What are Pre-Screening Activities?
The New Hire's Onboarding onboarding process consists of activities and groups of activities (called steps). In the Pre-Screening step, the candidate enters information about themselves, including disclosures and required forms that the company selected or made. For more information about how to have more or less requirements for New Hires, go to New Hire Onboarding Activities.
By going through everything under the Pre-Screening Activities, and any necessary Pre-Screening review by the Human Resources AdministratorHR Specialist, you can move on to the New Hire Forms.
California Related Disclosures (Non-Credit)
This page only shows is the new hire's work location is in California and Credit Check was "Yes" on the invitation.
After reading the disclosure, click on the box to check acknowledgement.Click Continueconfirm acknowledgement, then click Electronically Acknowledged.
California Related Disclosures (Non-Credit) Activity |
California Related Disclosures (Non-Credit) - Verification
This page only shows is the new hire's work location is in California and Credit Check was "Yes" on the invitation.
After reading the disclosure, click on the box to check confirm acknowledgement, then click Electronically Acknowledged.
Click Continue.
California Related Disclosures (Non-Credit) - Verification Activity |
California Credit Check
This page only shows is the new hire's work location is in California and Credit Check was "Yes" on the invitation.
After reading the disclosure, click on the box to confirm acknowledgement, then click Electronically Acknowledged.
California Credit Check Activity |
Background Check Authorization
Background Authorization Activity | |
Background Profile Form
The page will give you a confirmation that you are done with Pre-Screening Activities.
If your Onboarding onboarding process had "hold" selected, the HR Administrator Specialist will process and then you can start the New Hire Forms (if not, you can continue).
The page will give you a confirmation that you are done with Pre-Screening Activities.
If your Onboarding onboarding process had "hold" selected, the HR Administrator Specialist will process and then you can start the New Hire Forms (if not, you can continue).
Awaiting HR Processing Activity |