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Users with the System Administrator role can access the setup pages for benefits.

How to


set up benefits activities in the New Hire's onboarding process?

To add benefits For the benefits activities to be available in the New Hire's onboarding process, follow these steps:


, the required Benefits Plans and the Benefit Program must be defined, and the following tasks must be completed:

TaskRoles responsible

Add the Benefit Program in the Attribute Revision

System Administrator

Add and configure benefits in the business process

System Administrator

Attach the


Benefit Program to the New Hire's invitation


HR Specialist

Enroll in company benefits


New Hire

Add the Benefit Program in the Attribute Revision

The first step is to add the defined benefit programBenefit Program to its parent attribute in the Attribute Revision. For more details, please click here.


Next step is to add benefits activity in the business process. This can be done by creating a new Process Revision.On  On the Process Revision page, click the "Configure Business Process" link.


Save and apply the Process Revision.



the Benefit Program to the New Hire's invitation

For details on adding and defining a benefit program the Benefit Program in the New Hire's invitation, click this link.

New Hire's enrollment in the company benefits 

For benefits activities to appear in the onboarding process,  the new hire must choose "Yes" in the New Hire must opt for the Benefit Elections option during the their Employee Information activity.

If the "No" option is selected, the onboarding process will skip benefits activities.


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When benefits are opted, the related benefits activities will be included in the onboarding process for the New Hire. 


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Benefit Plans with the Plan Type For more details, please click here.

Note: Benefit Plans categorized under the "Medical", "Dental" , and "Vision" Plan Types will appear in the selection list for New Hires when they choose the respective plan type during the Benefits Enrollment activity , while those with Plan Types such as whereas Benefit Plans categorized under the "Life", "Accidental Death", "Long Term Disability", "Short Term Disability" and "Supplemental Life" Plan Types will appear in the selection list for New Hires when they choose the respective plan type during the Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity. These To make these Benefit Plans must be included in the Benefit Program to be visible in the respective activities for the new hire. Additionally, the Benefit Plans shown in these activities depend on the effective date of the Benefit Program in the setup and the employment start date specified on the New Hire, they must be included in the Benefit Program, and the corresponding Benefit Program must be attached when creating the New Hire's invitation. For more details on setting up Benefit Plans and Benefit Programs, please click on the respective links. Anchoreditbenefitseditbenefits

How to edit benefits information after New Hire submits the process to HR?

After the process is submitted to HR, the new hire cannot edit the onboarding information unless the activity or process is restarted by the HR Specialist. There are two ways to restart the benefits.


Restart Activity:

Must be a HR Specialist to perform this action. 

Let us consider a New Hire's process with Submit to HR completed.


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Restart activity through Invitation Console:

Select the Invitation ID for which you want to restart the benefits activity. Click "Info and Actions" and select "Restart Activity" under Actions.


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Restart activity through Elasticsearch:

Click on the Keyword Search icon and select "Invitations" in the Category drop down. Search with a suitable keyword.

Here, Invitation ID is used as the search keyword. This action displays the invitation in the search results. Click on actions and select "Restart Activities".


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Select from the Restart Group dropdown which activity you want to restart. Each option in the Restart Group is a collection of different activities that was previously configured.  

To restart benefits activities, select "Correction to Benefit Forms" option from the Restart Group dropdown.


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Enter a comment explaining the reason for restarting the activity and click "Submit".


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Click "Ok" to continue.


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The confirmation message shows as below:


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The New Hire will receive the following email about the restarted activity.


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After the restart, the benefit activities will appear under pending tasks for the new hire. By clicking on the link, the new hire can open the activity and complete it.


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Restart Process:

This option will restart the entire New Hire's process.

Restart process through the Invitation Console:

Select the Invitation ID for which you want to restart the process. Click "Info and Actions" and select "Restart Process" under Actions.


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Restart process through Keyword Search:

Click on the Keyword Search icon and select "Invitations" in the Category drop down. Enter the keyword in the "Keywords" field and click "Search".

Here, Invitation ID is used as the search keyword. This displays the invitation in the search results. Click on actions and select "Restart Process".


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Click "OK" to continue.


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This sends an email to the New Hire confirming that the process has been restarted.


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The New Hire needs to complete the onboarding process again, starting with the electronic disclosure. They can edit the benefit forms in the process and resubmit to HR.


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