Field | Behavior |
Form Title | - Name or title that describes the Form
Lookup Description | - To find the Smart Form easily, name it accordingly
Participation Pool | - The roletype that will see the Smart Form

Required/Optional | - Required: the user needs to complete the form before continuing
- Optional: the user has the option to complete the form
Override Save Button Label Image Added | - The label on the button that the user must click in order to save or continue
- The default label is 'e-sign,' so if you leave this field blank, it will say 'e-sign'
- Examples of replacement labels:
Enable I Agree | - When selected By selecting this the user acknowledges the information provided on the form
Acknowledge Text | 
- This field is displayed when the user selects the check box of 'Enable I Agree' check boxlabel
Enable Print | - Yes: the page will contain an icon that will allow the user to print the form
- No: the user will not be able to print the form
Print Source | - This field only shows up if you click on 'Yes' for Enable Print
- Current Form: it will print in the form that the file is originally in
- PDF Template:
- selecting this will spawn another field below it
 - Clicking on the lookup will pull up all of the PDF Templates that are in your system
- Clicking on the icon on the right side will:
- pull up the 'Revise PDF Template' page if you leave it blank (the box between the lookup and this icon)
- pull up the 'Define PDF Template Form' page for that particular PDF Template that you selected
- For more information about PDF Templates, click here
Field | Behavior |
Create/View Form Fields | - Form fields are used to create fields that can be entered by the user
- Once created, form fields are saved in your database and can be used in different Smart Forms.
Enable Attachments 
| - Allows for attachments to be included on the Smart Form
- Clicking on the lookup will allow you to select an attachment
- The Description will match the Attachment's description

- Add generates another row that allows you to add another attachment
- Note: if you have Enable Attachments selected, then the system requires you to attach one for as many attachment rows that you've added
- If you added extra rows, Delete the ones that are not in use
- For more information about Attachments and how to get them into your system, click here
Enable Upload Documents | - Allows the user to upload a document when it's in the onboarding process
The number of Smart Forms changed from 0 to 1 because only one modification is done for this Content Revision, however . However you can make multiple additions or modifications in one Content Revision.