Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents

What are Smart Forms?





  • Makes the whole page into the text editor
  • Turns everything into html, allowing you to edit or expand the form's text and formatting possibilities

Cut, Copy, Paste,
Paste from Word

  • Respectively, left to right:
    • Cuts
    • Copies
    • Pastes
    • Pastes from Word

Undo, Redo

  • Respectively, left to right:
    • Undo the action last taken
    • Redo the last Undo's action

Insert Horizontal Line



Link, Unlink




Insert Special Character

  • Inserts a horizontal line


  • Link on a word will allow you to directly refer to a URL (which you can command to pop up, open in another window, the same window, and others through the Target tab), anchor in the text, or an email
  • Unlink any of the previously linked words


  • A 'Select Special Character' box appears like this, so that you can put one in your text:

Paragraph Format






Font Name







Font Size

  • How the font will be formatted, in regards to it as a paragraph or line

  • The different font-types

  • Changes the font size

Bold, Italic,

Strikethrough, Remove Format

  • Respectively, left to right:
    • Bolds the font
    • Italicizes the font
    • Strikes through (a line through the center) the words
    • Removes all of the formatting from this category (only removes bold, italics, strikethrough)

Insert/Remove Numbered List
Insert/Remove Bulleted List

Decrease Indent

Increase Indent


  • Will begin the numbered list/will remove the numbered list
  • Will begin the bulleted list/will remove the bulleted list

  • Will remove the numbered/bulleted list if it is the first number/bullet, or will negate the effects of the 'increase indent'
  • Will indent the already placed number/bullet, but only after the first number/bullet

  • Inserts a bind, a user specific reference

  • Highlights the binds that were inserted, just for editing reference (won't show up when used)


(for more specifics on this, see Insert Form Field's Fields)

  • Inserts a form field in the system
  • Customize how it will be formatted/interacted with using Input Type
  • Choose whether or not it is a mandatory form field
  • Choose what label to use on it


  • Spawns options for a table, adjust, then click OK, and it should create the table

  • Image ModifiedImage Modified
  • Some points about tables:

    1)      Do  Do not create a table with only rows. Columns are required when you use tables.

    2)      If  If you don’t need at least 1 column in the table then you don’t have to insert the table. You can directly paste the content in the rich text editor.

    3)        If you need a table with 2 or more columns with different widths (not the default) and multiple rows of same property, then do not insert all the rows while inserting the table. Insert one row and adjust the column widths and then right click on one if the cell and use option ‘Insert Row Above/Below’. This will insert the rows with the same properties that you have configured already.

    4)      If  If you need multiple rows and columns in a table with different widths for few/all the cells, then do not insert them as one table. Insert them as separate tables.



Text Box
  • Write in the Text Box
  • This is where all of the Text Editing applies
  • You can expand or shrink the box by dragging the bottom-right triangle symbol
