HR Activities
The activities of an HR Specialist's are divided into Verify Information, Complete Job Data, and Send Candidate Data to HR.
How do you complete the Verify Information activity?
Review the New Hire's information. If it is not correct, you will need to restart an earlier activity for the New Hire, or restart the New Hire's process. Refer to the Invitation Console section for instructions on how to do this.
If the information is correct, check the acknowledgement checkbox and click the "Electronic Acknowledgement" button.
Verify Information Activity |
How do you complete the Complete Job Data activity?
Some of the information on this page is prepopulated from the new hire's invitation. If necessary, you can edit these values before sending the information to the HR system.
To complete the remaining details, click on the field lookups and select the appropriate values. Ensure that all required fields are filled out.
After entering all the information, click the "Save" button.
If you wish to skip sending the employee data to the HR system, select the "Skip System Update" option.
Even after completing this activity, the details entered on this page remain editable until the "Send Candidate Data to HR" activity is completed.
To edit the details, click the "Edit" button at the bottom of the page and uncheck the "Skip System Update" checkbox if it is checked. This will enable the fields for editing.
Make necessary changes to the values and save again.
How to create and use a Complete Job Details template?
Creating a template is an optional step that lets you save and reuse similar forms without re-entering all the details. After entering details in a Complete Job Details form, you can save those details as a template for future use. Using the gadgets at the bottom right corner of the page, you can either save the current Complete Job Details form as a template or copy an existing template into a new form.
To create a template:
Enter all the fields and click on the upload template gadget as shown below.
Enter the template fields and click "OK".
Field (All are required * ) | Behavior |
Template Type | Shared Template: Others can copy this template to their CJD forms Private Template: Only the current user can use this template |
Template Name | Give a name that makes sense to you and your organization |
Description | Give any description that helps you understand what this template does |
OK | This button will save the template and return you to the Complete Job Details page. |
Cancel | Returns you to the Complete Job Details page without saving the template |
Load Template:
While in a Complete Job Details form, select the "Load a Transaction from an Existing Template" icon at the bottom right corner of the page. This icon will not be visible once the activity is completed.
Choose the template you want to copy and click "OK".
Field | behavior |
Created By |
Template Name |
Template Type |
Search |
OK |
Cancel |
Note: If you have entered data already, it will not be overridden by the template values.
How do you revise New Hire's start date in the Complete Job Details form?
The Start Date on the Complete Job Details (CJD) form is initially populated from the new hire's invitation. You can change this date to a different one until the "Send Candidate Data to HR" activity is completed. Any modifications made here will be reflected on the HR Summary page and will be updated in the HR database when the data is synced.
Start Date on Complete Job Details page |
To update the Start Date, change it to the desired date and save the changes.
The updated date will be reflected on all pages where the Start Date is displayed. Here are a few examples:
Keyword Search
Category - Invitations |
Clicking the Invitation ID link in the search results opens the Invitation Summary page. The revised start date on the Invitation Summary page is highlighted below. The "Revised Start Date" field will appear under the Start Date only if a revised date exists for the invitation.
Note: The Revised Start Date is different from the employee's first day of employment date mentioned in I-9 Section 2 of the Form I-9. For the Form I-9, the first day of employment (Hire Date) should only be updated in Section 2.
Category - I-9 Status |
Category - I-9 Compliance |
Category - Manage Accounts |
Process Viewer and process pages
Select "View Process" from the invitations actions in the Keyword Search.
This action opens the process viewer page. You will see that the Start Date is updated with the revised date at the top of the page, next to the new hire's image, as shown below.
Open any completed activity to view the process page of the corresponding activity.
In the left navigation menu under the New Hire's image, you will notice the Start Date is updated with the revised date.
Console pages
Invitation Console
The Start Date is updated with the revised date in the Invitation Console:
The Revised Start Date field also shows in the "Info and Actions" Information tab. Click the "Info and Actions" link for the corresponding invitation.
In the "Information" tab you will notice the Revised Start Date appearing below the Start Date field. The "Revised Start Date" field will be visible only if the start date is revised for the invitation.
The Start Date is updated with the revised date in Help Desk Console.
Note: If you want to edit this date again, navigate to the completed activity of Complete Job Details and open the form in edit mode.
After modifying the Start Date, save the details.
The modified date is reflected on the HR Summary page and on all pages where the start date is visible.
What details are included in HR Summary?
The HR Summary includes both employee- and employer-filled data. Before sending the candidate's data to the HRMS (applicable only if the HR database is integrated with the Smart Onboarding system), the HR Specialist reviews the information to ensure its accuracy.
If any corrections are needed in the job information, navigate to the completed Complete Job Details activity and open the form in edit mode.
Make the necessary corrections and save the form. The updated information will be reflected in the "Send Candidate Data to HR" activity when you open it.
Review HR Summary - Employee Details
Includes the New Hire's personal information, phone numbers (Home & Cell), home and mailing addresses, emergency contacts & self identification details.
Review HR Summary - Payroll and Tax
Includes the Federal withholding, work state withholding, residence state withholding and Paycheck preference details.
Payroll and Tax |
Review HR Summary - Employment Profile
Displays New Hire's employment profile details including work location, job information, payroll & compensation etc.
Note: The Start Date reflecting on this page is from the "Complete Job Details" activity. If the Start Date is modified in the Complete Job Details, the modified date will reflect on this page.
Employment Profile |
How do you complete the Send Candidate Data to HR activity?
After reviewing the information, check the box at the bottom of the page and click "Save & Send Candidate to HRMS".
After successful system push to the integrated HR system (which happens only if "Skip" option is not selected in Complete Job Details), a confirmation note and an associate ID generated in the HRIS system will be displayed at the bottom of the page (applicable only if HR database is integrated with Smart Onboarding system).
Note: Make sure the “AllowHRISByPass” property under Product Preferences is turned ON for the Organization for the integration to work on Send Candidate to HRMS. If this property is turned OFF, the integration will not be triggered and the activity will be completed by just with "Save" button. For more details on the Product Preferences, please click here.
How can you download signed forms from this activity?
Click the "Download Signed Forms" button at the bottom of this page.
It will download both the employee and employer signed forms as a .zip file. Open the file to view the forms.
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