Review Attribute Revision
Why is reviewing attribute revision important?
The Review Attribute feature lets you view all changes made to the attributes within an organization. It also provides access to details of homepage content, including any additions or modifications.
How do you access Review Attribute Revision?
Click the menu icon on the top left corner of the page. Click "Review Attribute Revision" from the navigation menu.
How do you see the Attribute Revision details?
The Review Attribute Revision page shows a list of all available revision numbers in the system. Select any revision number to view its details.
On the revision attribute page, click the "Manage Attribute" link for the desired attribute.
The details of the revision attributes is shown as below.
How do you view homepage content for a specific role type?
To view the details of the content on a specific homepage, access it through the Review Attribute page.
For any master attribute, such as Company, Business Unit, Department, or Location, select the attribute and click the home icon (Manage Homepage Content) for the root node.
Manage Homepage Content |
The homepage content for all roles will be displayed as shown below.
Click on the content category for the role you want to look into. In this example, the 'Frequently Asked Questions' category is selected for the E-Verify Specialist role.
Manage Homepage Content |
The content for the selected category will be presented in the display-only mode. You cannot edit the content included on this page.
Manage Homepage Content |
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