Companies or Business Units that are enrolled in E-Verify must be added in this setup to interact with the USCIS E-Verify System. This step is not needed if the Company is not planning to use E-Verify.
Who can access DHS Client Setup?
The System Administrator is the only user who can access the DHS Client Setup.
How do you access DHS Client Setup?
Click the Menu icon.
Under Integration select DHS Client Setup.
Menu |
What are the fields on DHS Client Setup page?
The fields on the DHS Client Setup page are explained below:
Smart I-9 DHS Client Setup Page |
Field | Action |
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Allow Batch DHS Case Creation |
How to add a company to this setup?
Click 'Add' to add a new company to this setup.
DHS Client Setup |
A new row is added as shown below. Click on the lookup icon to choose the Company.
Select the Company that you want to add.
Enter DHS web services User and Password details. Click Save.
If you want to make sure the current setup is correct, click on Verify Connectivity link for the company that you just added.
Verify Connectivity |
The below message is displayed if the connection is successful.
Message |
How to set up DHS client for a Business Unit?
If you want to perform employment eligibility verification at the Business Unit level, you can have DHS client setup for each business unit.
Change the I-9 Legal Entity Driver to Business Unit. Note: The system is delivered with Company as the Default value.
The DHS Client Setup page.will have Business Unit field as shown below.
DHS Client Setup for Business Unit |
Click on the lookup icon for browsing through Business Units.
Business Unit look up |
Choose the Business Unit for which you want to have DHS setup. Save the above information.
How to set up default case submitter details?
The case submitter details are collected for batch initiating the E-Verify process instead of creating case manually for each newly hired employee.
The option is visible on DHS Client Setup page when you click "Allow Batch DHS Case Creation" check box. Click on "Default Case Submitter Details".
Batch DHS Case Creation |
Enter case submitters details.and click OK. This information is used for all the DHS cases that are intiated as a batch process for that legal entity.
What is DHS Auto Case creation and Submit process?
The case submitter details given in the DHS Client Password Setup is used for Batch case creation purpose. A batch process is scheduled to run to create cases that are awaiting DHS verification and to close multiple Employee Authorized cases. When the process is run, an email notification is sent out to the case submitter with all the cases submitted and their status.
Navigate to People Tools >> Process Scheduler >> System Process Requests. Click Add a New Value and enter Run Control ID. Click Add.
To submit the process request click Run.
Select the process and click OK (given at the bottom of the page). The batch submission process checks for the duplicates before create a case with the DHS.
The DHS case is created only if there are no duplicates.
Navigate to Process Monitor to view the process details. After the process is run successfully, an email notification is sent out to the case submitter with all cases submitted and their status.
Given below is a sample email sent out after the batch process is run.