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do HR Specialists manage tasks in My Tasks?
The HR Specialist completes the job details and reviews the new hire's onboarding information. Optionally, they can They also have the option to download the New Hirenew hire's signed forms. Once he is sure confident that the New Hire's information is correctaccurate, he the Specialist submits the onboarding package to Human Resources for processing. After this submit activity has been donesubmission, the New Hire new hire can no longer make changes to modify their information.
HR Specialist tasks include Prescreen Activities (Background Check Processing and Results) and HR Activities (Verify Information, Complete Job Data, and Send Candidate Data to HR).
The search fields can be used to filter the search results displaying in My Tasks console.
If the user role has permission to download search results, a "Download File" button will be visible in the console. Clicking this button will start the download of the displayed search results as an Excel file to your local computer.
Here is an example of using the console to search by invitation Start Date and then downloading the search results file.
Excel file |
What can create variation in
the HR tasks?
The "Background Required" field on the new hire invitation will add additional prescreen activities to the process. Additionally, the "Hold for PreScreen Processing" field determines whether the new hire can continue and complete their onboarding tasks before HR finishes the background check. For more details on these fields, click here.
New Hire Invitation Page |
Background Required means that the New Hire has need to fill out the prescreen forms and the HR Specialist has to go through the Prescreen Activities.
This is the process flow for when Background Required is selected as "No". In this case there will be no prescreening activities in the New Hire onboarding.
Hold for Prescreen Processing
This shows the process when you select Yes for Hold for Prescreen Processing (background required is yes).
This shows the process when you select No for Hold for Prescreen Processing (background required is yes)If "Background Required" is chosen as "Yes", you have the option to use the "Hold for PreScreen Processing" field. This choice determines whether the HR Specialist should conduct prescreen activities before the New Hire completes their onboarding tasks, or if the New Hire can proceed and finish their onboarding tasks independently of HR activities.
The following process flow applies when "Hold for Prescreen Processing" is set to "Yes" (with "Background Required" also set to "Yes").
If Background Required is "Yes", the HR Specialist must complete the prescreen activities (Background/Education/Employment check) prior to the New Hire finishing their activities
The following shows the process flow when you select "No" for Hold for Prescreen Processing (with "Background Required" also set to "Yes").
If "Background Required" is "No", the HR Specialist can complete these activities independent of the New Hire. The New Hire can continue and complete their onboarding activities before the HR Specialist completed the background check.
How do you check which tasks have been completed for a
New Hire?
In the HR Specialist's Invitation Console, under View Process, click on the View Process From the My Tasks console,, click the "View Process" link to open the process viewer to see which tasks have been completed.