Add/Edit Content Page Driven by Category Yes |
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title | Click here to know about content attributes and their behavior |
General Content Attributes | Behavior |
Use Column as Container | - Decides whether to display the column or image/text
| Renderer | - Ability to change the behavior for some Category Types
| Content Preview | - Ability to view the image or text you are adding that is non-category driven
| Width (in %) | - The % of the row that the content should take up
- If nothing is entered the system will assign a number.
- If there is only one content for the row the width defaults to 100%
| Background Color | - Add any color to the background of a column using the color picker or by entering a hex color code
| Font Color | - Edit the color of the text
| Padding Top | - Adds space above the content
| Padding Right | - Adds space on the right of the content
| Padding Bottom | - Adds space below the content
| Padding Left | - Adds space on the left of the content
Similarly, you can select another Category and add different type of content. Add as much content as you need. Save the added content and apply the revision.
The added content will be displayed on the Homepage for users with the proper role type and attribute setup.