in List A open up depending on the Document Title selected in the first row of List A (A1). If additional details related to the Document Title selected in row one of the List A is required, then the other rows in List A (A2, A3) open up.
After completing, the I-9 Section 2 details will automatically pass on to the following E-Verify activity where the employee's E-Verify processing is initiated and completed interfacing through the USCIS E-Verify System.
Note: This Section 2 information can also be seen in the print forms, I-9 Summary page, I-9 Master data and in I-9 Audit report.
2. Eligibility Type = Non-Citizen National
The documents presented in List A when "Non-Citizen National" selected in New Hire Section 1 is similar to the documents presented when eligibility type = citizen.
To complete Section 2, follow the procedure mentioned in the previous example.
Document Titles available in List A when New Hire's eligibility type = Non-citizen National |
3. Eligibility Type = Lawful Permanent Resident
Document Titles available in List A when New Hire's eligibility type = Lawful Permanent Resident |
As an example, here "Foreign Passport with Temp. I-551 MRIV" is selected as the Document Title. To select the Issuing Authority click on the lookup icon.
In the lookup page, scroll through the values and select an option that is applicable.
If you are entering the Issuing Authority value instead of choosing from the lookup, then make sure the value entered matches with the Issuing Authority description in the lookup.
Otherwise, the following error message displays on the page when Section 2 is saved/electronically signed.
The Issuing Authority value selected in the lookup populates on Section 2 page as shown below.
As you can see in this example, the Document Title "Machine-readable immigrant visa (MRIV)" and the Issuing Authority "U.S. department of State" are populated in the second row of List A (A2) in read only mode. This is because "Foreign Passport with Temporary I-551 MRIV" document has been selected in the row one of List A (A1) as the New Hire's employment eligibility verification document.
4. Eligibility Type = Alien
Document Titles available in List A when New Hire's eligibility type = Alien |
Here "FSM Passport with Form I-94" is selected as the Document Title. To select the Issuing Authority click on the lookup icon.
The Issuing Authority related to the document selected in List A (FSM Passport with Form I-94) shows in the lookup page. Click on the link "Micronesia, Federal States of" showing under Issuing Authority description.
If you are entering the Issuing Authority value instead of choosing from the lookup, then make sure the value entered matches with the Issuing Authority description in the lookup.
Otherwise, the following error message displays on the page when Section 2 is saved/electronically signed.
The Issuing Authority selected in the lookup populates on Section 2 page as shown below. Also, the second row in List A (A2) opens up to enter the Form I-94/I-94A details.
The Document Titles presented in the dropdown for List B & List C are given below:
List B Document Titles:
List C Document Titles:
Document Titles |
Use cases:
Let's take few common use cases as examples.
- US Citizen, List A document
- Lawful Permanent Resident, List A document
- Alien authorized to work, List A document (EAD)
- Alien authorized to work, List B and C documents
Case 1: US Citizen, List A document
"A citizen of the United States" option is chosen in Section 1.
In Complete I-9 (Section 2) the New Hire's I-9 Section 1 information is presented as read only as shown below. Section 2 information is initially blank or N/A.
I-9 Initial Information |
Select the document title by clicking on the drop down list under List A.
List A document options |
The following are the fields that can be entered for List A or List B & C documents. Note that different information is shown and required for different eligibility types. This example is for US citizen.
Field | Behavior |
Document Title | Document / Receipt presented by the New Hire as proof of identity and work authorization |
Document Number | The content and format change depending on the specific type of document |
Document Expiration Date |
Issuing Authority |
Additional Information | Information that cannot be entered in dropdown lists provided can be added here |
Below is an example after List A type data has been entered.
List A document information entered |
Case 2: Lawful Permanent Resident, List A document
Foreign Passport with Temp I-551 Stamp
"A lawful permanent Resident" option is chosen in Section 1.
In Complete I-9 (Section 2) the New Hire's I-9 Section 1 information is presented as read only as shown below. Section 2 information is initially blank or N/A.
I-9 initial information |
Select the document title by clicking on the drop down list under List A.
