.Smart Forms v1.9
What are Smart Forms?
Smart Forms are used as the basis for many activities within Smart Onboarding. They are very powerful and flexible, allowing the user to build simple and complex activities. In addition to being used for onboarding activities, Smart Forms can be used to specify supplemental attribute information.
Onboarding Forms
Using Smart Forms, you can modify the existing activities or add new activities to the onboarding process. There are many features available within Smart Forms, such as including bind variables within text, the ability to upload documents or attachments, and collaboration with other users.
Supplemental Attribute Data
You can use a Smart Form to add supplemental data for many attributes. Supplemental attribute data can be seen when the associated attribute is prompted, and can be used when specifying criteria for presenting activities to users. For details of how to add, edit, or delete supplemental attribute data, click here.
How do you add a Smart Form?
Click on the Menu icon and then click Create Revision under Revisions.
Menu |
Create a content revision or modify a content revision that is in progress.
Click Add a New Value.
Create Revision Page |
Select Content as the Type, and enter the Revision Date, Description, and Business Process ID.
Click Reserve.
Manage Revision |
Click Configure.
Manage Revision Page |
Click on Add for the content type Smart Forms.
Content Revision Page |
Define Smart Form Fields
Enter the Smart Form information. Refer to the chart below for information on the fields.
Define Smart Form Page |
Overall Specifications
Field | Behavior |
Form Title |
Lookup Description |
Output File Name |
Participation Pool |
Required/Optional |
| |
Override Save Button Label |
Enable I Agree |
Acknowledge Text |
Enable Print |
Print Source |
Form Fields and Attachments
Field | Behavior |
Create/View Form Fields |
Enable Attachments |
Enable Upload Documents |
Text Editor
Field | Behavior |
Maximize Source |
Cut, Copy, Paste, |
Undo, Redo |
Insert Horizontal Line Link, Unlink Insert Special Character |
Paragraph Format Font Name Font Size |
Bold, Italic, Strikethrough, Remove Format |
Insert/Remove Numbered List |
| |
| |
| |
| |
(for more specifics on this, see Insert Form Field's Fields) |
| |
Inserts the content from the given url | |
Removes the borders around the text | |
Text Box |
For examples of both types of Smart Forms, you can modify a Smart Form. That can give you a better idea of how they work.
Note that the Supplemental Attribute Data default Smart Forms have exceptions to creating Supplemental Attribute Data. It does not indicate that they have form fields, but to add Supplemental Attribute Data that is customized, you must insert form fields.
After you finish entering information, click Save.
Smart Form Page |
How do you create a Form Field?
Click on Create/View Form Fields.
This will open a new tab.
Smart Form Page |
Click on Add a New Value.
Define Form Fields |
Enter a Field Description.
Select a Field Type.
Define Form Field Page |
For example, Character. After you have defined the field click Save.
Define Form Field Page |
Similarly, define new phone number field and select field type as Number. After you have defined the field, click Save.
Define Form Field Page |
In Define Smart Form, on the fifth tab, click on Insert Form Field.
Define Smart Form Page |
Insert Form Fields
Follow the chart below to fill out the fields.
Insert Form Field Box |
# | Field | Behavior |
Input Type |
| |
Form Field |
| |
Mandatory |
| |
Label Type |
| |
Display Label Colon |
| |
Input Style |
Select Input Type.
Click on Look Up to select the field.
Select the field that you want to insert.
Lookup Form Fields |
Click OK.
The field will display on the form as shown.
Similarly, insert another form field that you have created for phone number. Click Save.
How do you modify a Smart Form?
There are two different methods to access/modify a Smart Form:
- Add a New Value.
- Search if you have an existing Smart Form in progress (click here to go directly to the second method).
Create Revision Page |
Method 1: Add a New Value:
Enter the information and then click Reserve.
Manage Revision Page |
Click Configure, and then click here to continue.
Manage Revision Page |
Method 2: Search: Instead of Add a New Value, click Search (you can filter out the results so that it only shows Content In Progress because those are the two requirements to modify a Content Revision).
Create Revision Page |
Find the revision that you want to modify (it must be a content revision and in progress).
Create Revision Page |
Click on View/Edit.
Manage Revision Page |
Click on Review/Update for the Smart Forms.
Content Revision Page |
Choose a Smart Form that you want to modify–you can use the Quick Filter to help find the one you have in mind.
Smart Forms Page |
Make the desired changes, and then click Save.
Define Smart Form Page |
Click Return.
Smart Forms Page |
Scrolling down, you can see the changes made for this particular Content Revision in the Current Revision Summary. This makes it easy to manage multiple changes in one revision, and also reassures that the changes actually happened.
The number of Smart Forms created for this Content Revision is shown as number. You can make multiple additions or modifications in one Content Revision.
Content Revision Page |
Scrolling back to the top, click Return to Manage Revision.
Content Revision Page |
Click Apply.
If your changes are not complete, you can still View/Edit and it will take you to the previous page. You can also leave this Manage Revision page and leave the Content Revision in progress to modify, apply or withdraw later.
Manage Revision Page |
How do you include a Smart Form in the onboarding process?
After creating or changing a Smart Form, it can be introduced into the onboarding process through a Process Revision. Create a Process Revision or modify a Process Revision that is In Progress.
On the Process Revision page, click on Configure Business Process Rules.
Process Revision Page |
Wherever there is an Add option, you can add an activity, in this case in the medium of Smart Form. Make sure that the step is accessible for the participant pool selected in the Smart Form options.
Click on Add.
Define Business Process Rules Page |
Select one of the forms. Under Action Type, the Smart Forms are indicated as SMART_FORM.
Click OK.
Select Actions Page |
Click on the Smart Form(s) that you just added.
Define Business Process Rules Page |
Either select Always Route or Route if criteria is met. These options are explained here.
Then click Save.
Action Details Page |
Scroll down and click Save on the Business Process Rules Page.
Define Business Process Rules Page |
On the Process Revision page, click Return to Manage Revision.
Process Revision Page |
Click Apply.
Manage Revision Page |
The Smart Form added can be seen at run time for the candidate as shown below.
How do you enable bypass option in a Smart Form?
You can enable bypass option while defining a new Smart Form or modifying an existing one. Check Allow Bypass option on the Smart Form.
When the option is set, the participant pool that will see the Smart Form, will have the ability to bypass this activity. So it is users choice that they can either complete the activity or opt for bypass.
Enter Smart Form data and save.
Check Allow Bypass option |
Apply Content Revision and include the Smart Form into the onboarding process using Process Revision. For details on adding Smart Form to onboarding, check above steps.
When the Smart Form appears in the New Hire process, the New Hire will have the ability to bypass the activity.
Click on the Bypass Activity gadget on the right corner of the page.
Bypass Activity |
Enter your comments and click Submit.
The completed bypass activity is shown as below. After the activity is bypassed, the user can still complete the activity if they want to.
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