When individuals below the age of 18 (minors) are hired by an employer, they need a parent or guardian to fill and attest the Form I-9 information on their behalf.In case of onboarding process with I
Few examples are discussed below:
1. Smart Onboarding product with I-9 AutoFill = "ON" (please click here for more details on I-9 AutoFill property)in Product Preferences:
In this case, the I-9 Section 1 header details are not editable and are populated from the Biographic Information activity. Therefore, the New Hire's age is calculated by considering based on the date of birth entered in on the Employee Biographic Information . If page. If, on the day of employment, the New Hire has not completed yet reached 18 years on the day of employmentage, the system defaults them to Preparerswill automatically enable the preparers/translators option in Section 1.
Below screenshot shows the date of birth of the New Hire entered in Employee on the Biographic Information page.
If the new Hire's age is below 18, the New Hire they cannot complete Section 1 unless it is attested by the a parent /or guardian. The flow automatically sets Preparerpreparer/Translator translator option as default and compels , compelling the New Hire to opt for preparer(s) invite and add preparers to complete the activity. For completing Section 1 with preparer(s)/translator(s), please click here.
2. Smart I-9/E-Verify product or Smart Onboarding product with I-9 AutoFill = "OFF" , the employee in Product Preferences:
In this case, the employee's personal information from EBI Biographic Information activity will not be populated in I-9 Section 1. The header fields on Form I-9 Section 1 will be displayed empty for the employee to fill them up.
Based on the Date of Birth entered by the New Hire in Section 1, the age will be calculated. If the New Hire is a minor, the system defaults them to Preparer/Translator option.
the preparer/translator option will be enabled by default and the New Hire is required to invite and add preparers to complete the activity. For completing Section 1 with preparer(s)/translator(s), please click here..