Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


To modify the delivered homepage content, click the gear icon on the left top corner of any the section.

Here, the regular login home page of TA is considered taken as an example for modifying the content.

Home Page Configuration

Click on "Edit Content" option.

An "Add/Edit Content" box will be displayed. Select the the "Driven by Category" field. 

Select a content that you want to display. Content Note: The content must be added to the system with a Revision before you can add it to a the homepage.

After entering the content attributesfields, click on "OK". 

Add/Edit Content Page Driven by category 'No'


Scroll down on the Home Page Configuration page and save. As configured, the changes will reflect in TA's home page.


Click on "Edit Content".

An "Add/Edit Content" box will be displayed. Select the content attributes given on this page. 

Select a content that you want to display.


The added/edited content shows on the configuration page. Scroll down the page and save configuration.

As configured, these the changes reflect in New Hires Hire's home page.

New Hire's home page


A page is displayed to add the Category content. Click on the lookup icon of the "Attachment ID".

This will display a list of all Attachments. Select the content that you would like to add.

Click "OK".

Save Attachment

Similarly, you can select another Category and add different types of content. Add as much content as you need. Save the added content and apply the revision.


Non-Category Driven FieldsBehavior
Driven by CategoryNo → Content Type → Content ID
For every master attribute/category, but still only affects the one homepage type
Content Type

Content ID/Image ID

Select the content that corresponds to the Content Type chosen
