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What actions can you perform from the Invitation Console?

The actions that can be performed from the invitation console depends on the user role. Note: Users having I-9 Specialist/E-Verify Specialist roles in the Smart Onboarding product cannot perform certain admin related actions from the provided list.

  • Launch
  • Process Simulator
  • Process Insights
  • Watch/Unwatch
  • Resend Welcome
  • Restart Process
  • Terminate Process
  • Restart Activity
  • Consider Process Complete
  • Set/View Important Dates

How do you perform Invitation Console actions?

For the selected Invitation ID, click "Info and Actions" link.

Select the "Actions" tab. This displays the list of actions that you can perform.

Info and Actions

An alternative method to perform these actions is by using the Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.


Launching the onboarding process is the next step after creating an invitation for a New Hire. This will send an email to the New Hire, allowing them to create a User ID and Password and begin their onboarding process.

For the selected Invitation ID, click the "Info and Actions" link. Then, select the Actions tab and click "Launch".

Click "OK" on the message to confirm the invitation launch action.

This message confirms the process has been launched for the invitation.

After the onboarding invitation is initiated, the New Hire will receive an email containing a link for self-registration. Below is an example of the invitation email for the Smart Onboarding product:

An example of the New Hire invitation email sent for the Smart I-9 product is shown below:

An alternative method to perform this action is by using the Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.

Resend Welcome

This option will be available under invitation actions once the New Hire invitation has been launched. Selecting 'Resend Welcome' will send the self-registration email to the New Hire again, which can be helpful if they haven't created their Smart Onboarding account before the allotted time expired.

Click "Info and Actions" link for the corresponding invitation, then choose "Resend Welcome" under the Actions tab.

Click "Yes" on the message to continue.

The confirmation message displays after the welcome email has been sent.

The New Hire will receive the invitation email, which will allow the New Hire to create a User ID and password and begin their onboarding process.

Note: Once the resend welcome email is received, the self-registration link from any previous welcome emails will no longer be valid.

Sample resend invitation emails for the Smart Onboarding and Smart I-9 products are given below:

Resend welcome email for the Smart Onboarding product

A sample resend invitation email for the Smart I-9 product is shown below:

An alternative method to perform this action is by using the Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.

Process Insight

Process Insight is a utility designed to analyze a New Hire's onboarding process.

Points to note when accessing this utility:

  • Users with exclusive roles such as "Recruiter" and "Help Desk Analyst" cannot access this utility.
  • Administrative Users (System Administrators, Process Administrators, Content Administrators) can access this utility only through the Keyword Search invitation category. However, admin actions are not accessible by these users. For more details, please click here.

An example of its use is shown below. To use Process Insight, select an invitation and click the "Info and Actions" option. Then, choose "Process Insight" under the Actions tab.

The Process Insight page displays as below. 

Process Instance History:

This link can be used to view the process instance details.

Admin Actions:

Use the "Admin Actions" link to view or perform process actions. Clicking this link allows users to restart the New Hire's process or any specific activity, terminate the process, or force the process to completion. However, these actions cannot be performed on a completed invitation. While Business Users with HR Specialist, I-9 Specialist, and E-Verify Specialist roles can access this link from Process Insight, only HR Specialists can execute all the admin actions.

Click on the "Admin Actions" link to see the list of available actions. By clicking these links, you can perform various actions on a New Hire's process. Detailed procedures for performing these actions are discussed in the following sections.

When any of these actions are performed the updated status will reflect in both the Invitation Console and Keyword Search "Invitations" category. For more details on each of these actions, please click on the corresponding links: Restart Process, Restart ActivitiesTerminate Process, Force Complete Process.


Click on each step to expand the activity details.

An alternative method to perform this action is by using the Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.

Process Simulator

This feature can be used to simulate the process. You can view which activities will be routed to which user without actually launching the process.

(Note: This feature can be accessed only through the invitation console and is not available in Keyword Search)

For the selected invitation, click on "Info and Actions" and select "Process Simulator" under Actions tab.

The Process Simulator page displays as follows. Here, you can view the process variable values as well as the User and State details.

Click on "Process Variable Values" to expand the details.

Under "User and State Details", click on the User ID type and select a value.

For the selected User ID Type, enter User ID, State and click "Simulate".

The process details for the corresponding invitation will be displayed. It presents a complete overview of the process, outlining the activities within each step along with their corresponding details. You can expand or collapse the grid for each step by using the arrow located on the right side within the grid.

