.Add New User/Contact v1.6

.Add New User/Contact v1.6

What is Add New User/Contact?

Add New User/Contact is a function that is only available to the System Administrators of the organization.  Add New User/Contact allows the System Administrator to invite new Administrative Users and Business Users to the organization.  A System Administrator can assign any of these roles to a user that they invite.

User Role Types

User Role TypeDescription
System Administrator
  • Able to invite Administrative and Business users
  • The first System Administrator must complete the Organization Onboarding
  • Can perform all activities that a Process Administrator or Content Administrator can perform
  • The first System Administator acts as the connection between the organization and Smart ERP
Process Administrator
  • Configures the business process
  • Configures the business rules
  • Can perform all activities that a Content Administrator can perform
Content Administrator
  • Can add, modify, and remove content in the system
  • Ensures the correct content, policies, and information are available to be included in the onboarding process


HR Specialist
Help Desk Analyst
I-9 Specialist
  • Verifies the New Hire's employment eligibility information and documents
E-Verify Specialist
  • Initiates and manages the E-Verification process


To be able to access the Add New User/Contact function, the System Administrator must have completed their own Self Registration and User Onboarding, as well as the Organization Onboarding process (if they are the first System Administrator).

Where is Add New User/Contact in the onboarding process?

Add New User/Contact is used initially to invite/set up all necessary Administrative and Business Users in the system.  It is also used later, as new Administrative and Business Users join the organization.

Who has access to Add New User/Contact?

Only users with a Role Type of System Administrator can add users and contacts to the system.


Role Types

Add New User/Contact


How do you access Add New User/Contact?

There are two ways to access Add New User/Contact as a System Administrator:

2 Ways to Access Add New User/Contact

Menu Icon: The Menu Icon is used to display all relevant actions the current user is able to perform.

Quick Links: If you are user you are able to access this page through the Quick Link 'Manage Users/Contacts.'

*Note: your organization can remove this link but it is provided as part of our delivered home page.

Access Via Menu Icon:

Every action a user can perform can be found by using the Menu icon.  The Menu icon can be found in the upper left hand corner of the page.  Click the Menu icon, and navigate to 'Manage Users/Contacts' under 'Users/Contacts'.



Access Via Quick Links:

On the System Administrator home page, you can select 'Manage Users/Contacts' through the Quick Links bar located below the banner photo. These links change depending on the Role Type of the currrent user.

Home Page with Quick Links


Manage Users/Contacts Console

After navigating to the 'Manage Users/Contacts' page, click the Add New User/Contact button.

Manage Users/Contacts Console



What makes up the Invite/Edit User page?

The Invite/Edit User page consists of 4 sections: Personal Information, Roles, Row Level Security and Authorized Lookup Security.  This information is also discussed in the Add New User/Contact section. 

Invite/Edit User Page



Personal Information 

The System Administrator is required to enter the following personal information for the user.  





First Name

  • Enter the user's preferred first name

Last Name

  • Enter the user's preferred last name

Email ID

  • Enter a valid Email Address
  • Used to send the onboarding email
  • The User must verify this email address as a part of the two step authentication, if it is implemented


  • Enter a valid Phone Number
  • The User must verify this phone number as a part of the two step authentication, if it is implemented
System Access 
  • Checked: Allows the user can perform activities in the system
  • Unchecked: The user cannot perform activities in the system, but can act as a contact

Onboarding - Roles 

The System Administrator is required to define the Role Type of the user:  A user can be assigned multiple Role Types.




Smart Onboarding - Roles (Required)

Defines the role of the user:

  • System Administrator
  • Process Administrator
  • Content Administrator
  • Recruiter
  • HR Specialist
  • I-9 Specialist
  • E-Verify Specialist
  • Help Desk Analyst
Minimum Role Requirements

Each of these roles must be assigned to at least one User. The other roles are available, but not required.

  • System Administrator
  • HR Specialist
  • I-9 Specialist
  • E-Verify Specialist (if using E-Verify)

Row Level Security 

The System Administrator is required to enter all fields in the Row Level Security Section.  These define the range of the user’s interactions.  These fields will determine the consoles that appear in the 'Authorized Security Lookup' section. 




Company (Required)

Enter or Search for the Security Group that is associated with the Company attribute

Used to define the Company(s) with which the user will be able to interact

Business Unit (Required)

Enter or Search for the Security Group that is associated with the Business Unit attribute

Used to define the Business Unit(s) with which the user will be able to interact

Department (Required)

Enter or Search for the Security Group that is associated with the Department attribute

Used to define the Department(s) with which the user will be able to interact

Location (Required)

Enter or Search for the Security Group that is associated with the Location attribute

Used to define the Location(s) with which the user will be able to interact


In the lookup any Security Group that has been defined for the corresponding attribute can be specified.  This allows the System Administrator to define the scope of the user to be as wide or as narrow as required.

Security Group Look Up for Business Unit



*Note: All fields default to allowing access to all values.  

Authorized Security Lookup 

The System Administrator has the option to enter a value for any of the fields in the Authorized Security Lookup.  This section uses Security Group look ups, just as the fields in Row Level Security.  If a value is entered, the user only sees the attribute values that are associated with the specified Security Group when they are prompted for the attribute.

Role TypeEffect of Security Group Lookup Fields

System Administrator

Process Administrator

Content Administrator

Will alter the values shown in the Process Revisions

HR Specialist


Will alter the values shown on the New Hire Invitations

The following fields can have authorized security lookup.


Field (Optional)*




Full/Part Time


Business Unit



Operating Unit

Job Code

Employee Class

Appointment Type

Client ID

Pay Group

Salary Plan

Salary Grade

Employee Type

Comp. Frequency

Comp. Rate Code

Earnings Code

Tax Location Code

Employment Agreement

Hire Template

User Defined Attribute

*Note: All fields default to allowing access to all values.  

Save and Invite

There are two ways that a System Administrator can invite a user:

Way to Invite User to systemDescription

Click Invite at the bottom of the 'Invite/Edit User' page

This option should be used if you want to invite the user immediately.

Click Save at the bottom of the 'Invite/Edit User' Page, then click Invite at a later time.

This option should be used if you want to add the user to the system, but you want to launch the invitation at a later time.


If you saved the invitation without inviting, you can invite the user at a later time.  Navigate to 'Manage Users/Contacts', search for the user you saved, click Actions, then click Invite.

Manage Users/Contacts Page



 After confirming your selection, the status of the user's invitation changes from "Invitation Created" to "Invitation Launched", and an email is sent to the user to begin their onboarding.




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