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This option The I-9 Compliance in Keyword Search allows users to search and navigate to access the I-9 compliance details of a New Hire's process. With the help of compliance status, the employers can easily understand . This can be used to track the progress of a New Hire's I-9 process and if Section 1/Section 2 are completed within the verify whether I-9 and DHS activities are completed in accordance with DHS compliance.
Who can access I-9 Compliance in Keyword Search?
The users with I-9 Specialist and E-Verify Specialist role types can access I-9 Compliance in Keyword Search.
Click on the Keyword Search icon located on the top right corner menu. Select "I-9 Compliance" as the category and search for the transaction(s) using a keyword.
In this case, "All/all" is entered as the search keyword.
If you are not sure about the keywords, please click on the help icon to see the list of options that you can use.
When the Help page opens, click on the "I-9 Compliance" link under search categories.
The page displays the list of keywords with their description. You can use any of these keywords for searching the invitations.
After entering the search fields, click on the "Search" button.
This displays the search results page as shown below. Scroll through the list provided on the left side of the search results to access Section 1/Section 2 and E-Verify Compliance facets.
Click on the checkboxes under these sections to view the invitations with "In Compliance/Out of Compliance" status.
To further narrow down the search results, you can use detailed keyword options. To view these options click on the 'More Options' link in the search box.
This will display the search fields as shown below. You can use any of these fields for searching the transactions.
An example of searching with "Last Updated" field is given below. Enter any specific date in "Last Updated" field and click on 'Search'.
This will show all the invitations with last updated date as entered in the search field.
You can also enable operators if required by clicking on the 'Show Operators' link provided at the bottom of the search box.
These operators can be used with the search fields to refine the search results.
After entering the search fields, click on the "Search" button.
The search results page displays as shown below. Scroll through the list provided on the left side of the search results to access Section 1/Section 2 and E-Verify Compliance facets.
Click on the checkboxes under these sections to view the invitations with "In Compliance/Out of Compliance" status.
To further narrow down the search results, you can use detailed keyword options. To view these options click on the 'More Options' link in the search box.
This will display the search fields as shown below. You can use any of these fields for searching the transactions.
An example of searching with "Last Updated" field is given below. Enter any specific date in "Last Updated" field and click on 'Search'.
This will show all the invitations with last updated date as entered in the search field.
You can also enable operators if required by clicking on the 'Show Operators' link provided at the bottom of the search box.
These operators can be used with the search fields to refine the search results.
How to view keywords list for the I-9 Compliance search?
To view the keywords list, click on the help icon on the right corner of the search section.
On the secondary page, click on the "I-9 Compliance" link under search categories.
This displays the list of keywords with their description. You can use any of these keywords for searching the invitations.
What details do you see in Section 1/Section 2 Compliance facets?
The process viewer page opens as below.
Scroll down to Section 1 and note the activity status. The activity will show as pending since it is not signed.
In Compliance
The Section 1 will be in "In Compliance" status if the transaction's Section 1 signature date is on or before Start Date. Click on "In Compliance" link under "Section 1 Compliance Status".
The process viewer page displays as below:
Scroll down to Section 2 and note the activity status. It shows as completed with the signature date. But this doesn't show the Hire Date details of Section 2 activity.
To view the Hire Date, you may have to open Section 2 activity by clicking on the "Complete I-9" link.
The process viewer page displays as below:
Scroll down to Section 2 and note the activity status. It shows as completed with the signature date but the Hire Date details of Section 2 activity is not shown.
To view the Hire Date, you may have to open Section 2 activity by clicking on the "Complete I-9" link.
The process viewer page opens as below:
Scroll down to Section 2 activity and click on the "Complete I-9" link.
In Section 2, you can see the Start date and Hire date are different.
Invitations that have E-Verify deferred show up in I-9 Compliance as "Not Applicable". In case of restarts, the restart flow case created date is considered for E-Verify Compliance.
restarts, the restart flow case created date is considered for E-Verify Compliance.
How to download I-9 Compliance search results?
If the logged-in user's role is configured for data export, an "Export to Excel" button will appear on the top right of the search results page. By clicking this button, the user can download the data displayed on the search results page as an Excel file to their local computer.
Below is a sample of the downloaded Excel file. The information displayed on the search result page will appear as columns in the downloaded file. The keyword used for searching can be noticed on the top row.
Please note that only the top 50 results will be displayed on the search results page, and therefore the downloaded Excel file is limited to a maximum of 50 rows.
When no results are found for the search, clicking on the "Export to Excel" button will display the following error message.
How do the users perform actions from I-9 Compliance search results page?
This option allows you to check which tasks have been completed for the New Hire. When you click on the "View Process" link, the Process Viewer page displays as below.
This is a simple way of seeing an overview of where the New Hire is in their process, including the HR, I-9, and E-Verify Specialist's activities. The activities can have the following states:
Completed: Activity can be can be accessed and the information in the activity may or may not be available for editing | |
Available: Activity can be accessed and has not yet been completed | |
Locked: Activity cannot be accessed |
The below example shows all the three activity states:
View I-9 Master
Allows you to view Form I-9 Master data of a New Hire's invitation. The I-9 Master includes the I-9 Header data and transaction data of Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3 and E-verify case details.
Print Employee I-9
This employee print report will have the details of Section 1 & Supplement A information. The Supplement A will be available in print only if preparer/translator are added in Section 1. For more details, please click here.
Print Employer I-9
For this action to appear under I-9 Status, the Section 2 data must be saved at least once by the employer. The report includes the details of Section 1, Section 2 & Supplement A (will be available only if preparers/translators are added in Section 1). For more details, please click here.
Download I-9 Packet
Downloads a zip folder including I-9 supporting documents, Form I-9 and I-9 Audit report.
The downloaded zip file looks like below (if attachments exist they would show in this folder as supporting documents):