To see the information about users who can access the activity, click the "View Participants" link.

View participants of "Submit to HR"


View Participants of "Verify Information"


For expanding and collapsing the grids, you'll find "Expand All" and "Collapse All" buttons available in the bottom of the page.


The user who created or launched the invitation will be automatically added to the watch list. Other users can choose to watch/unwatch any specific invitation.

For any selected invitation, click on "Info and Actions", then select "Unwatch/Watch" under the Actions tab. 

The message displays as below when the invitation is removed from the watch list.

Message when the invitation is removed from the watch list

Message when the invitation is added to the watch list

An alternative method to perform this action is by using the Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.

Restart Process

Restart Process will help if something in the process went wrong, but it isn't a specific activity that you can trace. When "Restart Process" action is used, the onboarding process restarts from New Hire's first activity. This option can be used for invitations which have a status of "Invitation Launched" or "Invitation in Progress".

In the Invitation Console, identify the transaction which needs restart of process.

Note: To view how far the onboarding process is progressed, you can click the "View Process" link for the invitation and verify the process viewer.

In this case, the process viewer shows the process is routed to Biographic Information activity for the New Hire.

To perform "Restart Process" action for this invitation, navigate to "Info and Actions" and click the "Actions" tab. 


Select a reason and enter comments, then click "Submit".

Restart Process

Click "OK" to continue with the action.

You will notice the New Hire's onboarding process restarted from the Electronic Disclosure activity. Process viewer for the restarted process is shown below:

Additionally, the New Hire will receive an email confirmation regarding the restart of their onboarding process.

Note: In case, if New Hire is simultaneously working on any activity and completes the activity after the process has been restarted, then the following message displays on the page.

By clicking the "Click here" link on the message, the New Hire can open the activities for the restarted process.

An alternative method to perform this action is by using the Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.

Terminate Process

This action can be performed on a transaction when there is a need to terminate an in-progress process. To perform this action, the invitation status of the transaction must be either "Invitation Launched" or "Invitation in Progress".

Note: After the process is terminated, no further actions can be performed on the invitation. 

For example, consider an invitation currently in the "Invitation In Progress" status.

For the selected invitation, click the "Info and Actions" link.

Info and Actions

The "Information" tab of Info and Actions opens as below. Here, you can verify the current Business Process Status and Onboarding Status of the invitation. 

Info and Actions → Information

Navigate to the "Actions" tab to open the actions menu and choose the "Terminate Process" link from the list.

Info and Actions → Actions

On the Terminate Process page, choose a reason for terminating the process from the dropdown, add a comment, and click "Submit".

Terminate Process Page

On the confirmation message, click "OK" to continue.

The following message confirms the New Hire's process has been terminated.

The terminated status will be updated for the transaction in the Invitation Console.

Invitation Console

After process termination, the Business Process Status and Onboarding Status of the invitation under the "Information" tab will also be updated.

Since no further actions can be performed on terminated transactions, the Actions tab for this specific transaction will not display any action options.

The user whose process has been terminated will receive an email in the following format.

An alternative method to perform this action is by using the Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.

Consider Process Complete

This option allows you to have the invitation status to be marked as complete. A sample scenario where this is useful is when the New Hire completes their onboarding process offline or in person instead of using the online onboarding system.

To perform this action, the invitation status of the transaction must be either "Invitation Launched" or "Invitation in Progress".

For the selected invitation, click on the "Info and Actions" link. 

Invitation Console - Info and Actions

This will open the "Information" tab, as shown below. Under this tab, the employee's job details and the onboarding status of the invitation are displayed. After completing the transaction through this console action, these statuses will be updated.

To force complete the invitation process, navigate to the "Actions" tab and select "Consider Process Complete".

On this page, select a reason for completing the New Hire's process, enter a comment and submit.

Force Complete Process Page

On the confirmation message, click "OK" to continue.

After confirming this action, the invitation will be process completed and the status will be updated to the "Invitation Completed" status.

Invitation Console

The Business Process Status and the Onboarding Status under the "Information" tab in Info and Actions will show the updated status.

Info and Actions → Information

An alternative method to perform this action is by using the Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.

Restart Activity

The Restart Activity feature allows a specific onboarding activity to be redone in case of a mistake or the need to add new information. This action is available for invitations that are currently in progress. The activities listed in the Restart Group will vary depending on the user role and the progress of the New Hire process, specifically how many activities have been completed.

