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Table of Contents


The following explains the sections on the Complete Job Details page and highlights key points to consider while completing them:

Complete Job Details:


The data captured during the New Hire onboarding process is displayed in this section. However, certain fields highlighted below were not captured during the process and therefore are not populated on this page. If these fields are required to be sent to ADP, you can manually enter the necessary values. Please consider the following points while completing this section:

  • Passing the Applied for SSN value is not supported.
  • Regardless of the selected values on this page, the Reason for Hire will always be sent as "New Position" to ADP.
  • By default, the candidate’s First Name is populated in Preferred Name. This can be changed if needed.
  • Under Demographic information, the Race ID Method defaults to “Self ID” and the EEO Ethnic Code and Ethnicity are populated with the data captured from New Hire’s Self-Identification Race form. If “Declined to Self Identify” is indicated on New Hire’s Self-Identification Race form, then no data will populated in these fields.
  • The mailing address and home address captured during the New Hire's onboarding process are populated as the Legal Address and Secondary Address, respectively, on this page. If the mailing address is not captured during the New Hire’s onboarding process, the home address will be populated as both the Legal Address and the Secondary Address.


The fields highlighted below do not populate from the New Hire’s process. Enter values in these fields if they need to be sent to ADP. Please consider the following points while completing this section:

  • Passing the Empl Class value to ADP is not supported.
  • The "Reports To" indicates the Position ID of the supervisor in ADP and Home Cost Number is the Job cost number assigned to the employee.
  • The initial value in the FLSA Overtime field is set to "No". For the FLSA Code value "E” (Exempt), the FLSA Overtime will remain "No" indicating that overtime is not applicable. On the other hand, for the "N” (Non-Exempt) value, FLSA overtime is set to "Yes" meaning that overtime does apply. However, these settings can be modified as necessary.


FLSA Code = N & FLSA Overtime = "Yes"


The values highlighted below are to be entered if you want them to be sent to ADP. Please consider the following points while completing this section:

  • The values Pay Frequency, Rate Type and Compensation Rate are mandatory on this page.
  • If values Rate 2 to Rate 9 are selected in Rate Type, the value “Hourly” is passed to ADP.

Employee Tax Summary

This section will be in read-only mode and provides a summary of the tax data collected during the New Hire onboarding process. To change these values on this page, the tax information under Payroll and Taxes must be updated.


In this example, the Federal withholding is indicated as exempt. As a result, the fields for Dependent Amount, Other Income, Deductions and Extra Withholdings will display a value of “0”.

Tax Entry

The tax data captured during the New Hire’s onboarding process is populated here. The fields highlighted below are to be entered if they need to be sent to ADP. Please consider the following points while completing this section:


With invalid SUI/SDI Tax Code the following error message will be displayed on the "Send Candidate Data to HR" page when the integration is triggered between Smart Onboarding and ADP. 

Direct Deposit

The Direct Deposit details from the New Hire's Paycheck Preferences are displayed here and can be modified if needed. Multiple accounts can be included in the Direct Deposit, but duplicate values in the Deduction Code are not allowed.


If multiple rows with duplicate Deduction Code exist, an error will be displayed when the activity is saved.

Statutory Compliance

The disability details captured from New Hire’s Self-Identification Disability form are populated here.
