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Table of Contents


User Role TypeDescription
System AdministratorsAdministrator
  • Able to invite users
  • First System Administrator must perform the Organization Onboarding
  • Has both the Process Administrator's and Content Administrator's areas of control
  • Acts as the connection between the organization and Smart ERP
Process Administrator
  • Able to perform all of the Content Administrator's actions
  • Configures the business process
  • Configures the business rules
Content Administrator
  • Imports and maintains all content added to the system
  • Ensures the correct content, policies, and information is being presented


HR SpecialistsSpecialist
Help Desk AnalystsAnalyst
I-9 SpecialistsSpecialist
  • Verifies the New Hire's employment eligibility information
E-Verify SpecialistsSpecialist
  • Initiates and follows through the DHS E-Verification process
  • Both I-9 Specialist and E-Verify Specialists might be performed by the same person or group


System Administrators are unable to launch the Onboarding onboarding process for New Hires, they can only launch the Onboarding onboarding process for usersUsers.

To be able to access the Add New User/Contact function, the Tenant Administrator must have completed his own personal Self Registration as well as the Organization Onboarding process.

Where is Add New User/Contact in the


onboarding process?

Once the first System Administrator has completed the Organization Onboarding, new users can be added into the system.  The organization will need to determine the users they wish to administer the onboarding process.

Why are Users needed in the


business process?

Users are needed in order to perform the various duties within the Smart Onboarding Application.  Each user has a different set of responsibilities and capabilities inside the application.  For example, Recruiters are needed in the system to send out invitations to New Hires while I-9 Specialists are needed in order to validate the New Hire's eligibility to work in the United States. 
