How do you determine if the transaction is ready for purging?
The transaction's I-9 status will be in within the I-9 Master will show as "Ready to Purge," state in the I-9 Master. Additionally, an extra field, "and the corresponding Expected Purge Date ," field will be displayed with the corresponding expected purge date value. This field is exclusive to transactions in the "Ready to Purge" state; transactions with other I-9 statuses (Active/Inactive) will not show this field.visible, displaying a value. The Expected Purge Date value is determined by adding 30 days to the date when the transaction is flagged for purging and the transaction status changed to "Ready for Purge".
Note: If I-9 status is not "Ready to Purge", the Expected Purge Date field will not be visible on the page.
If the New Hire has applied for SSN, what will be the SSN printed in Form I-9 Master?