List A document options |
In this case, "Foreign Passport with Temp I-551 Stamp" is selected as the document under List A. Enter Issuing Authority, Document Number, and Expiration Date (optional).
List A1 |
The second row opens up in List A to capture "Temporary I-551 stamp" details. Since temporary I-551 stamp is an endorsement on the passport done at the port of entry upon arrival into the US, the document number is not applicable to the stamp. Hence the document number in the List A2 is defaulted to N/A. For temporary I-551 stamp, enter issuing authority and expiration date (optional).
Foreign Passport with Temporary I-551 MRIV
Given below is another example for LPR status, List A document. When Foreign Passport with Temporary I-551 MRIV document is entered in List A. the second row opens under the List to enter I-551 MRIV details. For I-551 MRIV, the issuing authority is defaulted to "U.S. Department of State" and the other fields "Document Number" and "Expiration Date" are optional displayed in add mode.
Alien Reg. Receipt Card (Form I-551)
Given below is another example for LPR status, List A document. When Alien Reg. Receipt Card (Form I-551) is selected in List A (A1), List A2 and List A3 document titles will be defaulted to N/A. Select the Issuing Authority and Document Number for Alien Reg. Receipt Card. In this case, the document Expiration Date is optional. You can save Section 2 without Expiration Date or with "No Expiration Date" checkbox checked.
Perm Resident Card (Form I-551)
Similar to the above, when Perm Resident Card (Form I-551) is selected in List A (A1), List A2 and List A3 document titles will be defaulted to N/A. Select the Issuing Authority and Document Number for Perm Resident Card. In this case, the document Expiration Date is optional. You can save Section 2 without Expiration Date or with "No Expiration Date" checkbox checked.
Case 3: Alien authorized to work, List A document (EAD)
"An alien authorized to work" option is chosen in Section 1.
In Complete I-9 (Section 2) the New Hire's I-9 Section 1 information is presented as read only as shown below. Section 2 information is initially blank or N/A.
In List A or List C, select "Employment Authorized Document (Form I-766)" as document title. Here, the specified document is selected from List A. Enter other fields under List A.
List A document - EAD |
When the Document Title is EAD, an additional field is populated in Section 2 to capture the category codes. Selecting this field is optional. The drop down contains the eligibility category codes of EAD auto extension - A03, A05, A07, A08, A10, C08, C09, C10, C16, C20, C22, C24, C31, and A12 or C19.
Note: This value is required for the transaction to be considered for the batch process for auto extending the expiration date of EADs, For details on EAD auto extension process, please click here.
The category code selected is populated in the Additional Information field as given below. The users can also enter any additional information in this field if required.
Eligibility Category Code |
Case 4: Alien authorized to work, List B and C documents
The New Hire's I-9 Section 1 information is presented in read only mode. Section 2 information is initially blank or N/A.
Note that different information is shown and required for different eligibility types and document choices.
The different document choices for List B type is shown below.
List B documents |
List C type document choices are shown below.
List C documents |
Below is an example of Section 2 page after entering List B & List C data.
I-9 Initial Information |
How do you complete Section 2 for minors and special placement individuals?
Completing Form I-9 Section 2 for minors (under age 18) and individuals with special placements (disability) is slightly different when they are unable to provide identity document for Form I-9..
Like others, minors and disabled individuals can present any of the document(s) from the list of acceptable documents that show their identity and employment authorization. They can present document from List A or from List B and List C based on the availability. If they are unable to present any of the above acceptable identity documents for Form I-9, then fill out the form choosing "Special Placement" / "Individual under Age 18" document titles that are specifically provided under List B. These options are available under List B only when the legal entity is not part of the E-Verify System. In this case, they must still present one of the documents from List C that establish their employment authorization.
List B document titles for minors
Legal Entity enrolled in E-Verify - "Individual under Age 18" document title doesn't show in List B | Legal Entity not enrolled in E-Verify - "Individual under Age 18" document title shows in List B |
List B document titles for Special Placement individuals
Legal Entity enrolled in E-Verify - "Special Placement" document title doesn't show in List B | Legal Entity not enrolled in E-Verify - "Special Placement" document title shows in List B |
How do you attach copies of the New Hire's documents in Section 2?
