Employment agreements (or offer letters) are a common addition to the onboarding process. This section includes an example of creating an Employment Agreement and incorporating it into the invitation and business process of the New Hire.
The same process can be used to include any kind of data at the time of invitation, and later reference/utilize that data in the onboarding process.
Why do you need an Employment Agreement?
Employment Agreements are created to record the terms of employment for the New Hire, and for the New Hire to acknowledge these terms.
Who can create Employment Agreements?
Roles | Access |
System Administrator |
Process Administrator |
Content Administrator |
How do you create an Employment Agreement?
Creating an Employment Agreement consists of the following steps:
- Create an Attribute Revision and add a Smart Form for entering the employment information on the invitation.
- Create a Content Revision and add a Smart Form for the New Hire's acknowledgement of the employment information.
- Create a Process Revision to associate the two Smart Forms as part of an activity in the New Hire's business process.
Create an Attribute Revision and add a Smart Form for entering the employment information on the invitation.
To create the first Smart Form as part of the Employment Agreement, click the Menu icon. Select Create Revision under Revisions.
Menu |
From this page, an Administrative User can either search for an existing revision to modify, or they can select Add a New Value if they wish to create a brand new revision.
Create Process Revision |
Enter the descriptive information, then click Reserve.
Reserve Process Revision |
Click Configure.
Configure |
Click Employment Agreement and click the child icon.
Employment Agreement |
Enter the descriptive information, then click Save.
Revision Attributes |
Click the Smart Form icon of the newly created Employment Agreement.
Smart Form Icon |
Enter the Smart Form information (Override is optional). Click Create/View Form Fields to add Form Fields.
Smart Form Header Information |
Click Add a New Value.
Add Form Fields |
Enter the Description, Type, and Length for the first field to be shown on the form, then click Save. Repeat this process for each field to be shown on the form.
Form Field Information |
Click Insert Form Field.
Insert Form Fields |
Select the Input Type, then click Look Up.
Insert Form Field |
The Look Up list shows all the Form Fields that were added earlier. Select the one that you would like to show first on the form.
Look Up Form Field |
Check the Mandatory and Display Label Colon boxes, if desired, then click OK.
Repeat this process for all fields that you would like to show on the form, then click Save.
Insert Additional Form Fields |
Click Return to Manage Revision.
Return to Manage Revision |
Click Apply, then click OK to confirm.
Apply Process Revision |
If the revision has not been applied, the Smart Form is available to be used in a later step.
Create a Content Revision and add a Smart Form for the New Hire's acknowledgement of the employment information.
To create the first Smart Form that will show in the New Hire's onboarding process, click the Menu icon. Select Create Revision under Revisions.
Menu |
From this page, an Administrative User can either search for an existing revision to modify, or they can select Add a New Value if they wish to create a brand new revision.
Create Content Revision |
Enter the descriptive information, then click Reserve.
Reserve Content Revision |
Click Configure.
Configure Content Revision |
Click Add in the Smart Forms section..
Manage Revision |
Enter the Smart Form information. Position the cursor to where you want the first bind value to show. Click Insert Binds.
Define Smart Form |
Click Look Up to select the bind variable.
Insert Bind |
Select the binds that you would like to insert. Navigate to Common and select Attributes and select the binds under Employment Agreement.
Look Up Bind Variable |
After selecting the bind, click OK.
Manage Revision |
Follow the same procedure for inserting other binds. Once all bind variables are inserted, click Save.
Define Smart Form |
On the Manage Content Revision Page, click Return to Manage Revision.
Manage Revision |
Manage Revision |
Create a Process Revision to associate the new Smart Form as part of an activity in the New Hire's business process.
To associate the Smart Form as part of the Employment Agreement, click the Menu icon. Select Create Revision under Revisions.
Menu |
From this page, an Administrative User can either search for an existing revision to modify, or they can select Add a New Value at the top of the page if they wish to create a brand new revision.
Create Process Revision |
Enter the descriptive information, then click Reserve.
Reserve Process Revision |
Click Configure.
Configure |
Navigate to the new Employment Agreement, then click the Employment Agreement icon.
Employment Agreement |
Select the Employment Agreement that was just created, then click Save.
Save Contextual Content Revision |
Click Return to Manage Revision.
Manage Revision |
Click Apply.
Apply Revision |
The employment agreement has been created and will now begin to appear in the invitation and onboarding process.
How does an Employment Agreement show in the invitation and onboarding process?
After an Employment Agreement has been created and the revisions have been applied, it will show in both the invitation and the New Hire's onboarding process.
How is the information entered on the invitation?
Please refer to New Hire Invitation for the steps needed to navigate to and create an invitation. Here we show only the entries related to the new employment agreement.
Notice that the Employment Agreement field is now available for entry on the invitation. Click the Lookup icon.
Invitation |
Select the Employment Agreement.
Select Employment Agreement |
Click Employment Agreement Attributes.
Employment Agreement Attributes |
Enter the information for this New Hire, then click Accept.
Enter Employment Information |
After entering the details, save and launch the invitation.
Where is the information shown and acknowledged in the onboarding process?
The Employment Agreement activity shown in the New Hire's onboarding process. Click Acknowledge to complete the activity.
Employment Agreement |