What are Smart Checklists?
The Smart Checklist is an optional activity in the onboarding process that helps track external tasks, set reminders, and manage document collection. By using Smart Checklists, you can ensure that users complete specific tasks, such as uploading or downloading documents. These checklists are user-specific and can be placed at a particular step in the onboarding process. They can also be configured based on department, location, or other relevant attributes.
How do you create a Smart Checklist?
To create a Smart Checklist, you need to create a new Content Revision or modify an existing one which is in progress. For more details on creating a Content Revision, please click here.
Under Content Metrics, click the "Add" link in the row for Smart Checklists.
Content Revision Page |
Enter the Smart Checklist information in the fields shown below. Choose who is supposed to complete the Checklist, using the "Participant Pool" (any user or New Hire).
The fields on the Smart Checklist page are explained below:
Field | Behavior |
Checklist Title |
Lookup Description |
Participation Pool |
Override Save Button Label |
Select "Enable Admin Checklist" to enable the same checklist to administrative users. When enabled, additional fields will be added to the page to enter the admin checklist details.
Field | Behavior |
Enable Admin Checklist |
Checklist Title | Name or title that describes the admin checklist |
Lookup Description | To find the form easily, name it accordingly |
Participant Pool | Admin user's role who will see the checklist |
When ‘Enable Admin Checklist’ checkbox is selected, a corresponding review activity for the defined participant pool will be created after the revision is applied and the activity will be available in the process revision to configure in the process.
Enter a "Task" that the participant pool has to do.
Define Smart Checklist Page |
Define the task specifics by selecting either "Enable Uploads" or "Enable Downloads," depending on the user's intended action. To add more specifics, click on the "Edit Details" link.
Field | Behavior |
Enable Downloads (checkbox) |
Enable Uploads (Checkbox) |
Delete (icon) |
Add additional task lines by clicking on the "Add Task" button.
Add all the tasks you wish the user to complete and click the "Save" button.
The summary of the content added or modified in the revision displays on the Content Revision page as shown below.
Return to the revision page by clicking the "Return to Manage Revision" button and apply the revision.
After creating the Smart Checklist, add it to the process configuration through a Process Revision for the activity to be available to specified users in the process.
How to include a Smart Checklist in the onboarding process?
To include a smart Checklist in the onboarding process, create a new Process Revision or use an existing one which is in progress.
Reserve and configure the revision.
Manage Revision |
On the Process Revision page, click the "Configure Business Process" link.
Process Revision Page |
On this page, find a place where you want the Smart Checklist to go. This can be any place that has an "Add" option. Note: It must be a process that the selected Participant Pool can access ("participant pool" is specified on the Smart Checklist Page while defining or modifying a Smart Checklist).
Click "Add" under a specific step.
Select the Smart Checklist(s) that you want to add in the process.
Click "OK" to return to the Process Revision page.
Select Actions Page |
You will notice the Smart Checklist is added to the process. Click on the Checklist link to configure the route criteria.
Define Business Process Rules Page |
You have to complete this step in order to properly configure the Smart Checklist's revision. There are two options: Always Route and Route if criteria is met. Route if criteria is met allows you to limit who can see the Smart Checklists in their onboarding process. Always Route means that it will show for all users in the Participant Pool.
In the below example, "Route if criteria is met" is checked. Click on the Process Variable lookup icon to select the criteria for routing. The criteria can be as complex as you would like.
Here, Business Unit is selected as a specific attribute.
Selecting one of the Business Units will restrict the Smart Checklists only to those New Hires in the Onboarding process.
Here, we have selected the "Business Unit Attribute ID" as Process Variable, "Equal to" as Operator and "00001" as the Process Variable Value.
Save after specifying all of the criteria.
When you want the Smart Checklist to always show up for the respective Participant Pool in that step of the process, regardless of other criteria, click "Always Route" and save.
Similarly, if checklist is configured for admins while defining the checklist, then add it to the process in the appropriate step under HRE Tasks and save.
Configure Business Process Page |
On the Process Revision page, click "Return to Manage Revision" button to return to the main revision page.
Process Revision Page |
Apply the revision.
