The Download Packet feature allows System Administrators to efficiently search for and download onboarding packets for multiple new hire invitations in a single request. Administrators can use search filters to refine their selection of new hire invitations, and then proceed to request the download of packets for multiple invitations simultaneously. Upon initiating the download packet request, a background process will run, seamlessly generating the packets for the selected invitations, put together in the form of a zip file. This zip file containing the packets will be available as a link for download on the secondary page for 1 day (24 hours) from the instance it was generated. After this period, the link will be disabled and the packet will not be available for download. However the request details are still retained for the audit purpose. Further sections will provide detailed explanation on how to generate and download the invitation packets.
Who can access the Packet Download feature?
System Administrators are the only users who have access to the Packet Download feature.
How do you access the Packet Download?
Click on the menu icon and scroll down to the "Packet Download" link under Reports/Dashboards in the left menu navigation.
What details are included in the Packet Download page?
Packet Download includes the following sections:
Search Filter
When there are many New Hire invitations in the system, you can use search filter options to quickly locate a particular invitation. Adjacent to the field, you can adjust the search option to specify your preferred filter for obtaining results.
The details of the fields and their behavior are provided below:
Field | Field Description |
Last Name |
First Name |
Start Date |
Hire Date |
Business Process Status |
Company |
Business Unit |
Department |
Location |
Job Code |
View Packet Requests
This link allows you to view the details of all the requests made.
The packets will be available as a link for download on the secondary page for 1 day (24 hours) from the instance it was generated. After this period, the link for the corresponding request will be disabled.
By clicking on the "Download Packet" link the user can download the packets generated for the selected invitations.
The link "Request Log" will display the message log of the corresponding request.
If no requests exist for packet downloads, accessing this link will display the following message. By clicking on the "Return" button, you can navigate back to the Packet Download page.
Search results
Based on the search criteria selected in the search filter, the invitation details corresponding to that criteria will display in the search results. If search is done without applying any filters, all invitations will be displayed in the console.
The details of the search results include the following fields:
Field | Field Description |
Invitation ID | Distinct ID generated for the New Hire's invitation |
Name | New Hire's name |
Start Date | New Hire's employment start date specified on the invitation |
Hire Date | New Hire's hire date specified on Section 2 of the Form I-9 |
Invitation Status |
Company | Company to which the New Hire is associated |
Business Unit | Business Unit to which the New Hire is associated |
Department | Department to which the New Hire is associated |
Location | New Hire's job location |
Job Code | New Hire's job code |
By default, only the first 300 rows are presented in the search results with the most recent invitation ID on the top. If there is a need to access the earlier invitations, you may have to use the search fields to confine the search results to specifically get those transactions or use the navigation options (First, Previous, Next, Last) to navigate through pages.
Furthermore, the number of rows displayed per page in the search results can be adjusted to 100 by clicking on the "View 100" link located next to the navigation options.
Generate Packets
This feature allows you to generate and download packets for the selected invitations. To utilize this option, you need to select at least one invitation from the search results.
If "Generate Packets" is clicked without selecting any invitation, the following error message will be displayed on the page.
Instead of selecting each row individually, you can use the "Select All" button to select the top 300 rows at a time from the list. Conversely, the "Deselect All" button clears any previous selections made, providing a quick way to start over or remove all selections at once. These buttons are especially useful when handling bulk invitation data.
How to generate and download packets for invitations?
Select the invitations from the search results for which you want to generate and download the packets, then click on the "Generate Packets" button located at the bottom of the page.
Please note that the packets will be generated only for the selected invitations from the list. If "Generate Packets" is clicked without selecting any invitation, the following error message will be displayed on the page.
Upon initiating the download packet request, a background process will run to create a zip file that contains the generated packets for the selected invitations.
The following message will be displayed when the process request is submitted. Click "Close" button on this message to return to the previous page.
Please note that the processing time reflecting on the message may vary depending on the number of packets requested for download. You can leave this page and return later to download the packets.
At the bottom of the page, a grid will be displayed with the request details. Initially, you will notice the request status as "Queued". To view the updated status, you need to click on the "Refresh" button.
If there is a need for another packet download, please wait until the current process goes to success. If another request is made when the prior request is running, the following error will be displayed on the page.
While the process is running in the background, you may observe the request status displayed as "Processing". Continue clicking on the "Refresh" button to view status update.
Once the request is completed, you will notice the request status updated to "Success", indicating the packet is successfully generated and readily available for download. Click on the "View Packet Request" link to access the secondary page where the request details along with download links for the packets, are listed.
To download the file for the latest request, click on the "Download Packet" on the latest row.
This will download the packet for the selected invitations as a zip file to your local computer. The zip file comprises individual folders for each invitation, accompanied by an Excel (.csv) file containing the selected invitations details.
If the packet is not available for a selected invitation, the corresponding folder will not be visible in the zip file. A note indicating the absence of the packet will be added to the invitation details Excel file for invitations without available packets. For more details on the contents of the downloaded packet, please refer to the next section.
The packet must be downloaded within 24 hours of its generation. After this time period, the link will be deactivated, and you will no longer be able to access the file for download. A sample snippet with download link disabled is given below:
What are included in the zip file of the downloaded packet?
The downloaded packet includes the following:
- Individual folders for each selected invitation.
- An Excel (.csv) file containing the details of the selected invitations.
Invitations without available packets will be noted in the Excel file, and their respective folders will not be included in the download.
In this example, a request is submitted to download packets for seven invitations. Following a successful execution of the request and the subsequent download of the packets, only six invitation folders are visible in the downloaded zip file. Since the packets are named with their respective invitation IDs, you can readily identify which invitations have had their packets generated.
By clicking on the individual invitation folders, you can view the downloaded signed forms and attachments (if any) of that particular invitation process.
To identify invitations for which packets were not generated, open the Excel file and view the details. Invitations without available packets will be indicated with a note in the Excel file.