If you like, you can upload and attach copies of the document(s) that the New Hire presented.
Note: The attachments can be uploaded at any point in the process - by the candidate during Section 1 activity, by the I-9 Specialist during Complete I-9, or by the E-Verify Specialist during E-Verify.
Click on the "Attachments" gadget provided at the right bottom corner of the Section 2 page.
'Attachments' gadget |
Click on the "Upload" button.
Click on the 'Choose File' button.
Select the file from your local computer and click on "Upload".
Once the file is attached, select the "Attachment Category" from the drop-down list.
Follow the same procedure to upload other attachments.
To avoid the issues that are being faced when uploading the bulk sized images in I-9 Section 2 or email errors while sending the packet with these overs sized attachments, an API is incorporated in the code to compress the images with size over 1.5 MB. All images with size greater than 1.5 MB and "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "bmp" formats are downsized when added as attachments. Image uploads/attachments with "png" format or size less than 1.5 MB will not be downsized.
The compression ratio with which the images are downsized is given below:
0 - 1.5 MB - no downsize.
1.5 – 4 MB - .50 ratio
4 – 7 MB -.35 ratio
7 + MB - .15
Sample upload of documents with different image sizes is given below:
Original size of the image attachments |
After uploading, the file attachments display as below:
Note: The compressed sizes of the attachments will not be shown on the page, but if you want to see them, you need to follow the procedure given below. This is just for your reference. Please follow the below steps only if needed.
Click on the attached image file.
When the image opens, right click on the image and then select "Save image as...".
Now save the image to a folder with proper name. In this example, the compressed sizes of all the uploaded images are shown.
Once you are done uploading the file attachments, click on 'OK'. This will save the attachments and the process navigates back to I-9 Section 2 page.
The Section 2 page with attachments looks like below. The attachment gadget has an indicator showing that the attachments exists in Section 2.
This indicator shows only if there are documents attached in the activity. If there are no attachments, then the gadget will not have the indicator.
What do you enter in Additional Information section?
The Additional Information section in section 2 is meant for entering comments or notations to describe any special circumstances such as employment termination, EAD auto extension, E-Verify case number etc. Some of these details are auto populated in this section by the system when Section 2 is saved/Electronically signed after entering Section 2 details.
The system displays the messages in the following cases:
- I-9 Expiration Date - this is available once I-9 section-2 details are saved
- E-Verify Case Number - this is available once the case number is generated
- Employment Termination Date - this is available if the termination date is entered for the transaction through console
- EAD auto extension transactions - Date on which the transaction was considered for auto extension
These messages are displayed with a prefix "System Generated" followed by the text.
After Section 2 save, the values displayed in system generated messages cannot be changed. When any value is changed, on next save the following warning message is displayed.
Where do you enter employee's Hire date in Section 2?
The Hire date in Section 2 is the New Hire's first day of employment. When Section 2 is opened, you will notice the Hire date auto populated in Section 2 from the New Hire's invitation Start date.
This auto population of Hire date in Section 2 depends on the value set for I-9 Options property in Product Preferences. If I-9AutoFill property is set to "ON", the I-9 details are auto populated in Section 1 and Section 2.
The Hire date populated in Section 2 can be changed to an appropriate date as per the requirement.
For changing the I-9AutoFill property, please click here to visit Product Preferences page.
Product Preferences with I-9AutoFill "ON" |
Hire date auto populated in Section 2 when I-9AutoFill is "ON" |
When I9AutoFill Property value is set to "OFF" the Start date is not auto populated in the Hire date. The Hire date field is empty and should be entered before completing Electronic Signature.
Hire date is not auto populated in Section 2 when I-9AutoFill is "OFF" |
The above setups can be done only when the product is Smart Onboarding. In case of I-9 product, the Product Preferences are not available to do these setups. Hence, the auto population of I-9 details in section 1 & section 2 is not applicable.