Below is a detailed example of a restarted activity for the HR Specialist role:

Consider a New Hire process that is in progress with the "Verify Information" activity completed. Note: You can view the pending activities for the invitation in the My Tasks Console.

My Tasks Console

For the selected invitation in the Invitation Console, click on the "Info and Actions" link.

Invitation Console → Info and Actions

The onboarding status of the invitation before activity restart can be seen under the "Information" tab. After activity restart this status will be updated. 

Navigate to the Actions tab, then select the "Restart Activity" option.

Invitation Console → Info and Actions → Actions

Select an option from the Restart Group dropdown based on the activity you wish to restart. Each option in the Restart Group represents a collection of different activities that were previously configured.

Options showing in the Restart Group drop down for a HR Specialist role:

Options showing in the Restart Group drop down for a I-9 Specialist role:

After selecting an option from the Restart Group, add a comment and click "Submit".

On the confirmation message, click "OK" to continue.

The following message confirms the activities have been restarted.

The New Hire will receive the following email regarding the restarted activity. By clicking the link provided in the email, the New Hire can log in to their onboarding process and complete the pending activities.

The restarted status will be reflected in the Info and Actions section under the "Information" tab, as shown below.

Invitation Console → Info and Actions → Information

The pending activities for the restarted invitation can be viewed in the My Tasks Console, as shown below.

Once the New Hire completes their pending activities and submits the process to HR, HR Specialists can finish their tasks by clicking on the activity link that appears in the My Tasks Console.

My Tasks Console

An alternative method to perform this action is by using the Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.

Set/View Important Dates

This action allows admin users to set important dates for a specific New Hire. The dates entered here will automatically appear on the candidate's homepage.

For the selected invitation, click on the "Info and Actions" link, then select "Set/View Important Dates" under the Actions tab.

The page for setting up important dates looks like below:

Enter the values in the fields as shown and click "Save." The saved values can be edited later. 

The dates, times, and descriptions entered here will be displayed on the candidate's homepage in the Important Dates section.

An alternative method to perform this action is by using the Keyword Search.. For more details, please click here.

What actions should be used to edit benefits information after New Hire submits the process to HR?

Once the process is submitted to HR, the New Hire cannot modify their onboarding information unless the respective activity or process is restarted by the HR Specialist.

The following actions can be performed to restart the benefits activities:

  1. Restart Activity
  2. Restart Process

Restart Activity:

Consider a New Hire's process with Submit to HR completed.

Restart activity through Invitation Console:

Select the Invitation ID for which you want to restart the benefits activities. Click "Info and Actions" and select "Restart Activity" under the Actions tab. 

Info and Actions


Restart activity through Keyword Search:

Click on the Keyword Search icon and select "Invitations" in the Category drop down. Search with a suitable keyword.

Here, Invitation ID is used as the keyword. This action displays the invitation in the search results. Click on actions and select "Restart Activities" from the menu.

Select from the Restart Group dropdown which activity you want to restart. Each option in the Restart Group is a collection of different activities that was previously configured.  

To restart benefits activities, select "Correction to Benefit Forms" option from the Restart Group dropdown.

Enter a comment explaining the reason for restarting the activity and click "Submit".

Click "Ok" to continue.

The confirmation message shows as below:

The New Hire is notified by email once the process has been restarted.

After restart, the benefit activities will appear under pending tasks for the New Hire. By clicking on the corresponding link, the New Hire can access the activities and complete them.

Restart Process:

This option will restart the entire New Hire's process. 

Restart process through Invitation Console:

Select the Invitation ID for which you want to restart the process. Click "Info and Actions" and select "Restart Process" under the Actions tab.

Info and Actions


Restart process through Keyword Search:

Click on the Keyword Search icon and select "Invitations" in the Category drop down. Enter the keyword in the "Keywords" field and click "Search".

Here, the Invitation ID is used as the keyword. The search will display the invitation in the results. Click on actions and select "Restart Process" from the menu.

Select reason, enter a comment explaining the reason and then click "Submit".

Click "OK" to continue with the action.

The New Hire is notified by email once the process has been restarted.

By clicking the hyperlink in the Outstanding Tasks section, the New Hire can begin their process. When they reach the benefits activities, they can edit the benefit forms as needed and then resubmit them to the HR admin for review.

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