Manage Revision Page |
Based on the checklist criteria, the activity will appear in the process for the participant pool (New Hire),
If documents are marked as required while configuring the Smart Checklist, they must be attached by the New Hire before checking the document.
The following error message displays if the required documents are not attached.
To upload the documents, click the "View/Attach" button.
The Task Details page opens where the document can be attached. Click the "Attach" link.
Click "Choose File" and select the file you want to upload as an attachment. Accepted file types are CSV, JPEG, JPG, PDF, XLS, XLSX, and PNG. Click on "Upload" after the file is attached.
If you attempt to attach files with extensions which are not acceptable, an error will be displayed.
If images greater than 1.5 MB and "jpg", "jpeg", "gif" formats are uploaded, they are automatically downsized when added as attachments. However, if image file size is greater than 10 MB, the following error will be displayed.
The attached file shows on the Task Details page as shown below. Click "OK" to return to the checklist activity. The documents attached by the New Hire can be viewed or updated by the HR Specialist via HR admin checklist.
The uploaded document will be checked in the Smart Checklist as shown below. Uploading other documents that are not marked as required is optional.
For documents with downloads enabled, attachments can be viewed by clicking the "Download" button.
On the Tasks Details page, click the "Download" link. This will download the attachment to your local computer.
After completing all the tasks, click on "Save / Submit".
The following is the Admin's Smart Checklist, which has been added to the process for the HR Specialist role.
By clicking on the "Attachments" button, the documents uploaded by the New Hire can be viewed.
When the Task Details page opens, click the download icon to view the attachment. The revised attachment can also be added on this page if needed.
Check the reviewed documents and click "Save / Submit" to complete the process.
How do you modify a Smart Checklist?
This requires creating a new Content Revision or modifying a Content Revision that is in progress.
On the Content Revision page, click "Review/Update" in the row for Smart Checklists.
Content Revision Page |
Select the Smart Checklist that you wish to modify.
Smart Checklists Page |
The selected Smart Checklist details will be available for editing.
Modify the checklist as required and save. Here a new task is added to the checklist.
Click "Return" to return to the Content Revision page.
The modified checklist shows in the summary section as below. Click "Return to Manage Revision" button to return to the main revision page.
Manage Content Revision Page |
Apply the revision to see the changes take effect for the Smart Checklist.
The modified Smart Checklist displayed for the New Hire looks like below:
Can business users attach documents through their process checklist?
Business users can also upload documents using the checklist. They can either provide a revised version of an attachment already submitted by the new hire or add a new attachment for a specific task.
To add a new document, select the right arrow on the task and click the "Attachments" button.
If the task already has a document attached by the new hire, it will be shown on the Task Details page. If there is no attachment from the new hire, the attachment section will appear empty.
To add a new document, click the "Attach" icon.
Choose and upload file from your local computer. Accepted file types are CSV, JPEG, JPG, PDF, XLS, XLSX, and PNG.
The new attachment shows under Revised Documents as shown below. Click the "OK" button to return to the checklist page.
After completing the tasks, save the checklist.
How to view attachments uploaded through the checklist?
Business users can view checklist attachments via Invitation Console/My Tasks process viewer. To access the process viewer page, click on the "View Process" link for the selected invitation in the Invitation Console/My Tasks Console.
Note: "View Process" can also be accessed through Keyword Search "Invitations" category. For more details, please click here.
On the process viewer page, click the "Download" dropdown and select "Download Attachments".
The zip folder containing the attachments will download to your local computer. Open the zip file to view the attachments. This zip file includes all documents uploaded during various process activities such as the Smart Checklist, Employee Biographic Information, and I-9 Section 1 and Section 2. The attachments from checklist activities include documents from both the New Hire and administrative checklists. Note: If attachments are edited within the activities, the most recent updated attachments will be reflected here.
When you click on "Download Attachments," a .zip file will be downloaded if there are multiple attachments. If only one attachment exists for the transaction, "Download Attachment" will directly open the file.
Open the downloaded .zip file. The attachments will be in PNG format. Click on each file to view it.
Note: If the invitation process is restarted and new attachments are added in checklist activities, the attachments from the previous process will be deleted, and access to attachments from the ongoing process will be available for download.