How do you attest to the New Hire's information and save in Complete I-9?
After all data has been entered and verified, the I-9 Specialist must attest that it is correct, and save the information.
Edit Hire date if you want to change employee's first day of employment. Click Save.
Save Section 2 Information |
When you are ready to sign the document, check I Agree. Electronically Sign button replaces the Save button. Click Electronically Sign.
Electronically Sign |
When will the Overdue Reason option be enabled in Section 2?
The Overdue Reason option captures the reason/explanation if the Section 2 verification is not completed within 'Hire date+3 business days'. The icon for Overdue Reason will be enabled if Section 2 document(s) verification is not completed for the New Hire within three business days from the first day of employment (Hire date). As soon as the Hire date is entered in Section 2 (in case of I-9 Autofill = OFF) or Hire date is auto populated in Section 2 from the invitation Start date (in case when I-9 Autofill = ON), the system validates the Hire date against the verification date. If the verification date is three days more than Hire date (compares the business days), then the icon for Overdue Reason is enabled on the page. Unless a proper reason for the delay in verification is entered, the system will not allow the I-9 Specialist to complete the activity. Please refer the below examples for the detailed explanation on Overdue Reason.
Section 2 Example without Overdue Reason:
The below example shows Section 2 verification with Hire date within three business days. So, the Overdue Reason icon is not enabled on the page.
Completing Section 2 with Overdue Reason:
Let us consider another example of Section 2 verification with Hire date less than three business days. You will notice Overdue Reason icon enabled next to the Hire date.
When you click on the icon, it opens a secondary page with a field for capturing verification overdue reason.
The secondary page behaves similar to the Overdue Reason component on the E-Verify page.
Click on the drop down and select a proper reason from the list.
Click 'OK' to submit the reason. The page navigates back to Section 2 after the verification overdue reason is submitted.
The Overdue Reason information can be saved any number of times by clicking on the "Save" button in Section 2. However, changing the Hire date in Section 2 will flush the previously saved data.
If you want to change the reason, click on "Overdue Reason" icon in Section 2. The previously saved data will be shown in the secondary page. Update the overdue reason and click "OK".
Without providing a reason for the delay in verification, if you click on "I Agree" check box, the process automatically navigates to Overdue Reason secondary page (provided the document data is entered in Section 2).
The system first validates the document data before checking the overdue reason. If document entries are not present, then the system first displays the document error message.
After validating the documents, the system checks for Overdue Reason. Unless a reason is provided in the secondary page, the system will not allow you to complete the Section 2 activity.
When you click on "I Agree" checkbox the process opens the secondary page if verification overdue reason is not submitted.
(Note: You can save Section 2 data without overdue reason, but cannot complete the activity)
If the reason for the verification delay is not among the drop down list, select 'Other' option from the drop down. This will add a new field for entering the reason for delay.
Enter a proper reason in the additional field and click 'OK'.
It is mandatory to enter the reason for delay, if you select 'Other' as Overdue Reason. The following error message displays on the page if you click 'OK' without entering the reason.
The system will not allow you to complete Section 2 activity without entering reason for delay, if you select "Other" as Overdue Reason.
In the above case, click on "Cancel" without entering any reason for delay, and then navigate to Section 2 for completing the activity.
Section 2 |
The error message displays as shown below.
After completing Section 2, the Overdue Reason icon is still clickable, but the secondary page displays in read only mode.
Overdue Reason when Section 2 is in edit mode:
You can change Overdue Reason value whenever you are able to edit Section 2 that is when "Edit" option is used from Section 2 completed page, or when Section 2 is restarted from E-Verify activity or in I-9 Section 2 correction after completion of the process.
Navigate to completed Section 2 activity and click on "Edit" button.
Edit from completed Section 2 activity |
If you have proceeded further to E-Verify, then use Restart Section 1 / Section 2 or 3 from Unconfirmed Data page. This will provide you an option to perform Restart Section 2 activity.
