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Form Identifiers Field | Description |
I-9 Form ID | - Unique alpha-numeric ID randomly generated by the system.
| I-9 ID | - New Hire's distinctive numeric ID generated in a sequence
| External ID | | Company | - Company defined under the organization.
- Displays Company ID if Company is selected as Legal Entity
| Organization ID | - Organization's distinct ID
| Business Unit | - Business Unit defined under the organization.
- Displays Business Unit ID if Business Unit is selected as Legal Entity
| I-9 status | - Shows whether the I-9 is Active/Inactive/Ready to Purge
| Expected Purge Date | - Field is visible only if the transaction is in "Ready to Purge" state
Form Metadata Field | Description |
I-9 Data Source | The source from which the I-9 was created (I-9 origin) - Candidate I-9 (Cand I-9)
- Historical I-9 (His I-9)
- Regular I-9 (Standalone)
- Onboarding (ONB)
- Peoplesoft Emplid Source (Peoplesoft)
| Initial Entry method | Entry method used to create I-9 (API, Conversion, Interfaced, Manual and Online transaction) | I-9 Form Version | The version of the Form I-9 used | Report Name | Print version of the Form I-9 | Employee Print | Section 1 print report | Employer Print | Section 2/Supplement B print report |
Dates Field | Description |
Hire Date | - Date specified in Section 2 activity
| Termination Date | - Date set via I-9 Console action/Keyword Search I-9 Life Cycle action for terminating the I-9
| Expiry Date | - Populated based on the logic : Hire date plus 3 years or Termination date plus 1 year whichever is maximum
- Expiry date is made to null if Work Authorization End Date exists for an I-9
| Rehire Date | - Date specified in Supplement B in a Rehire scenario
| Work Authorization End Date | - Displays Section 1 Work authorization date until work authorization document expiration date in Section 2 is available
- After Section 2 is saved/signed with WAE date, then work authorization date in Section 1 is compared with work authorization document expiration date in Section 2 and displays whichever is sooner
- If WAE date exists, the I-9 expiry date is made to null
- If WAE date is updated in I-9 Supplement B, the WAE date is derived from Supplement B
- In I-9 Section 2, if EAD Auto Extended row exists, then Sec 2 document expiry date is updated as WAE date (even if the I-9 section-1 "Work Authorization until date" is lesser).
| Start Date | - Date specified in the New Hire’s invitation
- As the user proceeds with the onboarding process, this date keeps updating.
- Start date updates to Hire date when Section 2 activity is saved/completed
- In rehire scenario, start date updates to rehire date when the Rehire date is entered in Supplement B and saved/completed
Flags Field | Description |
Receipts Exists | Enabled when Section 2 is completed by recording receipt details | Remote I-9 | Enabled when Form I-9 Section 2 is assigned to Remote User and the Remote User completes Section 2 activity | I-9 Packet Printed | Enabled when the I-9 is in process completed state and its I-9 Packet is downloaded when the AE for I-9 Packet Compiler is run | Minor | Enabled when Section 1 is filled and saved/signed by a minor New Hire (under age 18) | Special Placement | Enabled when Section 2 activity is completed by choosing Special Placement document from List B. | Reverification in Progress | - Enabled only when the Reverification process is initiated from I-9 Console/ES actions.
- For Name Change/Name Correction this flag will not be enabled.
- The flag will be unchecked when the process status is completed/terminated.
| Preparer Exists? | Enabled when Section 1 is completed (signed) by a preparer. |
The scrolls will expand and the corresponding data displays beneath that section.
How do you determine if the transaction is ready for purging?
The transaction's I-9 status will be in "Ready to Purge" state in the I-9 Master. Additionally, an extra field, "Expected Purge Date," will be displayed with the corresponding expected purge date value. This field is exclusive to transactions in the "Ready to Purge" state; transactions with other I-9 statuses (Active/Inactive) will not show this field.
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This page allows to add/view/delete the master attachments.
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The "Upload" button located at the bottom of the page will allow you to add new attachments from I-9 Master.
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To view any attachment, you may click on its corresponding hyperlink.
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"Delete" option is provided for the attachments that are uploaded from I-9 Master or via the I-9 Console action "Add Additional/Supporting Documents".
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Attachments that are uploaded in Section 1/Section 2/Supplement B will have no "Delete" option and cannot be deleted from I-9 Master. If attachments need to be deleted, it must be done within the activity through process. When the attachment is deleted from the activity, it will no more be reflected in the I-9 Master.
Click on the DHS case report link to access the case details.
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What details can you see under Section 1?