Use this to reset a user's password.
- The New Hire's invitation must have been launched.
- The current user must have the Help Desk Analyst role.
How to reset a user's password?
The Help Desk Analyst can use the following ways to reset a user's password.
- Help Desk Console → Info and Actions
- Elasticsearch → Manage Accounts actions
Using Help Desk Console
Click the Menu icon and then select "Help Desk Console" under Consoles or click "Help Desk Console" link on the Quick links bar.
Menu |
Select an invitation that has been launched. Click Info and Actions.
Help Desk Console Page |
Under Actions tab, select Reset Password.
Click "OK" on the message.
A message confirms the password reset link has been emailed to the user. Click Close.
The following is the sample email sent to the user. By clicking on the link given in the email, the user can set up the new password.
The Reset Password page shows as below. Enter New Password, Confirm Password and click on the Reset Password button.
This shows the user password has been changed. Click on OK to logout and login with the new password to continue.
The user also receives the following email about their account password change.
Using Elasticsearch actions
Using Manage Accounts in Elasticsearch, Help Desk Analysts can reset New Hire's account password.
Click on the Elasticsearch icon, select Manage Accounts in the Category and enter the search keyword. You can use any of the Manage Accounts related search keyword options such as the employee's Invitation ID, Name, Email, Phone, Account Status, Product, Company, Business Unit etc.
In the search results, click on "..." for any invitation and select "Reset Password".
Click "Yes" on the message to confirm.
A message confirms the password reset link has been emailed to the user.
Given below is the sample email sent to the user. By clicking the link given in the email, the user can reset their password.
The Reset Password page shows as below. Enter New Password, Confirm Password and click on Reset Password.
A message displays the password has been changed. Click on OK to logout and login again with the new password to continue.
The user also receives the following email confirming their account password has been reset.