Restart Section 2 from E-Verify |
If the process is completed, then initiate Section 2 Correction from I-9 Console/Elasticsearch actions.
Section 2 Correction from I-9 Console Actions |
Initiate Section 2 Correction from Elasticsearch I-9 Life Cycle related actions |
In the above scenarios, you will be able to access and edit the previously saved verification overdue reason from Section 2 page.
Modify the previous value and click "OK" to save.
Overdue Reason when I-9 is assigned to a Remote User:
In case, if I-9 is assigned to the remote user in Section 2, then the Overdue Reason will be in read only mode for the I-9 Specialist until the activity is completed by the remote user.
The remote user will have access to the saved overdue data and will be able to change it if required. The saved value of overdue reason will pass on to the primary flow for the I-9 Specialist after the activity is completed by the remote user.
Section 2 page for the I-9 Specialist |
Secondary Overdue Reason page in read only mode |
Overdue Reason in Section 3:
The Overdue Reason button is displayed in Section 3 page as well under Section 2 details. By clicking on the icon you can view the saved value of Overdue Reason.
How do you assign Complete I-9 Section 2 to Remote user?
When New Hires submit the documents to prove their eligibility for employment, I-9 specialists review these documents and record the data in Section 2 Form. Instead of completing Section 2 themselves, the task can be assigned to a special remote user by clicking the Assign Remote I-9 button present at the bottom of the Complete I-9 page.
For more information on Remote I-9 flow, you can visit Remote User page.
How to rollback to previous I-9 state from Section 2?
With the help of restart action, the process can be rolled back to previous I-9 Section 1 state in edit mode. The I-9 Admins can initiate this process by clicking the Restart Section 1 button given at the bottom of I-9 Section 2 form.
Restart Section 1 |
Can you edit document information after completing Section 2?
It is possible to edit Section 2 document information until DHS case number is generated in E-Verify.
Let's consider a flow with Section 2 activity completed and DHS case creation pending. Click on Complete I-9 link in the left nav to access the completed Section 2 activity.
E-Verify |
Scroll down the page to the attestation part.
Click Edit.
Edit Section 2 |
Section 2 opens in edit mode.
Section 2 in edit mode |
Make the necessary changes. Click Cancel Edit if you want to cancel editing Section 2 data.
Cancel edit |
When edit is cancelled, the page goes back to the previous mode.
You can edit Section 2 data until DHS case number is generated. You can find the DHS case number on top of the E-Verify page.
DHS Case Number |
Once the DHS case number is generated, the Edit button will not be available in Section 2 activity.
Edit is disabled in Section 2 after DHS case number is generated |
How to download I-9 Section 2 attachments and signed forms?
The Business Users can download the I-9 Section 2 attachments and signed forms through the process viewer.
There are two ways to access the process viewer - through Invitation Console or in Elasticsearch through Invitation category.
Through Invitation Console:
By clicking on the 'View Process' link in the Invitation Console. This will open the Process Viewer page.
Through Elasticsearch Invitation Category:
In Elasticsearch, select 'Invitations' as Category and use an appropriate keyword for searching. In this case, Invitation ID is used as the search keyword.
In the search results, click on invitation actions and select 'View Process'.
When the process viewer page opens, click on the 'Download' icon next to Complete I-9 activity. This will open the options to download signed forms and attachments.
Download Attachments:
If any attachment(s) is deleted after uploading, it automatically reflects in the download attachments.
Click on 'Download Attachments' option from Complete I-9 activity downloads.
When the zip file downloads, click on it and open the file. This shows all the attachments uploaded in Section 2 activity.
You can also download the Section 2 attachments from process downloads which is available on the top of the process viewer page,
Download Signed Forms
The Section 2 signed forms can be downloaded only after completion of the 'Complete I-9' activity. This form can be downloaded from the runtime page using the 'Download Signed Forms' gadget available on the right bottom corner of the page.
Another option is to download from the process viewer page. Click on 'Download Signed Forms' option from Complete I-9 activity downloads. This will open the Section 2 signed form as below.
The above form can also be downloaded from the process downloads in process viewer page.