The supporting documents that are uploaded in Section 1 & section 2 and through I-9 Console action "Add Additional/Supporting Documents" can be seen via Attachments link in I-9 Master header.
Click Attachments.
The attachments page shows displays as below. Options are available to add/view/delete attachments.
Note: Attachments that are uploaded in Section 1/Section 2 cannot be deleted. So the 'Delete' option is not available for Section 1/Section 2 uploaded attachments.
What details can you see under Section 1?
Every transaction saved/signed by an employee and the preparers in Form I-9 Section 1 can be seen under this section. On the right side, you can see the number of transactions made in Section 1 and the links for navigating through them. All the transactions are effective dated/effective sequenced which makes easy for the users to navigate through the data and identify a particular transaction. The most effective dated row is the latest transaction and if there are more than one row with the same effective date, the most effective sequenced row is the latest.
Click "Previous" link one more time to view the next earliest row. In this case, since there are only three rows, the third transaction is the latest row.
How do you print I-9 Audit Report?
I-9 Audit Report has several fields displayed showing the I-9 Form change history. This includes the business process against which the invitation is launched, I-9 parcipants in Section 1/Section 2 and Section 3, actions performed, Form I-9 data including the signatures and others. Through I-9 Master you can print the Audit Report as follows:
Open I-9 Master page for a specific I-9 ID and click on Audit Report icon.
I-9 Master |
The Audit Report displays as shown below.
I-9 Audit Report |