There are three ways to create I-9 printable packets:
- By clicking the Download button when selecting an I-9 ID in the Smart I-9 Console.
- By clicking the Download icon when creating or updating an I-9 ID.
- By running the Smart I-9 Print Batch Process. This is most useful to create the packets for multiple I-9 IDs in one run.
Create Packet from Employee E-Verify Console
Navigate to the I-9 E-Verify Console by clicking Smart E-Verify Configurator, and then clicking Smart I-9 Console.
- Search by Hire Date
Enter the desired selection criteria, then click Search.
- Download Packet
Scroll to the right if necessary, then click Download Packet for the I-9 whose packet you want to create.
- Downloaded Zip File
The downloaded zip file name is displayed. Click on the file name to go to the zip folder, which is created in the user's Download folder.
- Open Index File
Open the IndexFile text file.
- List of Files in Packet
This lists all files that are included in the packet. In this example, 6 files were created in the packet:
- The first contains the Section 1 information for this I-9.
- The second contains the Section 2 information for this I-9.
- The third contains the SSA Further Action Notice.
- The fourth contains the SSA Referral Notice.
- The fifth contains the Form 766 that was attached by the employee or employer.
- The sixth contains the Social Security card that was attached by the employee or employer.
- I-9 Folder
Open the I-9 folder.
- DHS Documents Folder
Open the DHS Documents folder.
- DHS Documents
Open the Supporting Documents folder.
- Supporting Documents
Each file contains the corresponding document, in a PDF format. Below is an example of the SSA Referral.
Open the SSA_RDC file.
- Referral Confirmation
Create Packet When Creating or Updating an I-9 ID
Navigate to the I-9 E-Verify Console by clicking Smart E-Verify Configurator, and then clicking Smart I-9 Create.
Create an I-9 ID. Steps to create the I-9 ID are not shown here.
- I-9 ID Displayed – Click Download Icon
This I-9 ID has documents attached.
Click the Download icon.
- Downloaded Zip File
Click the zip file name.
- Open Index File
Open the Index file.
- Index File Contents
- Open I-9 Folder
Open the I-9 folder.
- Open Supporting Documents Folder
Open the Supporting Documents folder.
- Supporting Documents
Create Multiple Packets by Running the Smart I-9 Print Batch Process
Use this utility to print the I-9 packets for multiple I-9 IDs at the same time.
Navigate to the Smart I-9 Print Batch Process by clicking Smart E-Verify Configurator, and then clicking Smart I-9 Print Batch Process.
- Navigate to Smart I-9 Print Batch Process
- Run Control ID
Add or search for a Run Control ID.
- Selection Criteria
Enter your desired selection criteria. In this example, we want to create I-9 packets for all employees in all organizations who were hired on 10/24/2016.
You can click Save if you would like to save your run control information to be used again.
Click Run.
- Select Server Name and Run
Select the appropriate Server Name, then click OK.
- Process Monitor
Click Process Monitor.
- I-9 ID Displayed – Click Download Icon
The process has finished successfully.
Navigate to the appropriate batch output folder.
- Index File
Open the index file.
- Index File Contents
Note that the index file contains many I-9 IDs, not just one.
- I-9 Folder List
Open one of the I-9 folders.
- I-9 Folder Contents
Each folder's contents is identical to the contents as if downloaded individually.