The E-Verify Console is a page that allows an E-Verify Specialist to search and navigate to a New Hire's I-9 information DHS case details when the I-9 is in the E-Verify states.
The console It can also be used to initiate the USCIS E-Verify process and complete the E-Verify processing for a continue the DHS verfication of the New Hire's onboarding processcase.
Who can access the E-verify Console?
Only the E-Verify Specialists have access to E-Verify Console.
What type of New Hire
Verify data is displayed under the E-Verify Console?
All the I-9 IDs that are Awaiting DHS Verification or subjected to DHS Verification and are progressing through DHS process are displayed under the E-Verify Console. However, the console do not display the New Hire I-9 records for the New Hires who that are in deferred state. (The processes that have E-Verify activity skipped by marking it as complete. Example: When New Hires have applied for SSN and waiting for the number to receive or when the New Hire submits receipt details in Section 2 and waiting for the actual document to receive).
How do you access the E-Verify Console?
Use Search or Clear button to search or clear the above fields.
E-Verify Console |
Case details
Field | Behavior |
Case Number |
I-9 ID |
Name |
Eligibility Type |
Hire Date |
Date of Birth |
What can you do on the E-Verify Console page?
You can perform the following actions using As an E-Verify Console.
- Access I-9 ID
- Download Packet
Access I-9 ID
By clicking on the I-9 ID link, you can search and access a specific I-9 ID in the E-Verify state.
Click on the I-9 ID link.
The I-9 Summary page is displayed with all the New Hire's I-9 Information. You can perform appropriate actions by clicking the I-9 ID on the summary page.
Download Packet
The E-Verify Specialist can generate a zip folder with pdf files containing the New Hire's Form I-9, any notifications (such as Further Action Notices and Referral Notices), and copies of documents that have been attached. This can be done from the E-Verify Console, or from within the Complete I-9 or E-Verify activity in the New Hire's onboarding process.
Click Download Packet under Select Actions.
A zip folder name appears in the Download section of the page. Click the zip folder name.
Windows Explorer opens, showing the folders containing the New Hire's I-9 documents, and an index file.
Specialist, you can check how far the New Hire's case is progressed through DHS process and continue with further DHS verification.
Click on any specific Case Number.
E-Verify Console |
The E-Verify details for that case is displayed as below. The E-Verify details page allows E-Verify Specialists to continue and proceed with further verification.
E-Verify Details |