The HR activities include Verify Information, Complete Job Details (ADP) and Send Candidate Data to ADP.
Verify Information
Review the onboarding information submitted by the New Hire. If it is not correct, you will need to restart an earlier activity for the New Hire, or restart the New Hire's process.
If the submitted information is correct, click on the checkbox to acknowledge.
Complete Job Details
The Complete Job Details page allows users to review or edit the New Hire’s information before sending the data to ADP. By default, the data captured during the onboarding process is populated in their respective fields on this page. However, users have the flexibility to modify this populated data if necessary. Additionally, if any fields are empty and require values to be sent to ADP, you can enter the appropriate data in those fields on this page. This ensures that all the required information is captured and sent to ADP.
The Complete Job Details page will have the data displayed in sections as shown below.
Note: When setting up ADP-related configurations through Organization Management, System Administrators can configure the sections that appear on the Complete Job Details page. For more details, please click here.
A sample Complete Job Details page with sections/fields supported by ADP for data integration are shown below:
Expand each section and fill out the data. For more details on completing these section, please click here.
After entering information in the Complete Job Details sections above, save the details.
Send Candidate Data to ADP
This is the final step before sending the candidate's data to ADP. To proceed, acknowledge the review of documents by checking the box at the bottom of the page, then click the "Send Candidate Data to ADP" button.
Clicking the "Send Candidate Data to ADP" button initiates the integration between Smart Onboarding and ADP, creating the employee in ADP after a successful data push.
Note: Ensure the “AllowHRISByPass” property under Product Preferences is turned ON for the Organization. If this property is OFF, the integration will not be triggered, and the activity will be completed by simply clicking the "Save" button. For more details on Product Preferences, please click here.
Click on the "Download Signed Forms" option if you want to collect and preserve employee's information.
After a successful data push, the associate ID generated in ADP will be displayed at the bottom of the Complete Job Details page as shown below:
The integrated employee data can be verified by logging into the ADP system. Please click here to review the details.
Note: If "Skip System Update" is selected in Complete Job Details, then the "Send Candidate Data to HR" button will not be available and the New Hire integration does not happen.
The "Save" button will be present at the bottom to save the activity.
When does an employee is considered as a rehire?
An employee is considered as a rehire if the employee already exists with the given SSN in ADP and is terminated. When the rehire employee data is sent to ADP, the Rehire Date, Rehire Reason and the Direct Deposit details will be updated in ADP and the employee status will again change to "Active". This process is explained in detail below with an example:
To verify the employee details in ADP, search with the employee name as shown below.
The Hire Date and the Status can be verified under Profiles details. Before terminating, the employee status will be "Active". The SSN of the employee can be viewed under Tax ID by navigating to the Personal tab:
Before rehire details are sent to ADP, the Rehire Date and Rehire Reason will be empty for the employee. This can be verified by navigating to Employment Profile (Employment tab) under "Status" section as shown below. The values in these fields will be updated after the employee rehire data is sent to ADP.
To view the Direct Deposit details navigate to employee's Pay Profile. For more details on navigating to employee's Pay Profile, please click here.
For the employee to be eligible as a rehire, the employee must be terminated in ADP. When the employee is terminated, the "Active" status will be updated to "Terminated" as shown below.
In Smart Onboarding, when the Complete Job Details page loads, the system checks for the presence of an employee with the given Social Security Number (SSN) in ADP and verifies if that employee has been terminated. If an employee with the same SSN already exists in ADP and is found to be terminated, the employee will be considered as a rehire and a message will be shown at the top of the page.
If an employee exists with the given Social Security Number (SSN) and is not terminated in ADP, then the employee is not considered as rehire. The following error message will display on the "Send Candidate Data to HR" page when the employee data is integrated with ADP.
When the rehire data is successfully sent to ADP, the Rehire Date, Rehire Reason and the new Direct Deposit details will be updated in ADP and the employee status will again change to "Active".
The details can be verified by searching with the employee name in ADP as shown below.
The Rehire Date, Pervious Termination Date and the Rehire Reason can be verified under Employment Profile:
The Direct Deposit details of the rehire can be verified under employee's Pay Profile. For more details on navigating to employee's Pay Profile, please click here.