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The I9AutoFill property allows System Administrators to decide whether to auto populate the employee personal information in Form I-9 Section 1 from EBI activity. The property is applicable only to the onboarding process since EBI activity exists only in this process. The system is delivered with I-9Autofill property ‘ON’ as default in Product Preferences. This default value can be changed by the System Administartors to match the behavior how they would like in their system.

Who can change I-9AutoFill property?

The System Administrators and Process Administrators can change I-9AutoFill property.

What is the default setup for the I-9AutoFill property?

The default value of the I-9AutoFill property is set to "ON" when the product is delivered. You can check the property value by navigating to Product Preferences.

Product Preferences page

When the value is ON, the employee personal information entered in the EBI activity will be populated in I-9 Section 1 and the fields in I-9 Section 1 will be read only. 

Below given are the few examples of EBI & I-9 Section 1 activities:

Example 1:

EBI with employee's address = United States

 I-9 Section 1 for the above transaction:

I-9 Section 1

Example 2:

EBI with employee's address = Canada

I-9 Section 1

Example 3:

EBI with employee's address = Mexico

How to change the value of I-9AutoFill property?

Click the Menu icon.

Under Product Setup, click Product Preferences.


Click 'Onboarding' link under Product Preferences.

Change the property value of I-9AutoFill to OFF and click Save.

Set I-9AutoFill = OFF

How does it effect Form I-9 Section 1?

When I-9AutoFill value is set to OFF, the employee personal information from EBI activity will not be populated in I-9 Section 1. The fields on Form I-9 Section 1 will be displayed empty for the employee.

Section 1 blank

How to fill Form I-9 Section 1?

If you need assistance in completing Form I-9 Section 1, please refer to "Instructions" provided at the bottom of the page. For Section 1 fields and their descriptions, please refer to I-9 Section 1 page.

Each field on Section 1 has a specific validation and if not entered properly, error message appears asking you to enter correct field value. The system validation first checks for the data present in the required fields. Then the value entered in the fields are validated for errors. If no errors are found, then it checks for the data mismatch between EBI (Employee Biographic Information) and Section 1 for the fields - First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Home Phone, Cell Phone, Email and SSN. For more details on data mismatch validations, please refer next section.

Given below are few examples of error validations that you may come across while entering values in Section 1. 

Name and Address fields:

Error message shows up when special characters like @, #, &,`, etc are entered in the name and the address fields (exception: " ' " and " - " characters).

Note: The Address (Street Number and Name), Apt. Number, City or Town allow entering dot (.) in their fields.

The address fields also allow entering Canada and Mexico addresses other than United States.

I-9 Section 1 with United States address

I-9 Section 1 with Canada address

I-9 Section 1 with Mexico address

Social Security Number:

Entering SSN in Form I-9 is required for all E-Verify participating legal entities. If you leave SSN field blank and not choose "Applied for SSN" option, the following warning message appears when you save/sign Section 1.

If the entered SSN value is of wrong format, the following message is displayed.

When you tab out after entering the SSN value, the field will be masked as shown below.  You can edit the masked value or click on "Show" to check the value entered in the SSN field.

Date of Birth:

If the Date of Birth entered is wrong, the system displays below message requesting user to enter correct format or use calendar button to pick the date.

Employee Telephone Number:

New Hires with Company/BU participating in E-Verify will get the following error if they enter other than 10 digits or incorrect format in "Employee's Telephone Number".

In other case where the Company/BU is not enrolled in E-Verify, the "Employee's Telephone Number" field allows only 9 digits. The New Hire will get the following error message if the value entered is other than 9 digits or incorrect format.

What happens when there is a data mismatch between Section 1 and EBI?

The values in EBI and I-9 Section 1 need not be same, but a warning message will be displayed on save/sign when there is a mismatch in data.

Let's look at Biographic Information of a candidate. The fields that are validated are highlighted below.

EBI Activity

We have already discussed in the above section that in Section 1, the system first validates if the data is present in the required fields and then checks for errors and data mismatch between EBI and Section 1. Hence, while displaying the validation messages, the required field validations trigger prior to the error and data mismatch validations.

Given below is an example of a validation message displaying on save/sign when data is not entered in the Last Name. After entering the data, the system checks for errors and data mismatch.

If the data entered in the fields do not match with the field values in the EBI activity, the validation message for the data mismatch displays on save/sign as below.

Similarly, all fields that are highlighted in the EBI activity (please refer to the first screenshot under this section) are validated in Section 1.

After entering all the required fields in Section 1, click Save/Electronically Sign. The system checks the values entered in the fields and displays validation message if there is any data mismatch. 

Given below is another example of data mismatch between EBI activity and Section 1 for the Date of Birth field.

I-9 Section 1

Choose OK/Cancel on the message. If you click "Cancel" the system goes back to the previous page (Section 1) and allows you to re-enter the information.

Warning message

In this case, the previous information is not saved in Section 1 and I-9 ID is not generated. 

I-9 Section 1

Re-enter the correct values and save/sign I-9 Section 1. When the values entered in Section 1 match with EBI information, no warning messages are displayed.

In case, if you want to proceed further with different value in Section 1, click OK on the warning message.

Warning message

You will notice, Section 1 information is saved and an I-9 ID is generated.

I-9 Section 1

If you want to sign Section 1, then check I Agree and click Electronically Sign.

The warning message is shown on signature as well. Click OK to confirm and complete Section 1.

Electronic Signature

  EBI with employee's address as United States

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